Posted on September 4, 2022 by One Community
One Community welcomes Yan Xu to the Software Development Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Yan graduated from Northeastern University with a Master’s degree in Data Analytics. She is full of passion for Computer Science and a master in Java, Python, and SQL. She is now working at One Community to leverage React (redux, native, hook, router), Node.js, and Express.js to create new functional features for both the front end and back end of the Highest Good Network Application. Yan is a developer as well as a reviewer of pull requests from Github. She loves coding and this work because it allows her to apply and further develop her skills while helping to make the world a better and more beautiful place.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on September 4, 2022 by One Community
Humanity becoming responsible stewards for our planet means engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems and integrating this into our design, construction, and living models. One Community is doing this with open source and free-shared DIY plans covering food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. We call this living and creating for “The Highest Good of All“.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the September 4th, 2022 edition (#493) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team continued creating the Aircrete Engineering and Research: Compression Testing, Mix Ratios, R-value, and More page. We updated and resized images and reloaded text with related external / internal links and anchors for these sections: Initial Trial Phase, Planning Phase Revisited, Trial Phase Revisited, Compression Testing Phase, Test Parameters, and Materials. We also created two spreadsheets and loaded them into the website. Images below show some of this work-in-progress.
Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 81st week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey and Bear had a great conversation to review pending questions on the instructions. There were a few key issues to be talked out in the components section regarding gang boxes and outlet covers. We reviewed all the descriptions and drawings of all the components. The slider switches have now all been combined together into one component and without making any drastic changes, we were able to streamline the electrical pieces. The combining components is important in understanding the engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. Screenshots below relate to this work.
This week Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 41st week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela started off by finishing the final touches on the narrative for the “Full Depth Reclamation” subsection under “Flexible Pavement Design”. She then added more narrative to the “Rubberized Asphalt” subsection and researched information for the “Overlay” subsection. As Daniela continued to incorporate more research, she wrote more narrative for subsections concerning the “Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer” too.
In addition, as Daniela was finishing up the narrative for the “Flexible Pavement Design Section” she decided that she’d like to research more information on both the California “Bearing Ratio Test” subsection along with the “AASHTO” equation subsection. This week she also started more research on the CBR test and read through multiple resources in order to find reliable and relatable material to write about. Employing such research mechanisms is essential in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. Pictures below are related to this work.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 24th week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems of the Earthbag Village. ‹â€¹This week Diwei corrected the water jet model and added a control panel into the mechanical room of the Duplicable City Center hot tub. The modeling files were then uploaded. Calculation of a storm drain was completed too. The procedures for determining peak discharge of inlets and drain pipes sizes were presented and an Excel for those calculations was created. Pictures below show some of this work.
Philip Bogaerts (Structural Window Designer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on completing the Most Sustainable Windows and Doors research to understand the engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. This week Philip did research on cradle-to-cradle glass manufacturers and frame manufacturers. Afterwards he worked on ‘understanding windows’, where he compared double and triple glazing, the type of gas filling, types of coatings and the frames.
These parts are not finalized yet, since they still need some optimization, but all the information is there already. Finally, Philip started with the “Doors” section, where he is still doing research and comparing different materials to see which ones are the best in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team began working on finalizing comments made on the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering final report and solar sizing spreadsheet and document. We emailed past researchers for the remaining answers/work needed. The same team member also started double checking the calculations and functionality of the Omnivore Vegan Multiplier tab for the menu spreadsheet. Consulting researchers really helps the team in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. See the pictures below.
Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 57th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs and engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. This week Luis made another round of edits for the content to be added to the website. This was based on team feedback and edits should conclude next week so Luis can transition into a new project. Pictures below are related to this work.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 45th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Huiya worked on modeling the outdoor landscape in the SketchUp model after importing the CAD drawing of the outdoor landscape. There were too many disconnected short lines, so she spent time cleaning those lines first. Such cleaning processes is useful in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 42nd week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code as a mechanism in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. This week Yuxi continued to finalize the SketchUp model to prepare it for rendering. This included wall and column protrusions, Social Dome door and window fixes, and furniture that was still hanging in the air. The model was then imported into Lumion, double checked for layer material properties, and it was found that many objects require material assignments. An initial rendering for the Dining Dome second floor was created for review too. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yujue Wang (Architectural Designer) completed her 13th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Yujue continued the development of the Duplicable City Center Interior Design by updating the design of Room 8, Nautical-themed room. She finished the renderings, presentation, Cost analysis, AutoCAD, and SketchUp model. See below for pictures related to this work.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 11th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. At the beginning of the week, Gabriela did a render of the bathroom to see how it would look. Jae suggested a wallpaper to get deeper into the theme, but she discovered that the material would not last in the wet environment of a bathroom. It was then suggested to change the type of tiles, so Gabriela presented a diversity of models/colors/ideas to chose from. The connection creation between themes and environment, becomes essential when engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 11th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week Jessica exchanged one of the arm chairs so both were ones that turned into a bed. After a couple of tries, she decided to change the gray colors of both armchairs/bed, she picked a warmer color, a clear pink rose.
Changing these, Jessica also needed to rearrange the 3D model so both arm chairs could fit (they are very big chairs) and change the shape of the carpet. She also needed to do all the rendered images again as a process of engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems; so a total of 12 rendered images were then completed and added to her folder on Dropbox. See below for some pictures of this work.
Charles Gooley (Web Designer) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on completing the City Center Dome Hub Connector Engineering webpage. This week, Charles started creating a web page for the City Center Dome Hub Connector using content from the development Google Doc. This project highlights the research and design methods used by the team to ensure the safety and manufacturability of the City Center Dome Hub Connectors and engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems.
First Charles extracted the images in the Google Doc by downloading it as a web page. This method saves the images in a separate folder called images. The images are named image1, image2, etc., so each image needs to be given an appropriate name when uploaded to the web page. Then Charles created a table of contents. One of the comments he received was to remove any punctuation marks, so he deleted all the question marks. Next, Charles migrated content from the Google Doc to the web page following the general formatting rules including removing unintentional html code, ensuring that all content is correctly justified, etc.
Charles set the width of all images to 640px, except for images set to 320px that were side by side. He positioned two images side by side by creating div’s with widths of 50%, floated left. Images were given a border of 2px solid black and a title tag that generated a popup message when hovered over with the mouse. There was one exception to the border for the image that depicted the equations showing the compressive and tensile stresses. Finally, Charles corrected the comment that the social media links were displayed using a shortcode. He migrated content up through the “Researchers” section of the page. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We continued our 3-Day Menu Block review and we also coordinated with Stacey on the Murphy Bed doc by resolving existing comments and designating specific terminology for electrical components including face plates, outlets, switches, dimmers, gang boxes etc. Pictures below relate to this.
Marilyn Nzegwu (Chef and Culinary Consultant) completed her 19th week helping with the completion of the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plans. This week Marilyn started to review meals for Second Week menu blocks. She began by reviewing recipes on already completed menu blocks and adding missing omnivore/vegan protein recipes to menus that had simple or no vegan or omnivore protein recipes. She ended the week by researching and creating recipes on Second Week D and Second Week E menu blocks. The pictures below relate to this work.
Julia Meaney (Researcher and Personal Assistant to Jae) also joined the team and completed her first week. This week’s focus was helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan spreadsheet updates. This week she designed a new formatting for both the Transition Kitchen Recipe Build Out and the Master Recipe Template spreadsheets in order that they may be more easily navigable for data entry, and better organized and legible for printing. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. We’ll report on the final two elements to be finished as we develop them for engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems.
With over 8 years of work invested in the process of engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 21st week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. This week, Adolph focused on finalizing the design processes of the structural engineering design and detailing elements. He also focused on the key aspects governing fire resistance and protection of timber coupled with compiling a detailed engineering report. Enhancing the strength and security of elements achieves the goal of engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems Screenshots of his work are below.
One Community is engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 17 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.
The core team also completed more rounds of reviewing and giving feedback on the new overview videos Arthur is developing (see below).
Yiyun Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 21st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun put most of her time into implementing the feature “same folder tasks as current task”. She finished the first half of it, implementing the feature on the level 1 tasks, so the sameFolderTasks page will lead to the current level 1 task’s WBS page. Next week Yiyun will work on the same feature for the level 2/3/4 tasks. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 17th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries and PR 493 and 183. In terms of software development, Eiki continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He completed the implementation of Jae’s requested feature of editing task edit suggestions so that admins can edit suggestions before approving them and submitting them to the backend. Eiki also fixed the bug with the resource search resulting in undefined members. Having clearly defined members will be engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. See pictures below for some of this work.
Vera Timokhina (Software Engineer) completed her 12th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vera finished the component for pagination and handled border cases covering when all data fits on one page, when there are less than 5 pages, and when the selected page is the last or the first. Now the WBS table and the project members table are wrapped in the pagination component, so if the table contains more than 6 elements, then the paging buttons appear. Vera also created a new look for the WBS table and the project members table on the project reports page, then she started redesigning the Tasks Details table. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. For this week, Yan revised her code and updated the PR. She also continued working on the function where the user status will change from active to inactive when reaching a specific date. To solve this problem, Yan tried to use the package cronJob to schedule the task on node.js. The activeness or inactiveness, therefore, establishes the connection of components in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also completed his 5th week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week, Arthur worked on delivering the first two versions of the What Is It video and working on fixing the previous videos as well. This included a lot of discussing the main page video with Jae to organize how this video will look. Another big project for the week was to finish the outro video. Two new versions have been delivered to create a clear picture in engaging the interconnectedness of natural systems. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Posted on August 28, 2022 by One Community
Accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible means minimizing our negative impact and maximizing our regenerative impact. One Community is designing solutions for this purpose. This addresses all aspects of a sustainable civilization: food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 28th, 2022 edition (#492) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team continued creating the Aircrete Engineering and Research: Compression Testing, Mix Ratios, R-value, and More page. We reloaded some content using the Control+Shift+V command to avoid bringing hidden codes into the website. We also fixed misalignment of paragraph icons, created anchors for the “Aircrete Engineering Process Summary” section, inserted external/internal links, and started to resize and insert images. This is also essential in accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. Images below show some of this work-in-progress.
Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 80th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey worked on updating a few of the older sketches and looking at areas that still might be confusing. Some of the sketches still had the larger boards shown as 1 piece of wood instead of the 2 pieces we now use, so those were corrected and made as consistent as possible. She also went through and tried to make sure the way that movement instructional arrows were being used made sense.
There are also some pages where the text is much larger than others so we are changing this to be more of a range of 24-36pt text regardless of empty page space. Screenshots below show some of her latest updates.
This week Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 40th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development and accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. This week Daniela started off by reviewing the past work she had done since she has been out for two weeks. She then continued working on the flexible pavements design section as a whole. Daniela began by addressing her previous comments from the top of the section down to the bottom. She altered the introduction paragraph in order to make it flow better and introduce the topics she mentioned in the section.
After some review, Daniela also deleted some comments after determining that they were not necessary. In addition, she defined some terms to make the narrative clearer to the reader and added one term to the glossary. Daniela made the most changes in the Maintenance and Rehabilitation sections. She researched and found more information since some of the methods of maintenance seemed to be similar. She then wrote more narrative based on her previous comments requesting further information on a method and added more information for clarity. Pictures below are related to this work.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 23rd week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. ‹â€¹This week Diwei illustrated a more general, straightforward, and systematic procedure for the stormwater drains design. Firstly, a national weather service website was used to generate the rainfall IDF curves. Secondly, the duration of rainfall for the design was calculated by using the time of concentration and the travel time.
With a given return period, such as 500-yr, and the calculated time for concentration, the rainfall intensity can be obtained by reading the IDF curves. A drainage system for half the main roadway of the Earthbag Village with five inlets and divided into six catchment sections was used to illustrate the procedures of using the rational method to estimate the peak discharges of the drains’ inlets. The type of surface, the area, and the time of concentration for each section were determined. The peak discharge for the first inlet was calculated. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ben Missimer (Permaculture Designer and Designer and GIS Technician) joined the team and completed his 1st week working on creating update maps for the complete One Community planned property and Highest Good Housing plan. He put in over 70 hours this week to generate the detailed and professional maps, thus, ensuring that accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible is efficient. See the pictures below.
One Community is accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 56th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis continued the final review of the City Center Spa Design website narrative. After receiving feedback from Jae, Luis was able to make the needed adjustments and restructure some sections to create a cohesive presentation of the research. There are only a handful of adjustments left when it comes to accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. Pictures below are related to this work.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 44th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code, which helps in accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. This week Huiya tried to find a method to solve a problem with our dormer window sizes. Her casement window option has its own disadvantages though. She then accomplished the work of updating all the dormer windows in the dining dome on the first and second floors. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 10th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Gabriela made 3 new renders improving the quality of the images and lights. She also worked on the bathroom, making some improvements and changes, like the wall finishes, and mirror. Gabriela updated the images with new ones and the cost analysis table with all the new bathroom items too. The improvements made, makes accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible easy. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 10th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. Jessica focused her work on 3D Model, adding more details, fixing textures of finishing and configuring render images. She switched the armchair to one that turns into a bed, added a lamp for the living room, another lamp for the entrance hall, and a fake structure of wood to give the room a rustic look. For the bathroom, Jessica added a carpet, lamp and final test renders. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We reviewed more recipes on the 3-Day Menu Block doc. Suggestions were made for salt reduction based on not exceeding 1500 mg on the lower end and not exceeding 2300 mg of sodium on the upper end, though lower is advised. Comments were made questioning the necessity of excessively salting pasta too. Sentence structure and recipe content from a healthy viewpoint were the main focus. Attention to the comments and recipe content is important in accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible sustainably. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team additionally worked with Brian Storz (Culinary Project Manager) (completing his 25th week helping) to review all comments on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan master Google Doc of recipes to make appropriate substitutions for every ingredient not on the Master List to ensure there is clear accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible.
Marilyn Nzegwu (Chef and Culinary Consultant) completed her 18th week helping with the completion of the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plans. This week Marilyn continued to review recipes on menu blocks replying comments and fixing recipes based on suggestions. She also added protein meals to recipes that had simple or no substitute vegan or omnivore proteins, checking to make sure ingredients were on the approved list. She finally highlighted the recipes that have been completed and are ready for finalization, for possible accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. The pictures below relate to this work.
One Community is accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
One Community is accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 18 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this. See the pictures below.
The core team also completed multiple rounds of reviewing and giving feedback on the new overview videos Arthur is developing (see the pictures below).
Yiyun Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 20th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun finished a rework on her previous PRs and got them approved/merged. She investigated the medium #2 volunteering times bug while waiting for her own PR to be approved. Turns out it’s not an easy one and needs more than 10 hours of work.
That bug needs backend changes, also there are duplicate fields called ‘categoryTangibleHrs’ and ‘hoursByCategory’. After that Yiyun began work on the feature where people can see tasks in the same folder, and will continue on that next week. This is eases the way of accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 16th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries. He also reviewed PR 486 and PR 175. In terms of software development, Eiki continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He started implementing Jae’s request feature of editing task edit suggestions so that admins can edit suggestions before approving them and submitting them to the backend; as mechanism of accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. See pictures below for some of this work.
Jason Kim (Software Engineer) completed his 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jason continued to work on the timelog button feature. Last week, Jason had the issue of trying to expand the timelog table to span two columns when clicking on a timelog button. With Vera’s help, Jason was able to get it to enlarge as shown on the screenshot. He is now working on implementing the timelog color on the timelog table itself. Accounting for the time factor is a proof of accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. See pictures below for some of this work.
Vera Timokhina (Software Engineer) completed her 11th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vera refactored the code of the tasks table. She reduced the number of lines of code from 413 to 150 which made the code more readable. She then continued redesigning the project reports page, moving all tables into separate blocks and almost finishing the component that enables the user to select a specific page from a range of pages.
This component helps to avoid displaying very long tables. Vera also helped Jason to display the timelog table on the dashboard page properly. The shortening of the codes generally improves accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 7th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan pushed her PR which included two newly created files setUpFinalDayButton, setUpFinalDayPopUp and modified three files: BasicInformationTab, UserManager.js and us.js. This completes the front end of her project. She also started to design the backend of this project by reading the code about the emailsender and controller which utilizes the email sender. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also completed his 4th week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week, Arthur worked on fixing the older versions of the Why Now video, Overview video, Global Strategy video, and the Get Involved video. He also worked on changing the outro logo included at the end of each video so it is more dynamic and interesting. He worked on version 1 of the What Is It video as well. By correcting these One Community is now confident in accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Rutvij Khatri (Fullstack Software Developer) also completed his 2nd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Rutvij spent his week still working on the front-end fix for the timezone update. The value of the timezone is not passed to the backend when the get time zone button is used to change the value in the dropdown. If we manually change the dropdown value, the new timezone value is passed to the backend. Debugging continues. The automation process makes accounting for our actions in as many ways as possible for time. See pictures below for some of this work.
Posted on August 21, 2022 by One Community
One Community welcomes Olayinka “Yinka” Omole to the Highest Good Food Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Yinka is a food and nutrition lover. She has an interest in attaining knowledge about food, nutrition and recipes and a background in public health with some experience in data entry. Yinka is also passionate about helping others. For this reason, she was very interested in being part of One Community. As a member of the team, her position at the organization was recipe reviewer and data entry assistant for the complete Transition Kitchen and Food Self-sufficiency Plan. Yinka helped to check that all recipe ingredients were part of the master list, completed the initial cost analysis research for all ingredients on that list, and completed recipe data entry and review.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on August 21, 2022 by One Community
One Community welcomes Jessica Santos to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Owner of a Bachelor of Arts Degree in architecture and urbanism, Jessica has 4+ years of architecture experience and believes that living spaces have a direct impact on people’s lives. She’s worked at the Environment Department in São Paulo, Brazil, collaborating with many park implementations, adaptations and reforms. After that, she worked for a factory responsible for processing and finishing natural and industrialized stones for civil construction, delivering quotes to architects and builders. To improve her skills in architecture projects and to never stop learning, Jessica also worked freelance with a fellow architect. Bilingual in English and Portuguese, she thrives in fast-paced multicultural environments and is passionate about diversity, art and photography. As a member of the One Community team, Jessica is applying her skills to develop creative interior design for rooms within the Duplicable City Center.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on August 21, 2022 by One Community
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. It is open source and free-shared and includes everything needed for comprehensive sustainability: food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more. Combined, these components will be used to build a global collaborative of teacher/demonstration hubs that will evolve and spread these approaches even more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 21st, 2022 edition (#491) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team worked on creating the Aircrete Engineering and Research: Compression Testing, Mix Ratios, R-value, and More page. We had a collaborative video call to teach an introduction to the web design process. Then the aircrete source document was used to move all the aircrete content to the website, anchors were added, text was justified and we started working on cleaning the bulleted lists. See the pictures below.
Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 79th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey updated a few changes to the layouts and formats of the components pages. Now that the instructions are nearing completion, the small details are being checked in the drawings. There are some pending questions regarding the drawers within the closet area and those should be wrapped up next week. Some of the sketches will need to be updated and overall the fonts still need to be rechecked. Screenshots below show some of her latest updates.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 22nd week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. ‹â€¹This week Diwei documented methods for the design of two types of inlet, grate inlet at grade and slotted inlet, which may be applied for storm drains of the Earthbag Village. The maximum spacing between two sets of inlets for the grate inlet was determined to avoid inundation. The method to determine the maximum spacing between two inlets for the cases of roadway transversing the flat land with longitudinal zero degrees slope was also introduced.
The design for the zero slope suits drains of the circular roadway of the earthbag. As long as the flow rates at each inlet are determined, the Handy-Cross method which was introduced previously for the calculation of the water distribution network can be used to analyze the dimension of the pipes of the drain. Now we have all the necessary ingredients for the design of the drain to enhance an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ming Weng (MS Geography & Environmental Engineering) completed his 20th week helping with the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Ming looked for example companies in Europe, typically in Sweden and Norway, that potentially offer small-scale waste-to-energy solutions. These two countries are targeted because they are doing good in waste management, and they are relatively smaller countries, allowing middle-to-small scale solutions in less populated areas. Our goal is not perfectly fulfilled by their solutions, so more research is needed, to achieve the eco-path to living a more luxurious life. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week the core team completed detailed review and feedback on the City Center Eco-spa content for the website, which is important in attaining eco-path to living a more luxurious life. See the pictures below.
Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 55th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis focused on following up with the City Center Spa Design website narrative and making final updates based on feedback. With the first draft complete, Luis and Jae are collaborating to complete the finishing touches to allow seamless implementation to the website. This involves double checking uniformity and consistency among presented information along with validating information and ensuring the sources are provided. This is also a catalyst in realizing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. Pictures below are related to this work.
Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 45th week helping finish the Duplicable City Center designs, eco-path to living a more luxurious life. This week Venus updated the server counter according to the new plans. She also changed the position of some columns and Windows in order to match the new plans. She still needs to change the position of the furniture and interior walls on section c”-c”. See pictures below.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 43rd week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Huiya accomplished the work of opening the windows’ holes on the Living Dome shell according to the new updated windows size. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 41st week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Yuxi continued to focus on the window to wall connections of the Dining Dome hexagonal windows. These large windows on the second floor were copied and rotated to the exact angle to ensure accuracy. Interior walls were double checked to have correct material and infill/carve out of openings. At openings such as the second floor balcony and first floor interior window, gaps were closed with planes to prepare for the correct rendering effect. Another special type of window (first floor interior) was made to size too. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 9th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms, and an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. This week, Gabriela mostly worked on improving the quality of the final renders. She made many adjustments and did tests, working on the bathroom making a few improvements and changing what was requested and working on the presentation with the final images, materials and furniture. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 9th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This Week, Jessica worked on rendering images and scenes for the Country Cabin themed room. She has 6 images showing design details of the bed area, living room/dining space, and entry. She added the last item missing, the curtain.
Jessica also continued the search for bathroom ideas, with the same theme, trying to keep the same rustic look for it and developed the 3D model, trying different finishes until she found a good combination. Modifications for the main room included removing boots and umbrella, a fixed window, and adding a painting above the fireplace. She also changed the finishing and painting in the bathroom. This depicts the eco-path to living a more luxurious life. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We provided suggestions, corrections, and reviewed the overall content. The focus this week was on proposing a 0% salt seasoning with 21 organic herbs over a 62.75% salt seasoning with 6 organic herbs/ingredients. We also addressed 23 additions of protein to vegan recipes where the meal previously was omnivore and made vegan by omitting the meat of the omnivore recipes, thereby eliminating the protein from the vegan recipe. Vegan protein was added to replace the meat protein. A real practice manifestation and an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team additionally worked with Mailyn to go over the recipes and recipe structure for the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We also created a structure for updating the shopping list based on the dietary preferences of a group. These preferences include Vegans, Lacto Vegetarians, Ovo Vegetarians, Lacto-ovo Vegetarians, Pescatarians, Pollotarians, Flexitarians, and Omnivores. This is progress towards eco-path to living a more luxurious life Pictures below share some of this developing work.
Marilyn Nzegwu (Chef and Culinary Consultant) completed her 17th week helping with the completion of the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plans. This week Marilyn addressed most feedback and suggestions on the Fresh Week Menu Blocks. This required adding prepped recipes, changing some recipes entirely and adding omnivore/vegan options from the approved list.
She also went through recipes that had been reviewed to thoroughly check if they were completed and ready for finalization and then highlighted all recipes that were ready. Marilyn spent the end of the week researching recipes that would be useful for Second Week menu blocks, to establishing the eco-path to living a more luxurious life goal. The pictures below relate to this work.
Yinka Omole (Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant) completed her 9th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plan recipe review and data entry. This week Yinka worked on addressing comments on the eco-path to living a more luxurious life master recipe document. She also finished up the shopping list by correcting columns G and H. Yinka then worked on entering recipes for the FWA 3-day menu block and documented challenges she faced when entering the data. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 20th week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. This week, Adolph focused on preservatives, connection design and detailing of the structural elements (beams, roof, column). Specifically, he referred to guidelines and provisions on the different connections techniques of timber members given in technical specifications and researched material. Pictorial preview on what he executed is presented below.
One Community is designing an eco-path to living a more luxurious life through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 18 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.
Yiyun Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 19th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun put most of her time on fixing the bug “cannot jump from Management-Dashboard to level2/3/4 task”. She created two PRs on it, both of them are waiting for eco-path to living a more luxurious life review. After that, Yiyun spent time investigating a “cannot log time to task on Main” bug but hasn’t yet figured that one out. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 15th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries. He also helped Yan debug code by following the control flow of her code and directing her to what was likely causing the bug. In terms of software development, Eiki continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He fixed the bug with the nav item that links to the task edit suggestions page, where the state of the count could be incorrect when different users logged in on the same browser.
Also, he fixed the create endpoint on the backend to more accurately reflect the desired behavior of only allowing one task edit suggestion to exist per task and updated the frontend, and naming to better reflect this change. The transformation in the tech field is an eco-path to living a more luxurious life. Finally, Eiki implemented approving task edit suggestions. See pictures below for some of this work.
Jason Kim (Software Engineer) completed his 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jason worked on trying to expand the timelog table to span two columns and ran into some issues trying to get this to work. To Jason it felt like something very simple to fix but the fixes that he tried didn’t quite produce the results that he wanted. See pictures below for some of this work.
Vera Timokhina (Software Engineer) completed her 10th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vera fixed a bug where the “Tangible time” checkbox did not work correctly. When Intangible Time was logged by Admins/Owners, the “Tangible time” box was checked by default. Vera also started redesigning the eco-path to living a more luxurious life project report page. The base of the page now looks the same as the rest of the report pages. She then raised a PR with redesign of the team report page. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 6th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan fixed the bug from last week, so now, after clicking the “Set Final Day” button, the user’s status does not change. It is still active and only the end date shows in the right place and does not affect any other props. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also completed his 3rd week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week Arthur worked on the Global Strategy video. He delivered the V1 of it and was working on fixing the previous videos as well, based on core team comments. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Rutvij Khatri (Fullstack Software Developer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Rutvij solved the bug about the timezone being not saved when the user updates it in his/her profile. This was an issue at the back-end. The solution though is a partial fix as there is one more portion that needs to be fixed where the default timezone is selected when a user is created, which is an issue at the frontend. Note that achieving an eco-path to living a more luxurious life relies on time. See pictures below for some of this work.
Posted on August 14, 2022 by One Community
Addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives is one way to make a global difference while regenerating our planet and ourselves. One Community is designing models for this that include sustainable and DIY-replicable food, energy, housing, education, for-profit and non-profit economic design, social architecture, fulfilled living, global stewardship practices, and more.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 14th, 2022 edition (#490) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week the core team finished the electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, and their integration into communities page by adding final imagery, fixing final formatting issues, and sharing the page across all our networks. This is a step towards addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below are related to this work.
This week Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 78th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. This week Stacey was busy updating the appearance of the lighting can to be more round on several pages. The pages have been updated on the PDF document. We are also adding 20 screws to the bed platform to hold the slats in place under the mattress support frame.
Stacey is additionally updating any final areas of fonts that are not uniform and checking the font sizes and layouts. We’re getting down to the last comments on addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives! Screenshots below show some of her latest updates.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 21st week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Diwei finished the hydrologic calculation with consideration of the intensity, duration, and frequency of rainfall. Rainfall time of concentration is calculated to determine the rainfall intensity using the intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves.
Water runoff is calculated by using the rational method with knowing the catchment area, rainfall intensity, and runoff coefficient which depends on the runoff surface roughness. Gutter flow spread is calculated to determine the gutter and curb geometry. An Excel calculator was created for those calculations. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ming Weng (MS Geography & Environmental Engineering) completed his 19th week helping with the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Ming did four things: 1. Evaluated ways to do statistics with small appliance MSWs and listed challenges. 2. Learned plastic types, and what plastics are more common in small appliances.
3. Found a case study in Norway for plastics treatment, both in recycling and incineration. They utilized both practices because they all have pros and cons. Though the plant is in Oslo, Ming wants to find if there are any small scale applications since the rest of Norway is not populated. 4. Organized the above-mentioned materials into paragraphs. This is another step-by-step process towards addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 54th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. Luis concluded his summarization of the City Center Hot Tub Design for the Duplicable City Center Spa. The final updates have been made and proofread to be implemented into the site.
All information is current and complete to the best of the team’s knowledge. All that remains is verification from the editing teams and adding the presented information to the website on addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below are related to this work.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 42nd week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week, after doing research on the International Building Fire Code and Milgard Windows website, Huiya remodeled the living dome windows using the appropriate window size to make sure the new updated windows meet International Building Fire Code requirements. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 40th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Yuxi focused on modeling the large window of the community center. The angulated hexagon shape makes the surfaces unique and different from previous windows in its sizing and angle due to the pushing of the exterior wall thickness outward. Window components were made to be grouped properly for future edits if needed. To close it off, the slab-to-window-to-wall gap was closed off by planes at varying angle for a smooth transition. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Kamil Gajownik (Industrial/Product Designer) completed his 14th week of work on the Duplicable City Center dormer window designs and assembly instructions. This week Kamil continued to split Solidworks parts into separate files. He then placed them within the final assembly for the second floor dormer frame. Kamil also adjusted small details and ensured the parts can be easily assembled. Moving forward he will add an outer surface and turn each component into a Solidworks drawing file that can be used for cutting components. Pictures below are related to this work.
Yujue Wang (Architectural Designer) completed her 12th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Yujue continued the development of the nautical themed room, renderings, presentation documents and cost analysis. She added some more elements to the room and updated the cost analysis and presentation documents. See below for pictures related to this work.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 8th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. Gabriela worked on the cost analysis table, editing a few items that were missing, and removing a few that weren’t necessary anymore. She also finished working on the trees for the bedrooms and started with the final renders of the entire room. She then returned to work with the bathroom, changing a few items, but it’s not completed yet. Gabriela also started working on the final PowerPoint presentation. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 8th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Jessica needed to change her current layout and do some replacements in the 3D model to fit the new fireplace element into the design. She searched for electric fireplaces available in the market and finished adding details on the 3D model so she could start to configure materials for the final rendering. Jessica also worked on the Interior Design Cost Analysis sheet, adding most of the furniture and elements. She then started to search for ideas for the design of the bathroom. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We reviewed the 3-Day Menu Block doc editing sentence structure and reviewed the doc content for clarity. We also made suggestions for protein inclusion for the adaptation of omnivore recipes to vegan recipes in the sections of FWF, FWG, FWH for breakfast, lunch, and dinner plans. Additionally, we made recommendations for sugar substitutes in a select few recipes, as a means of addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team also continued working on the Assembly Step-by-Step instructions for setting up the Sheep and Goats barn. We finished assembly of the milking stand. We added hinges to the ramp that can be folded up when the milking stand is not in use, and wrote the instructions with a material list for the lambing and mixing pens. This is important is in addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See the images below.
The core team additionally worked with Brian Storz (Culinary Project Manager) (completing his 24th week helping) review all comments on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan master Google Doc of recipes to make appropriate substitutions for every ingredient not on the Master List. Brian spent an hour and a half on a Zoom with us doing this and then we followed up with everyone else on the team by responding to their open comments and questions. Below are some images related to this.
Yinka Omole (Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant) completed her 8th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plan recipe review and data entry. An essential aspect when addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. This week Yinka worked on correcting and fixing the cost analysis spreadsheet by adding details for some of the new items. She also worked on updating the master recipe document by addressing comments and identifying ingredients that were not on the list. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students.
This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 19th week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. This week, Adolph continued updating the structural model of Straw-bale Timber structure developed in tekla structural designer and tekla tedds softwares. The updates he focused on include analysis, modification and design of structural elements (beams, columns and Straw-bale walls). Pictorial preview on what he executed is presented below.
One Community is addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 17 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members with the goal of addressing addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. Pictures below show some of this.
The core team also completed multiple rounds of reviewing and giving feedback on the new overview videos Arthur is developing to show as step-by-step process of addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See the pictures below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 14th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries. In terms of software development, he continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He updated the permissions of the user roles that can edit suggestions, making volunteers unable to suggest or edit tasks.
Eiki also implemented a nav item on the nav bar that links to the task edit suggestions page that displays the number of pending task edit suggestions. To implement this, he added another REST endpoint to query the metadata of the task edit suggestions table in the database. See pictures below for some of this work.
Jason Kim (Software Engineer) completed his 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jason worked on the timelog buttons. He worked on implementing the feature of only displaying color for the “active” button that has been clicked. This is to make it easier for the end user to know which button he or she has clicked and what timelog is showing. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 5th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan is stuck with a bug where she selects an end date and refreshes the website, but the user status changes from active to inactive. She divided the long code into small pieces to try to find which line of code led to this bug.
What Yan found was, after using the http method to update the date for endate, and then refreshing the website, the props.userProfile.isactive changes from true to false. Potential reasons for this are some functions may be called when the date changes, such as (if userProfile.xx change, props.userProfile.isActive change) or something she’s missing. Yan’s continuing to work on this. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also completed his 2nd week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week, Arthur worked on editing 3 videos. He first delivered two new versions of the Overview video based on the comments received. He then exported the V1 of the Get Involved video. Arthur then worked on fixing elements based on Jae’s comments and, at the end of the week, worked on editing and preparing footage for the Global Strategy video, to addressing social inequality with global sustainability cooperatives. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Jin Hua (Web Marketer and Graphic Designer) also helped us with figuring out how we’re going to address the conversion of Caldera Forms (a key customized plugin we use on this site) to a private pay-only app and how we’re going to integrate Google’s new Analytics 4. See pics below related to this.
Posted on August 12, 2022 by One Community
One Community welcomes Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Gabriela holds of a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture and Urban Planning, and also has a scholarship in the Brazilian government program “Ciência Sem Fronteiras” (Science Without Borders), where she studied abroad at Washington State University, taking English and Architecture classes. Gabriela has 5+ years of professional experience as an Architect working with Corporate Interiors improving the daily work experience of 5,000+ employees. She believes that design is more than what you see, it is what you experience on a daily basis and how it contributes to improving your quality of life. As a member of the One Community team, Gabriela is helping design a unique “Fairy Garden” themed hotel room for the Living Dome of the Duplicable City Center.
FOLLOW ONE COMMUNITY’S PROGRESS (click icons for our pages)
Posted on August 7, 2022 by Rachna Malav
The time has come for creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth. We’re creating one that is open source and free-shared, includes all aspects of sustainable living, demonstrates a more luxurious living experience, and designed to build DIY-replicable teacher/demonstration hubs that will further the movement and make comprehensive sustainability accessible to anyone who wants it.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the August 7th, 2022 edition (#489) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 39th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela continued writing the sections regarding Flexible Pavement Design. She started off the week by focusing on the preliminary analysis. In order to further explain some concepts, she reviewed some resources and analyzed the information in order to fully comprehend the material. Daniela also wrote and addressed some commentary for her work. Once finishing the write up for the preliminary analysis section, she started making additions to the CBR Design Procedure section. In all subsections Daniela added more information in order to ensure that the reader understood not only the concept but also the charts she had provided. Daniela also went on to address other comments she had left in the maintenance and rehabilitation section. She added images to break up the text and started researching some information based on her previous comments. She then bolded all concepts that may need definitions either in the narrative or in the glossary. Pictures below are related to this work.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 20th week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week, Diwei added more details for drainage and structure to the Earthbag village 3D model. The procedure for determining the dimension of the drainage with a given flow rate and the slope was documented. For simplicity, the rectangular section was used. The most efficient rectangular section has a width:height ratio equal to 2:1. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ming Weng (MS Geography & Environmental Engineering) completed his 18th week helping with the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Ming looked over what waste types should be considered if they come from something toys, razors, or other appliances. This is crucial because he needs to confirm all the feedstocks for power generation to estimate the amount to be treated each year. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.
Kivia Sugiarto (Sustainability Research Manager) completed her 10th and final week helping manage and complete the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Kivia focused on reviewing and editing mostly on the sections on plasma gasification and case studies on where waste to energy solutions are already in effect. The latter requires some more research to provide the most up-to-date information. See below for some pictures related to this.
One Community is creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 45th week helping finish the Duplicable City Center designs. This week Venus completed the North, West, East, and South elevations according to the SketchUp Model and plans. See pictures below.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 41st week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Huiya coordinated with Jae and Kamil to sort out the discrepancy in the window design she found last week. After she got the correct window frames, she modeled the living dome windows using the correct window structural model. Next week, she will open the window holes on the living dome shell. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 39th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Yuxi worked on the Dining Dome’s large windows. Shell surfaces were cleaned and prepared for the windows. The old window was sized for the inner wall, thus by moving it outward it does not create a seamless transition between surrounding planes. Although not familiar with multi-plane modeling editing, a method was found to create the desired window and she’s ready to make the full window next week. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Kamil Gajownik (Industrial/Product Designer) completed his 13th week of work on the Duplicable City Center dormer window designs and assembly instructions. This week Kamil began creating the final assembly by splitting the parts of the design into timber pieces. He finished assembling the frame of the first floor dormer by mating all the pieces together within SolidWorks. Then he started working to complete the second floor assembly with drawings of each timber piece. Pictures below are related to this work.
Yujue Wang (Architectural Designer) completed her 11th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Yujue Wang continued the development of Room 8, the Nautical themed room. She worked on the window design and furniture design in SketchUp. She also updated the plan in AutoCAD the Interior Design Cost Analysis Spreadsheet. See below for pictures related to this work.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 7th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Gabriela worked to finish the trees inside the room, adding more branches and leaves, changing the texture and running a few test renders to see if it’s working. She will add a few more branches and leaves as requested. Gabriella also did a few adjustments on the Cost Analysis Table and added a few details in the bathroom. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 7th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Jessica adapted the theme ”Fall” to ”Country cabin”, this was done to avoid a seasonal theme that might appeal less to people during other seasons. This change meant she needed to do more research to have references to work with, then she changed the 3D model that was already in progress. She kept the same color palette, removed the pallet furniture, and picked rustic furniture to compose the new theme. Elements like shaggy carpets, rustic furniture, plaid fabrics, wood, trees and mountain animals decor were inserted. Jessica did the design in parallel with the search for items available on the market, adding them to the Design Cost Analysis for room number 11 spreadsheet too. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We reviewed, answered and added comments on the 3-Day Menu Block doc through page 86. Subject matter included suggesting elimination of almond milk due to its expense and various unhealthy additives, eliminating cornstarch from the ingredients list, pre-soaking beans to reduce cooking time and increase digestibility, and commenting on garlic seed cloves curing and storage. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team also continued working on the Assembly Step-by-Step instructions for setting up the Sheep and Goats barn. We finished assembly of the feeder section with instructions for attachment of the cattle panel inserts. We then started working on the assembly steps for the milking station. We made a couple of corrections to the milking station design to improve stability of the stand by adding leg braces and head gate braces to the design.
The core team additionally worked with Brian Storz (Culinary Project Manager) (completing his 23rd week helping) review all comments on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan master Google Doc of recipes to make appropriate substitutions for every ingredient not on the Master List. We spent 3 hours on a Zoom doing this and then updated all the Master Spreadsheets with new ingredients that we agreed should be added and then we fixed all the connection codes and related formatting. Below are some images related to this.
Marilyn Nzegwu (Chef and Culinary Consultant) completed her 16th week helping with the completion of the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plans. This week Marilyn continued to make adjustments to menu blocks which included changing some recipes as suggested after review, as well as adjusting the changed recipe instructions and old menu block recipe instructions. She also started to fill out missing recipes on the SECOND WEEK menu blocks and is researching and saving recipes for future menu blocks. The pictures below relate to this work.
Yinka Omole (Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant) completed her 7th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plan recipe review and data entry. This week Yinka worked on updating and correcting the cost analysis spreadsheet. She started updating column H (estimated cost per unit) of the spreadsheet. She also reorganized and started fixing ingredients listed on the spreadsheet and updated the master recipe document with the comments for ingredient substitution for FWA-FWD recipes. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 18th week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. This week, Adolph continued with the element analysis and design process of structural elements including sizing of the beams, column and wall elements. The model has not yet satisfied drift adjustments. Pictures below are related to this work.
One Community is creating a blueprint for a sustainable earth through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 20 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.
Yiyun Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 18th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Yiyun finished her rework on the updating timeEntry controller backend PR, per Eiki’s review. It is now ready for merging and testing. After that, she started creating a new task component for each task, so when clicking each task from the management dashboard, it will render to a single task page. Before, this feature only worked for level 1 tasks, with the new component added, it works for all level (1/2/3/4) tasks. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 13th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. In terms of management work, this week Eiki reviewed weekly summaries and reviewed PR 173, found bugs, made suggestions to fix them, and approved the fixed PR. In terms of software development, Eiki continued frontend and backend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He implemented fetching all task edit suggestions from the backend, implemented roles without edit permissions to automatically create task edit suggestions when they attempt to edit a task, and implemented rejecting a task edit suggestion. Eiki also implemented the task edit suggestions component to only display for users with edit permissions. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 4th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan continued to work on the buttons. She created a delete button, and if the user clicks the “delete last day” button, the end date will be shown as N/A on both the user profile and volunteer time page. The “delete” button will also change back to the “set the final day” button. A bug was also identified where, after saving the selected last day date, the user’s status changes from active to inactive. See pictures below for some of this work.
Arthur Olifant (Videographer) also joined the team and completed his 1st week helping with updating all our homepage videos. This week, Arthur completed the initial setup and then went through all the resource materials that are at his disposal. He organized and renamed each file in the dropbox shared with Jae, created good file management folders on his laptop, and almost finished the first draft of the first video, “Overview”. See pictures below for some of this developing work.
Posted on July 31, 2022 by Rachna Malav
One path to happier living and global sustainability is facilitating a global community collaborative of teacher/demonstration hubs designed to help people replicate them. A self-replicating model like this has the potential to create positive and permanent global change within one generation. One Community is supporting this with what we call “Highest Good” designs and open source and free-shared plans for all aspects of sustainable living.
Click on each icon to be taken to the corresponding Highest Good hub page.
One Community’s physical location will forward this movement as the first of many self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This is the July 31st, 2022 edition (#488) of our weekly progress update detailing our team’s development and accomplishments:
One Community is facilitating global community collaborative through Highest Good housing that is artistic and beautiful, more affordable, more space efficient, lasts longer, DIY buildable, and constructed with healthy and sustainable materials:
This week Stacey Maillet (Graphic Designer) completed her 78th week working on the final edits and revisions to the Murphy bed instructions. Her work focused on addressing additional comments on the new PDF export. Screenshots below show some of her latest updates.
Daniela Andrea Parada (Civil Engineering Student) completed her 38th week helping with the Sustainable Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping tutorial development. This week Daniela primarily focused on writing more narrative for the flexible pavement design section she has been working on. She reviewed the narrative as a whole to ensure that the section sounded cohesive and added a few more notes for herself. Based on the sources she took notes on last week, she wrote more information for the flexible pavement widening section, researched more information for the preliminary analysis section, and found more sources. Pictures below are related to this work.
Diwei Zhang (Mechanical Engineer) completed his 19th week of work, now focused on 3D modeling and analysis review for the Net-zero Bathroom component of the Earthbag Village. This week Diwei confirmed that the fire engine is able to cover the entire Earthbag Village based on the fire department access requirements. Also that the entrance ramp, with the zig-zag wheelchair ramp along one side, allows regular pickup trucks to access. More details of the Earthbag Village were added to the model for the design of drainage. A part of the drains and the trenches of the stormwater harvesting were modeled. Pictures below show some of this work.
Ming Weng (MS Geography & Environmental Engineering) completed his 17th week helping with the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Ming was first looking for medium-scale wast-to-energy examples in the United States, trying to see how close he can get to small scales. However, the focus was narrowed down to certain waste types containing plastic and metal. For the rest of the week, Ming learned properties of non-biodegradable wastes like razor and toys, how they are treated, and how they are recycled or turned into energy using steam turbines. The next step is to find whether they can be treated on small scales. Pictures below show some of this work-in-progress.
Kivia Sugiarto (Sustainability Research Manager) completed her 9th week helping manage and complete the Best Small and Large-scale Community Options for Sustainable Processing and Reuse of Non-recyclables research, report, and tutorial. This week, Kivia spent some time reviewing some of the existing tutorials and getting reacquainted with the formatting in order to translate it into the Addressing Non-Recyclables document. She also continued to review and proofread the content in the document, ensuring that it is clear and easy to digest. See below for some pictures related to this.
One Community is facilitating global community collaborative through a Duplicable and Sustainable City Center that is LEED Platinum certified/Sustainable, can feed 200 people at a time, provide laundry for over 300 people, is beautiful, spacious, and saves resources, money, and space:
This week Luis Manuel Dominguez (Research Engineer) completed his 54th week helping with research related to the City Center Eco-spa designs. This week Luis focused on updating the design documentation for the Spa with what he hopes will be finishing touches. This week he expanded on the energy requirement calculations and the jet fitting assembly by providing more context to both. Next week Luis will be finalizing the waterfall description and making the necessary adjustments to make the transition from the website team as easy as possible. Pictures below are related to this work.
Venus Abdollahi (Architectural Designer) completed her 44th week helping finish the Duplicable City Center designs. This week Venus completed the West, East, and South elevations. She still needs to work on the North elevation according to the SketchUp Model. Main changes were windows in order to match the new plans and new elevation. See pictures below.
Huiya Yang (Volunteer Architectural Designer) completed her 40th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Huiya tried to apply the redesigned living dome window to the new shell but it turned out that the window could not fit into the new shell. She modeled the window using the exact dimensions of the redesigned window and shared it with the team. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Yuxi Lu (Architectural Designer) completed her 38th week working on the Duplicable City Center architectural review and updates related to the structural code. This week Yuxi fixed all of the wall and door frame connections of the Dining Dome. The dome’s round shape has made the door frame hard to situate. With the previously proposed wall thickness and wall framing concepts, the fixed connection proposed a smoother transition from plane to plane making it more visually pleasing. At the same time, the design kept the essence of angulating walls so that interior walls reflect the characteristics of the exterior walls. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Kamil Gajownik (Industrial/Product Designer) completed his 12th week of work on the Duplicable City Center dormer window designs and assembly instructions. This week Kamil was working specifically on the roofs and their connection points with the dome frame. Ensuring the design can be easily cut and assembled required some creativity to simplify the design. Moving forward, Kamil will be making the final assembly using the split feature on solidworks to make simple instructions for assembly. Pictures below are related to this work.
Yujue Wang (Architectural Designer) completed her 10th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week, Yujue continued updating the design of Room 8, the Nautical-themed room. She worked on the window, beam, and furniture design in SketchUp. She continued to do furniture research, designed the window and curtain, and designed the living room and bathroom. She also worked on the Interior Design Cost Analysis spreadsheet details. See below for pictures related to this work.
Gabriela Vilela S. C. Diniz (Architect and Urban Planner) completed her 6th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. Gabriela continued working on Room #12. She focused on changing the existing closet to a corner closet, adding a few more details to the bathroom and adjusting the light for the render process. For the bedroom, Gabriela began working on the trees for the interiors, doing first the trunks and then the leaves. She also updated a couple of lines on the Cost Analysis table. Pictures below are related to this work.
Jessica Santos (Architect) completed her 6th week working on the interior design for the Duplicable City Center rental rooms. This week Jessica did the research for the room themed ”Autumn”, and picked room 11 to work on it. She defined colors, materials and elements to use on the design. Jessica also defined two options for the layout for the room and picked the one with a bed in front of the window, so people could enjoy the view from outside. She started the 3D model and studied all the colors, materials and elements picked, worked to find the best way to mix everything, tried different wallpapers for the bed-wall, and added a tree bookshelf and a colorful carpet to give the idea of autumn leaves falling on the ground, illustrating the phenomenon in an abstract way. See below for some pictures of this work.
One Community is facilitating global community collaborative through Highest Good food that is more diverse, more nutritious, locally grown and sustainable, and part of our open source botanical garden model to support and share bio-diversity:
This week the core team continued detailed review and feedback on the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan. We reviewed and answered comments on the 3-Day Menu Block doc, supplied additional comments, and made substitutions in some recipes. We submitted and tested a healthy 3-ingredient buckwheat flapjack recipe and included a 3-step flour making process. We also assessed a recipe replacing flavored yogurts with plain homemade, utilizing fruits as sweeteners, and researched the diminished quality of roasted nuts vs. raw nuts. Pictures below relate to this.
The core team also continued working on the Assembly Step-by-Step instructions for setting up the Sheep and Goats barn.We started the feeder assembly section with a material list and reference link to a Premier 1 single unit feeder pdf instructions document, and created step-by-step build images and detailed descriptions for each image.
Marilyn Nzegwu (Chef and Culinary Consultant) completed her 15th week helping with the completion of the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plans. This week Marilyn started to adjust already created menu blocks for Second Weeks to the standard for reviews as well as from suggestions and feedback for already created recipes (which required her to replace some). She also adjusted already created recipes to fit the review criteria for recipe summaries. In addition to these, Marilyn searched for recipes for cooked staple foods to minimize cooking time in some of the recipes. She is presently working on the menus for the second weeks that have not been created yet, putting into consideration that there should be minimal or no fresh produce in the recipes. The pictures below relate to this work.
Yinka Omole (Recipe Reviewer and Data Entry Assistant) completed her 6th week helping with the Transition Food Self-sufficiency Plan and related menu and meal plan recipe review and data entry. This week Yinka worked on updating and editing the master recipe google document. On the master recipe document, she worked on reviewing the recipes and checking that their ingredients are on the master ingredient list. Yinka also made edits to the document on the sections and comments that were assigned to her. Below are some images related to this work.
One Community is facilitating global community collaborative through Highest Good education that is for all ages, applicable in any environment, adaptable to individual needs, far exceeds traditional education standards, and more fun for both the teachers and the students. This component of One Community is about 95% complete with only the Open Source School Licensing and Ultimate Classroom construction and assembly details remaining to be finished. With over 8 years of work invested in the process, the sections below are all complete until we move onto the property and continue the development and open sourcing process with teachers and students – a development process that is built directly into the structure of the education program and everything else we’re creating too:
This week, Adolph Karubanga (Certified Project Manager & Civil/Structural Engineer) completed his 16th week helping with the Ultimate Classroom structural engineering. Adolph finalized the analysis process of beams, columns and wall elements. He specifically focused on model set-up and input of the data. Element dimensions were adjusted to ensure that the structure is able to withstand the prescribed loading and exposed environmental conditions respectively. Pictures below are related to this work.
One Community is facilitating global community collaborative through a Highest Good society approach to living that is founded on fulfilled living, the study of meeting human needs, Community, and making a difference in the world:
This week the core team completed 16 hours managing One Community volunteer-work review not included above, emails, social media accounts, web development, new bug identification and bug fix integration for the Highest Good Network software, and interviewing and getting set up new volunteer team members. Pictures below show some of this.
Yiyun Tan (Software Engineer) completed her 17th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Yiyun finished the feature “create ability for a user to log time on tasks”. She made some code changes on the timeEntry controller from the backend, so when the user is posting or deleting or editing a tangible timeEntry, the “hoursLogged” field of the current task will be updated accordingly. PR is created and waiting for review. Pictures of some of this work are below.
Eiki Kan (Software Engineer) completed his 12th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week, Eiki reviewed weekly summaries and continued frontend work on the task edit suggestions feature. He finished most of the work writing the reducer, actions, thunks, and others. He also moved the state and actions for fetching and sorting the task edit suggestions from within the component to the reducer. Finally, Eiki started work on the backend, setting up the router, controller, and schema. See pictures below for some of this work.
Vera Timokhina (Software Engineer) completed her 9th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Vera redesigned and refactored the team report page. She corrected the height of all report pages – now it occupies the entire available screen. The team report page now looks similar to the people report page. These pages use the same components. Also, Vera created and added a new logo for the team report. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yongtae “Yogi” Park (Graphic Designer, UX Designer) also completed his 9th and final week helping create the social media images for these weekly progress update blogs. This week Yongtae created 10 more images and focused on ways to unify the size of texts so that they all respect the same amount of margin no matter how long the text is. He also looked into using more images from the HGN website. Some of them don’t have very high resolution, so some sort of filtering work on photoshop is necessary. The new images are below. Below you can see the images he created.
Jason Kim (Software Engineer) completed his 8th week helping with the Highest Good Network software. This week Jason worked on fixing the category hours not being displayed in the profile page. It looked like Phu had already fixed that bug and it just needed to be approved. Jason, therefore, switched his focus on continuing to implement the timelog button feature. He made a few changes to the buttons, namely adding a thicker border and changing the background colors to a mix that looks more pleasing to the user. See pictures below for some of this work.
Yan Xu (Software Development Engineer) completed her 3rd week helping with the Highest Good Network software. Yan this week started to work on the detailed function for this setFinalDay Button. She created a deactiveUser function so that, after clicking the setFinalDayButton, the final day will be shown on volunteer time – end date and user Profile – end date. See pictures below for some of this work.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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