Creating a Sustainable Path to Fulfilled Living and World Change – One Community Weekly Progress Update #41

One Community is creating a sustainable path to fulfilled living and world change through open source blueprinting a self-replicating solution that addresses all of humanity’s most pressing problems at the same time. We see innovative and multi-disciplinary solutions that simultaneously address these areas as the… Read More

Creating Global Solutions – One Community Weekly Progress Update #40

One Community feels that creating global solutions through philanthropy and humanitarianism for purely altruistic reasons isn’t working sufficiently. Our approach to addressing this is developing and demonstrating a living model that provides specific benefits most people want while… Read More

Sustainable Civilization Building – One Community Weekly Progress Update #39

One Community is a non-profit organization purposed for open source sustainable civilization building and design. Phase I includes Highest Good approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit business design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We see open source and free-sharing solutions to these interconnected and interdependent… Read More