Solutioneering Our Future – One Community Weekly Progress Update #67

One Community is solutioneering our future with open source approaches to food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. Our purpose for doing this is to demonstrate living and creating for The Highest Good of All as a… Read More

Jump-starting Sustainable Civilizations – One Community Weekly Progress Update #64

One Community is addressing the foundations of holistic, regenerative, and self-sufficient living (food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more) as a path to jump-starting sustainable civilizations. Specifically, we are open source and free-sharing all the blueprints, tools, tutorials, and DIY… Read More

Sustainable and Free-shared Solutions – One Community Weekly Progress Update #63

One Community is here to create sustainable and free-shared solutions for food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economics design, social architecture, fulfilled living, stewardship practices and more. We are here to open source and free-shared all the blueprints, tools, tutorials, and DIY approaches for The Highest Good of… Read More