One Community blog, Anne Frank Quote, change the world

One Community Launches National Volunteer Campaign and Other Updates

win-win-win-win, everyone wins, planet-people-industry-One Community, compensation for partners

One Community is happy to announce that we have launched a national nonprofit volunteer campaign in preparation for the release of our open source collaborative portal, to assist with our swiftly developing education program, and our on-going infrastructure details. In addition to world change, helping One Community comes with a lot of personal, business, and industry benefits too. We also created a page to share these benefits as part of the national campaign: Win Win Win Win Page

Click here for an example of one of our National Ads


One Community is a Highest Good for All organization with a win-win-win-win philosophy:

  1. Planet
  2. People
  3. Industry
  4. One Community

We see prioritizing these in this order as the most effective method for creating a sustainable planet through gaining mainstream support. We see gaining mainstream support as the most effective method for building a new market interested in sustainability. We see mainstream interest in sustainability as the essential component for the success of all our sustainability partners and for global expansion of all sustainability related industries. Accomplishing these things is the foundation of our 4-phase strategy for world change and for creating self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities all over the world.

Read more on the new Win Win Win Win Page


SEGO Center City Hub: We are now starting to create 3D renderings in CAD, working on finalizing the changing area and rinse area for the central natural pool and eco hot tub, moving the library off to the side so it has a view of the regeneration zone for the natural pool and adding a second floor loft above it, and working with our newest partner, Luis Rincon, to complete the engineering details for the central cupola.

Open Source Education Program for Life: We are within 1-2 weeks of being able to create the component pages to share more details on this program. Right now we are working to complete enough details of one component that includes curriculum, teaching styles, and teaching tools so that we can present all the components in a manner that is easily understandable. Three members of our core team are currently focusing on this aspect of One Community so we are progressing it very quickly and will share the results as we complete them.

Aquaponics Infrastructure: We’ve had meetings with Avery and Doug this past week and we’re drawing up what we hope will be the last drawing Doug needs to produce the first generation of professional plans. We’ll post them here as soon as they develop.

Pod 1: We’re now three weeks into the greywater processing design of the Tropical Dome. This is the first time we’ve shared anything about this here and we should have open source content for this and/or the associated water catchment designs within another week or two.

Other News:

We’ve also just completed significant updates to our Purpose, Values, and Mission Page including this new graphic:

For The Highest Good of All, One Community Values, Care as a Value, Share as a Value, Play as a Value, Thinking Global, One Community Purpose, One Community Mission, One Community Vision, One Community Key Beliefs

Click image to visit our newly updated Purpose, Mission, Vision, and Values Page’s

We believe the most sustainable civilization is one that chooses to operate and live for the highest good of all of its people. This is our overarching philosophy and everything we do, and are working to create, is approached from this perspective because we believe that even a very small percentage of the population choosing to work together for The Highest Good of All has the ability to positively transform the world for everyone. From our perspective, Highest Good of All thinking can be divided into 3 simple values almost everyone learns as children: Care, Share, and Play.

The graphic above and the new updates to our Purpose, Values, and Mission Page have been designed to reflect these three simple values of Care, Share, and Play as we are creating synergy with our Open Source Education Program for Life and long-standing One Community components with a desire for a level of simplicity that makes sense to even the youngest people.

 Visit the updated page: Purpose, Values, and Mission Page


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Free Education Resources and Open Source Sustainable Education Infrastructure

transformational education, sustainable education infrastructure, open source education, transformational education, One Community Kids, One Community Children, sustainable learning, open source learning

Click Image for Our Free Education Resources Portal Page

One Community has been working for months on an open source education program for lifelong learning and providing free education resources, tools, tutorials, and lesson plans to anyone with a computer. Our goal with this program is to maximize real-world options for all participants and prepare anyone who’d like to participate to be leaders and influential contributors to what we believe is the beginning of a new golden age of innovation, collaboration, creativity, and people living and working together for The Highest Good of All.


This week we’ve finished the redesign of the education portal page that outlines the structure of what we’ve been working on and creating. Over the next few months we’ll be detailing and posting each of the 8 components listed below, complete with a link for suggestions and ideas and an open source on-line collaborative platform so we can evolve it even further and faster


Here is the outline and structure of the free education resources we have will be providing and evolving as part of One Community. Details for each of these can be found on the education portal page:

  • Foundations of Teaching and Communicating
  • Curriculum for Life ” Birth through adult curriculum
  • Teaching Styles for Life ” Education methods for all ages
  • Teaching Tools for Life ” Engaging games and other teaching aids for all ages
  • Lesson Plans for Life ” Specific lesson plans created from all of the above
  • Evaluation and Evolution ” Collaborative “Growth Portfolio” creation and maintenance
  • The Ultimate Classroom ” Open source classroom design details as we evolve them
  • Getting Licensed – Open source sharing of our process to create a licensed education program

If you’d like to follow our progress on this component and all the other developing aspects of One Community, please subscribe to our Facebook Updates Page.

SEGO Center Integration of Natural Pond Pool, Eco Hot Tub, and Changing Rooms

The newly named SEGO Center continues to move forward extremely fast. Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of, Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design) have worked together to finalize the placement of the natural pond pool, eco hot tub, changing rooms, and rinse stations for maximum aesthetic beauty, sustainable re-use of water, and ease of use.


Here are Meg’s concept drawings if the eco hot tub and natural swimming pool:

natural pond pool, natural pond pools, all natural pool design, all natural pools, build natural swimming pool, build your own natural swimming pool, how to build natural swimming pools, natural stone pools, eco pool, pool natural

All Natural Pool Design – Click to Enlarge


Here are the most recent and updated CAD drawings showing these natural pond pool and hot tub elements integrated with the changing rooms:

open source city hub, sustainable village, eco village center, One Community SEGO Center, SEGO Center, Eco-hub

SEGO Center CAD – Click to Enlarge



Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub

The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a “launch point” for additional self-replicating sustainable teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities like One Community.

S.E.G.O. Center Origin

The name “sego” originated because one of our team was looking at 3-petaled flowers as we were searching for a new name and came across the sego lily and its likeness to the layout of the building:

sego lily, SEGO Center, SEGO Center inspiration, rebirth

The lily also represents “rebirth” and the sego lily is edible.

Building off of the “sego” name we came up with the SEGO acronym and attached it to “Center”:

S – Sustainably: Sustainability is one of the key foundations of what we are creating
E – Engaging: Our purpose is to engage the public and life itself with this model
G – Global: Affirming that our vision and purpose are global
O – Oneness: Affirming that our vision includes everyone and this building is about our “Oneness” as a foundation of living and creating for The Highest Good of All

Center: This building being the center of One Community and duplicable villages to be built around the world, and more specifically a “SEGO Center” specifically represents all of the above and we think these centers will be the first step for many duplicates to come after us that use our open source designs and may choose to keep the SEGO Center name.



One Community Welcomes Yulia Nakonechna to the One Community Pioneer Team

One Community Pioneer, Yulia Nakonechna, World Changer, world change people, creating global changeOne Community is excited to welcome Yulia Nakonechna to the Pioneer Team. Yulia is a PhD Professor of Linguistics, Private Language Tutor, Children’s Supervisor, Facilitator, and Teacher joining the team working on our transformational education program. Yulia has spent nine years intensively studying languages and foreign literature and is fluent in Ukrainian, Russian, and English, with a basic knowledge of French and German as well. She holds a PhD in linguistics and has been teaching for Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University since 2008. She has extensive experience with young children (aged from infancy to seven years old and more) that she has combined with her participation in a Children’s Early Development Education Program (based on Rudolph Steiner’s Waldorf School and Helen Doron’s teaching principles) helping her become an even more well-qualified children’s supervisor, facilitator, inspirer, and teacher.

Learn more about Yulia, her qualifications, and her journey to One Community on Yulia’s Pioneer Bio Page.

Learn more about the rest of the Pioneer Team, on the Pioneer Team Page.

One Community Featured on The Bridge with Jim Hamell to Discuss Open Source Sustainability

The Bridge – Jae Sabol & Lee Camp from Jim Hamell on Vimeo.

Open Source Sustainability

Earth-MatrixJae Sabol, the Executive Director of the One Community Non-profit Organization, was interviewed by Jim Hamell for The Bridge last week to discuss open source sustainability and One Community’s part in the global open source and free-sharing movement. Topics of discussion included some of the things we are working on right now, converting the whole planet over to a collaboration of sustainable and open source communities, villages, and cities working together, solution based thinking and how it relates to both evolution and the scientific method, and how open source transcends political ideology.

Jae’s interview is the first of the two interviews and is about 25 minutes long.

Two Completed Interviews

global-broadcastIn the past week One Community founder Jae Sabol completed two interviews about One Community and this swiftly developing open source model for self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and eventually cities. The first was a radio show interview that is expected to play on PBPK 90.1 FM in Southern California on Friday the 15th of February and then again two weeks later on KKMJ 95.5 FM and KJCE 1370 AM out of Austin, Texas. The second was a Skype Video interview with Jim Hamell of The Bridge. Both interviews went great and we’ll be posting links here as soon as they are available.

One Community Welcomes Amber Berg to the Pioneer Team

One Community Pioneer, One Community Acupuncturist, One Community Eco-applied PsychologyOne Community is excited to welcome our newest Pioneer, Amber Berg, to the team. Amber has dedicated her life to healthy living and the environment and has had a similar vision to One Community for over 10 years. Her diverse background of education and experience in the health and sustainability industries include a PhD of Eco-Applied Psychology, Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine, Bachelor of Arts in Animal Behavioral Psychology degree, and she is also Licensed Acupuncturist. In addition, she  minored in Business and has over 6 years experience as a property manager and 5 years experience as the Chief Operations Manager of an eco-adventure activity provider in Hawaii. She has been published in the “American Acupuncturist” journal and is a Certified EMT as well.


SEGO Center Natural Pool and CAD Updated Images from This Week

The SEGO Center City Hub continues to move forward with huge help from our partners Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of, Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design).

Here is the newest designs from Meg for the natural pool and eco hot tub:

Eco Hot Tub, Natural Pool, open source natural pool design, sustainable living, eco excellence, The Center of Peace

Click to Visit the SEGO Center Details Page

Here are all 4 floors of the SEGO Center  in CAD. We’re now working on adding the eco-hot tub and natural swimming pool shown above.

The Center of Peace, Open Source Architecture, Free-shared Architecture Plans

Most Recent CAD Export 1/22/2013 – Click to Enlarge

To simplify our details page we’ve also moved all the older images to a newly created page outlining this building from its very first sketches to where it is now:


Building Earth Homes: Earthbag Home Furniture Layout Possibilities for Pod 1

Pod one is the first of the seven different sustainable village models to be built because it is designed to demonstrate and teach building earth homes as one of the most affordable construction and living models available. It consists of sixty-four 150-200 square foot semi-subterranean earthbag hotel room styled cabanas built in pairs with a central sitting area designed for relaxation and growing a small shared garden.  Like a hotel or dorm room, each dome will consist of a bed, dresser(s), and a small sitting area and desk. Communal use bathrooms and showers will be within a short walk and will integrate recycling of all water and a combination vermiculture and traditional septic eco-friendly bathroom. These earth home bungalows will be heated by rocket mass heaters and kept cool via the semi-subterranean construction and passive cooling. Electricity and heat for all homes and the central tropical dome will be provided by solar (see energy infrastructure page).

Here are the layout drawings we just finished to demonstrate what building earth homes like this will look like with built-in furniture.

earthbag construction, pod 1, One Community, Earth Dome, sustainable village, sustainable architecture, eco-living, open source architecture, green building

Click Image to be Taken to the Earth Bag Village and Pod 1 Details Page