One Community on KBPK 95.5 FM Los Angeles

One Community founder Jae Sabol was recently featured on “Environmental Directions,” an international, award-winning interview radio series hosted by Nancy Pearlman. The discussion focused predominantly on sharing One Community as a path to creating increased mainstream involvement. More specifically, the years… Read More

New Family Application Guidelines are Complete!

One Community values the collaborative and cooperative environment created by working and living as a family and we feel extending the family spirit to include all members of One Community, and ultimately all members of the entire human… Read More

New One Community Pages Created

Along with all the infrastructure and education program progress, One Community has also been working hard to respond your feedback! Here are a couple of the newest pages we’ve created: The Importance of Financial Stability for One Community Pioneers and… Read More

Open Source Aquaponics/Aquapini Development Update

Over two years of planning and collaboration on our open source designs for aquaponics/aquapini sustainable food systems are finally at the point where we are drawing up architectural plans! Huge gratitude goes out to the massive investment of time by our primary aquaponics… Read More

Village Development Plan – One Community

Our open source village development plan continues to move forward. We made significant progress last week on the Pod 1 (depicted left) Tropical Dome graywater processing plans that are now complete to the point of a 60-page document outlining the design, permitting,… Read More

One Community Launches National Volunteer Campaign and Other Updates

One Community is happy to announce that we have launched a national nonprofit volunteer campaign in preparation for the release of our open source collaborative portal, to assist with our swiftly developing education program, and our on-going infrastructure details…. Read More

Free Education Resources and Open Source Sustainable Education Infrastructure

One Community has been working for months on an open source education program for lifelong learning and providing free education resources, tools, tutorials, and lesson plans to anyone with a computer. Our goal with this program is to maximize… Read More

SEGO Center Integration of Natural Pond Pool, Eco Hot Tub, and Changing Rooms

The newly named SEGO Center continues to move forward extremely fast. Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of, Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder… Read More

Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub

The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a… Read More

One Community Welcomes Yulia Nakonechna to the One Community Pioneer Team

One Community is excited to welcome Yulia Nakonechna to the Pioneer Team. Yulia is a PhD Professor of Linguistics, Private Language Tutor, Children’s Supervisor, Facilitator, and Teacher joining the team working on our transformational education program. Yulia has spent… Read More