As part of One Community’s four-phase strategy and global change methodology, our Phase II food infrastructure is an open source project-launch blueprinting of 6 structures that will represent 3 different aquapini and walipini designs. These 6 structures will be a part of our botanical garden model and will produce a diversity of delicious and nutritious food far beyond anything found in a typical grocery store. This open source hub includes the following sections:
A walipini is an in-ground food production structure. An aquapini is a walipini incorporating aquaponics. These structures are built into the ground because below the frost line the earth maintains a temperature of 55 degrees F/13 C. Building these structures sunk deep enough into the ground benefits from this and helps keep these structures both cool in the summer and warmer in the winter. They have additional benefits in that they require less building materials than a greenhouse, look better and maintain a lower physical profile, and are easier to service and repair since the roof begins at about ground level.
We will be building 3 walipini greenhouses and three aquapinis – 1 purposed for large-scale food production and the other two purposed for maximum food diversity and beauty. The designs we have created are purposed to maximize growing space, grow an unparalleled diversity of food, and provide a beautiful recreational space as well. Using a combination of a sloped South-terraced growing area, completely glazed South wall, and skylights supports this while maximizing needed sunlight in the winter and reducing excess sunlight (and heat) in the summer:
Some of the key features and intentions of the aquapini and walipini (Phase II) food infrastructure include:
Seasonal Direct Sunlight – Annual Direct Sunlight – Direct & Indirect Light
Here is a skylight study we did for these designs. It was to test the difference between flush skylights, horizontal skylights, 50% versus 100% solar penetration, and the addition of reflective surfaces versus non-reflective surfaces. The results show that flush skylights combined 100% solar penetration and the addition of reflective surfaces will maximize sunlight in these structures and increase this sunlight where we will need it most: against the North wall. The skylights in this video are placed 8′ from the North wall (shown) and (for easier viewing of the anelemma) the wall is only 5′ high, placing the ground at grade versus 6.5′ below grade as it will be in the walipinis and aquapinis.
When we begin construction, our team is projected to be able to complete the large-scale production aquapini and walipini 3 (largest walipini) within 3-4 months with an average weekly team commitment of 200 hours per week to this task. Additionally, we can build the roof and walls of these structures and then focus our attention developing the insides during the winter months (if needed) when focusing primarily on the construction of the earthbag village or straw bale village would be limited.
Large-scale Tropical Aquapini – Desert House – Borderline Subtropical House
Large-scale Tropical Walipini – Cloud Forest House – Tropical Moist House
Large-scale Aquapini Interior Render
We chose aquapinis and walipinis for our Phase II food production infrastructure because they are affordable to construct, easier than other models to control the internal temperature, can produce large volumes of year-round food, and because we feel they provide the maximum benefit to financial and labor investment ratio. This makes aquapini and walipini designs the best choice in support of our four-phase global transformation strategy and open source project-launch blueprinting goals. The complete layout of these structures (see enlargeable map above) is also ideal for water catchment and conservation, creates a central recreational space, and provides extremely efficient harvesting and food removal.
Avery Ellis: Aquaponics Specialist and owner/operator of Integrated Aquaponics
Bear Stauss: Horticulturalist and Landscape Design/Recreation Area Management Specialist
Bupesh Seethala: Architectural Drafter & Designer, BS Electrical Engineering (
Charles McLean: Architecture & Urban Agriculture Designer, Professor, and owner of OM Greengroup
David Sweet: Architect (
Daniela Andrea Parada: Civil Engineering Student
Diana Gomez: Mechanical Engineer
Douglas Simms Stenhouse: Architect and Water Color Artist
Henry Vennard: Mechanical Engineer
Jiayu Liang: Landscape Designer
Kim Braman: Apiary and Beekeeping Expert
Mohammad Almuzaial: Civil and Construction Engineer
Ron Payne: HVAC / Thermal Designer, Mechanical Engineer
Zdenek Jurik: P.E. Structural, Civil and Mechanical Engineer and founder of ABC Engineering
We are starting by researching, developing, and open source and free-shared project-launch blueprinting three different sustainable food production systems: a large-scale food production aquapini, 2 different “backyard version” zen aquapini designs, and 3 separate maximally-affordable walipini greenhouses. As we build them, and problem solve and evolve each of them for One Community (and with others around the world) we will use this page as the portal to all the open source and free-shared project-launch blueprinting details needed for duplication of these systems including:
In accordance with our botanical garden model and our for The Highest Good of All philosophy we will demonstrate what truly ethical and carefully planned land stewardship is capable of. The ultimate result of this will be sustainable production of unparalleled nutrition and diversity capable of providing enough volume and variety to feed all of One Community and our visitors. Even with traditional methods one person working full-time on food production can produce enough food to feed 30; with aquaponics that same person can produce enough food to feed 300. Our goal when arriving on the property is to immediately start large-scale gardening and building ultra-affordable, easy, and fast to construct hoop houses. We will build enough hoop houses and plant enough food to make ourselves about 70% food self-sufficient within 3-4 months. Combining this with raising goats, chickens, and rabbits will provide sufficient food to feed 100+ people by the end of the first year. Until we are successfully producing enough food to sustain ourselves, we will be buying it from local producers and suppliers with the goal of supporting sustainable and ethical practices.
Phase II food production will include building the walipini and aquaponics food farms that will provide even more food diversity and volume. Once we start building these structures, the first two are estimated to take no more than 6 months to build and test and another 2 months or so to be producing food. All six structures should be able to be completed within a year.
Additional details are discussed here with the following sections:
To make construction as easy as possible, the foundational dimensions of all the structures are identical and can be seen in these images.
The large-scale production aquapini is a “tropical house,” growing a mix of perennial and annual crops in over 1,900 square feet (177 sq meters) of growing space. Our goal is to demonstrate maximum food production combined with unique biodiversity as part of our botanical garden model. This house will maintain an internal temperature range of 60-90 degrees Fahrenheit (16-32 C) and a humidity of 50-80% producing many foods that cannot be purchased in most grocery stores. It has been designed to maximize the efficient utilization of every possible cubic foot of space, lumen of light, and BTU of heat. Such factors as work flow and ergonomics, light and shade requirements, pollination needs, etc. were carefully considered with the intent to incorporate these elements into a synergistic and harmonious whole. There is also a small recreational space built into the design.
LSAQ Planting Map – Large-scale Aquapini CAD Export
We will post complete and open source Sketchup, CAD, and 3DS Max file downloads here for anyone to use and modify as soon as they are complete. Click Here for where we are in the process of completing these files. Click Here to see how you can help us complete them faster.
We will be building 3 walipinis as traditional soil growing areas using the same roof and wall designs as the aquapinis. We will build Walipini 3 (the larges Walipini) first, then #2, then #1. The purpose of the walipini greenhouses will be to provide research and development comparisons with the aquapinis while open source project-launch blueprinting this maximally affordable, duplicable, and easy to maintain year-round food production option that also houses trees.
Walipini #1 will be a Frost-free Arid Zone Desert House providing over 1,800 square feet (167 sq meters) of growing space.The temperature range will be maintained between 60-100 F (16-38 C) with humidity ranging between 50-90%. The plantings in Walipini #1 will be in support of our botanical garden model and based on species from the world’s tropical deserts including (and centered around) specimens of the endangered species Cordeauxia edulis, the yeheb nut. Walipini #1 will be completed after Walipini #2.
Walipini #2 will be the Borderline Subtropical House also providing over 1,800 square feet (167 sq meters) of growing space. It will maintain cool subtropical and temperate off-season production of plants that will enjoy its temperature and humidity ranges of 32-90 degrees F (0-32 C) and 30-50% respectively. This house will host many of the types of crops that we will also be looking to grow outdoors including pomegranate, loquat, figs, pineapple guava, olives, grapes, peaches, apricots, etc. Walipini #2 will be completed after Walipini #3.
Here’s a 2-minutes video of these conditions already being met successfully with a passive greenhouse in Nebraska:
Here is a 20-minute more detailed version and a PDF download with additional details:
Here’s another walipini example from Colorado. It includes a few other sustainable heating options too:
Walipini #3 will be the Tropical House providing over 2,900 square feet (269 sq meters) of growing space. This structure is the the same size and similar internal environment (60-90 degrees F/16-32 C & 60-90% humidity) as the large-scale production aquapini. Not incorporating any aquaculture, Walipini 3 is purposed to demonstrate a year-round affordable walipini in-ground-growing food production system incorporating a diversity of trees and other tropical plants. Walipini #3 will be completed after the Large-scale Aquapini.
We will post complete and open source Sketchup, CAD, and 3DS Max file downloads here for anyone to use and modify as soon as they are complete. Click Here for where we are in the process of completing these files. Click Here to see how you can help us complete them faster.
Each of these houses will provide over 1,400 square feet (130 sq meters) of growing space and are designed to demonstrate maximum food diversity and beautiful places to relax. They will be the last of the Phase II food structures to be completed. Our goal with both of these structures is to:
Just one of these smaller aquapini structures is purposed to produce a volume and diversity of food sufficient for a large family, their friends, and several additional families while also creating an aesthetically pleasing place to go and sit “in nature” even when it’s cold and uncomfortable outside. We are also building these with the long-term intent to demonstrate that we can convert them into walipini permaculture environments once the higher production levels of the aquaponics are no longer needed due to permaculture and the other sustainable food production facilities incorporated into each of the 7 different village models.
Zenapini #1 will be an education food production Cloud Forest House. The cloud forest environment is characterized by an ecosystem of high humidity (50-80%) and cooler temperatures than tropical regions (55-80 degrees F/13-27 C) and is generally frost free. As an educational structure and part of our botanical garden model, this house will feature unusual food plants, medicinal plants, species with unusual life cycles, reproduction biology, industrial uses, or other economic applications.
Zenapini #2 will be planted as a Tropical Moist House hosting a highly diverse range of tropical plants. It will be maintained between 60-90 degrees F/16-32 C and with 50-90% humidity. Food diversity is being prioritized over food production for this house and it will also host a variety of non-edible rare and useful plants. This structure will be an important component of One Community’s educational infrastructure where people can gain direct experience with some of nature’s plant wonders.
Zen Aquapini External Concept Render
Zen Aquapini Conceptual Internal Render
We will post complete and open source Sketchup, CAD, and 3DS Max file downloads here for anyone to use and modify as soon as they are complete. Click Here for where we are in the process of completing these files. Click Here to see how you can help us complete them faster.
One Community’s Phase II food infrastructure consists of 6 different aquapini and walipini structures that we are open source project-launch blueprinting. There are three primary designs: Large-scale Production Aquapini, Aesthetic and Diversity Focused Zen Aquapini, and the Maximally-affordable Walipini Greenhouse Design. Each of the 6 structures will provide a different internal environment and grow a different variety of food. The structures will be the Large-scale Production Tropical Aquapini, Zen Aquapini #1: Cloud Forest House, Zen Aquapini #2: Tropical Moist House, Walipini #1: Frost-free Arid Zone Desert House, Walipini #2: Borderline Subtropical House, and the Walipini #3: Tropical House. These 6 structures will be a part of our botanical garden model and will produce a diversity of delicious and nutritious food far beyond anything found in a typical grocery store.
Q: Will you be getting permits for these structures?
Yes, all of our food structures will be permitted and we will be open source sharing the permitting process also.
Q: How much will these structures cost to build?
Please see our open source aquapini and walipini cost analysis page.
Q: How much food will these structures produce?
Please see our open source aquapini and walipini planting and harvesting page.
Q: What is One Community’s stance on pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides?
If it is not safe to eat, we will not be spraying it on our food.
Q: Is One Community going to be a vegetarian community?
The One Community team consists of vegans, vegetarians, and omnivores. In accordance with our philosophy for The Highest Good of All we are maintaining a non-idealogical approach to food choices. That said, also in accordance with this philosophy, we will only support and consume food items that are ethically and sustainably raised, managed, and produced. The consensus process will be used to decide the evolution of the One Community food plan.
Q: How do you intend to produce spices, mill grain for flour, produce cooking oil, etc. etc.
To us, “100% food sustainability” means we will demonstrate and open source share a model that doesn’t need external food sources. Having achieved this, what we produce internally versus choosing to buy will be decided through the consensus process.
Q: The aquapini and walipini structures are closed-loop systems, will you be supplementing them with CO2 to improve plant growth?
Based on the research we did, we believe that we should not be concerned about the CO2 levels in our growing structures. The CO2 generated by the decomposition of organic material within these structures, from the plants themselves at night, people working in and visiting the structures, and from outside when people enter and exit will be sufficient. Recent research also showed that excessive CO2 can actually be detrimental to the nutritional value of plants. Intentional increases to 1500 ppm (for production increases of 30%) can be created by various means but this extra CO2 decreases levels of key nutrients while also creating excess carbohydrate/sugar content. This results over the long run in plants becoming more like junk food than the nutritions foundations of a healthy diet they are meant to be.