Paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges are needed if we are to create sustainable and global changes. Making sustainable living easy enough, accessible enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough so most people desire to live this way can… Read More
Creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability is one path to a world that works for everyone. Through open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models purposed to provide a healthier, sustainable and more enjoyable living experience, we can create world change founded on providing a better… Read More
Let’s engage in pragmatic utopia creation. The solutions to the greatest challenges our world is currently facing already exist. A world that works for everyone is no longer an unachievable idealistic dream. Through open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models purposed… Read More
Global game-changing solutions can transform our planet and create a sustainable future. We believe open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models are viable forms of these game-changing solutions. They can be implemented by small groups in almost any location around… Read More
Sustainable civilization design and implementation can be accomplished through open source sustainability components covering and combining food, energy, housing, education, economics, recreation, and stewardship practices. Self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models that make all components easier, more affordable, and more… Read More
Engineering our own green future is possible and beneficial for all people and life on our planet. For the first time in the history of humanity, open source sustainability components can be developed and globally shared and produced. Putting these… Read More
Building an eco-bridge between idealism and pragmatism is possible through open source sustainability components. The path to accomplishing this is to inspire people with a working model. This model should be designed for widespread appeal by being affordable, applicable across a diversity… Read More
Making sustainability mainstream is a process of making it easy enough, affordable enough, and demonstrating it as having enough value for sustainability ideas to spread on their own. This can be accomplished through an open source approach that combines physical sustainability (food, energy, housing)… Read More
Active ecological reinvention of our world is possible and happening. Through an open source approach to combining physical sustainability (food, energy, housing) with emotional sustainability (education, recreation, business creation, and Earth stewardship) we can create and involve people in a better quality of living that… Read More
A better quality of living for all people, everywhere, is possible. It can be sustainable, environmentally regenerative, provide more free time, more things to do with that time and help others to live a higher quality of life… Read More