Rocket Mass Heaters

A rocket mass heater (also known as a rocket stove mass heater) is an innovative and efficient space heating system that we intend to use throughout the Pods of One Community. Developed by combining the technology of a rocket wood stove and a masonry… Read More

Energetic vs Monetary Exchange

This was figured out by one of our Community Pioneers. “1. If one person contributes 40 hours per week for 50 weeks a year and we were to “pay” them $20/hour, that’s a $40,000 salary. Multiply that by… Read More

Garbage Warrior

Michael Reynolds builds living spaces out of garbage. He takes all of the things that are thrown out locally and turns them into houses. But not only are they houses, they are each unique, beautiful living structures, enviroartistically… Read More

One Community Welcomes <> to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Anvita Kumari Pandey to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Anvita received her Bachelors in Civil Engineering from the University of Pune in India. After graduation she worked for 2+ years as a Cost Analysis… Read More