One Community is happy to feature and thank Maurilio Souza as our most recent member of the Engineering Team. Maurilio spent the last two months working on structural calculations and AutoCAD details for the Duplicable City Center.
4th-year Civil Engineering Student: Maurilio is a Brazilian Civil Engineering student with internship experiences in two Brazilian companies. One of them is a construction company in which he worked for six months on the construction of a 30-floor residential building. The other one is an office of design and consultancy of concrete structures, where he acquired good computer skills through over a year of experience. He also has worked on two research projects on “Optimization of Trusses” with one of his professors in Brazil. In those projects he developed computer programs that allow the user to obtain the optimum combination of sections, among available sections, for the bars of the trusses. In this context, optimum combination means the one that comes up with the lightest (and cheapest) possible stable structure. The research he did about saving materials made him more interested in sustainability. Furthermore, as a future Civil Engineer, he is pleased to know that he can help build a sustainable world, throughout saving commonly used materials or even selecting a new one that could bring lower impact to the environment. As a member of the One Community team, Maurilio’s focus was on structural calculations and AutoCAD details for the Duplicable City Center.
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