Creating a more sustainable lifestyle is something most people feel would be beneficial both individually and for the planet. Interestingly enough, most people think of a “sustainable lifestyle” as primarily sustainable food, energy, and housing. We feel adding fulfilled living, Education, sustainable economics and earth… Read More
A world of people living and creating for The Highest Good of All is possible if replicable solutions for society can be created that sustainably meets people’s needs. From this place of abundance and “having enough,” people will have the comfort… Read More
Sustainable world building is a process of building (and regenerating) our planet to meet humanity’s needs for the foreseeable future. If this is to be achieved, we need a holistic model that recognizes the interrelationship and interdependence of the areas that… Read More
A new paradigm for ecological living is possible through open source sustainability. Collaboratively creating affordable, replicable, sustainable, and desirable solutions for DIY food, housing, energy, education, recreation, and economics can create a world that works for everyone. One Community… Read More
Creating a sustainable world is a path to helping all people, everywhere. The components of this sustainable world will spread faster if they move beyond just food, energy, and housing to also include recreation, education, Highest Good economics,… Read More
Eco-renovating the standard of living is one path to building a sustainable world. This means building a new way of life (for all those who desire it) based on sustainable living principles that provide a better and more affordable living… Read More
Creating the world we know is possible, a sustainable world capable of meeting everyone’s needs, will happen as soon as enough people want it and participate in creating it. Enrolling people in the process can take many forms…. Read More
Paradigm shifting approaches to persistent global challenges are needed if we are to create sustainable and global changes. Making sustainable living easy enough, accessible enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough so most people desire to live this way can… Read More
Creating proactive, innovative, and duplicable sustainability is one path to a world that works for everyone. Through open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models purposed to provide a healthier, sustainable and more enjoyable living experience, we can create world change founded on providing a better… Read More
Let’s engage in pragmatic utopia creation. The solutions to the greatest challenges our world is currently facing already exist. A world that works for everyone is no longer an unachievable idealistic dream. Through open source and self-replicating and self-sustainable teacher/demonstration models purposed… Read More