Posted on May 6, 2018
We should be cooperating with nature rather than destroying it. We can do this using permaculture, sustainable building methods, and sustainable energy infrastructure. One Community is open sourcing cooperative and sustainable tutorials and DIY instructions for these areas as… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Cooperating With Nature, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI
Posted on April 29, 2018
Abundant natural systems already exist that are capable of supporting our global and growing population. What is needed is intelligent and ethical stewardship to help protect, develop, and further leverage their effectiveness and application. Integration and expansion of… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Abundant Natural Systems, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update
Posted on April 22, 2018
Imagine a world where Highest Good decision making is the norm. It seems reasonable to think that one way to get there could be by providing for people’s needs through a replicable lifestyle of abundance built on thinking,… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Highest Good Decision Making, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking
Posted on April 8, 2018
Now more than ever the planet could benefit from earth-care teacher demonstration hubs. One Community is an all-volunteer nonprofit building a global collaboration to create them for what we call “The Highest Good” of all people and life… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Earth-Care Teacher/Demonstration Hubs, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society
Posted on April 1, 2018
Bio-social progress is sustainable progress built on a foundation of cooperative social and ecological consciousness. If enough of us participate, humanity can pass the tipping point necessary to establish ourselves as a sustainable civilization. This will benefit all… Read More
Category: Community, One Community, Basics of One Community Tags: Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Bio-Social Progress, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm
Posted on March 25, 2018
It’s time for a human eco-synthesis capable of regenerating our planet through intelligent and conscientious stewardship. One Community is forwarding this process through open source and sustainable approaches to all aspects of living. A global cooperative of teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Human Eco-Synthesis, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions
Posted on March 18, 2018
Living simply as a key to happiness, it it possible? We think it is worth finding out and we’re creating open source and free-shared designs to help others who agree. They are DIY replicable, sustainable, and cover food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Living Simply — A Key to Happiness, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building
Posted on March 11, 2018
Sustainable civilization strategies are needed if we are to achieve a sustainable planet. One Community is creating them as open source and free-shared and covering food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Sustainable Civilization Strategies
Posted on March 4, 2018
Jack Reed said, “The solution to everything is the solution to anything.” One Community thinks this is true and is creating open source blueprints, tools, tutorials, and do-it-yourself instructions for sustainable living models purposed to demonstrate and support this…. Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: non profit, food forest, The Solution to Everything Is The Solution to Anything, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible, walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building
Posted on February 25, 2018
How about addressing climate change with sustainable communities? One Community is an all-volunteer nonprofit forwarding this through a global collaboration for The Highest Good of all people and life on our planet using open source and free-shared sustainability components that include food, energy, and housing, education, for-profit and… Read More
Category: Basics of One Community, Community, One Community Tags: walipini, Highest Good education, sustainable community building, non profit, food forest, Addressing Climate Change with Sustainable Communities, for the highest good of all, sustainable civilization building, Earthbag Village, creating global solutions, Highest Good housing, creating a new world paradigm, Highest Good food, the betterment of society, Education for Life update, creating holistic transformational change, solution based thinking, solutions that create solutions, straw bale village, One Community Update, One Community progress, regenerative world building, AQUAPINI, Education For Life progress, Duplicable City Center Hub, open source, transforming the global environment, better is possible
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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