Stewards of the Earth – One Community Weekly Progress Update #15

We are bringing together the stewards of the earth to create a path to earth stewardship for anyone who wants it. Our strategy to accomplishing this is by operating as a for The Highest Good of All 501(c)3 non-profit organization and open… Read More

CFL Bulbs vs Incandescent Light Bulb Efficiency

Have you been introduced to the new free CFL lightbulbs from the power companies and ever wondered what kind of research has been done to demonstrate the benefits of CFL bulbs vs Incandescent bulbs? Paul Wheaton started thinking… Read More

Garbage Warrior

Michael Reynolds builds living spaces out of garbage. He takes all of the things that are thrown out locally and turns them into houses. But not only are they houses, they are each unique, beautiful living structures, enviroartistically… Read More