One Community Welcomes Dennis Wohfeil to the Partnership Team!

One Community is excited to welcome Dennis Wohlfeil to the One Community Partner’s Team! Dennis Wohlfeil – Earth Builder and Sustainable Technologies Expert: Throughout his entire life Dennis has known he wanted to do something to help humanity. In 2001… Read More

New One Community Eco-laundry Partner: Western State Design

One Community is excited to announce our partnership with Western State Design! We had an opportunity to tour their distribution center in Los Angeles and their commitment to sustainability, durability, and really assessing for themselves what works versus… Read More

One Community Welcomes Renetta (Rene) Aprahamian to the Pioneer Team!

Blogger, Website Designer, Filmmaker/Film Extra, and Jane of All Trades: Rene has an AA in Marketing with a Minor in Business specializing in the apparel industry. She has over 15 years of experience as a website designer and blogger… Read More

One Community Welcomes 3D Graphics Specialist Radu Christian Pintilie to our Partners Team!

One Community is excited to welcome Radu Christian Pintilie to our Partners Team for open source global change! Radu is a 3D Graphic Arts major in Romania who will be making a complete 3D real-to-life walkthrough of the… Read More

One Community Welcomes the Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now Group to Our Partner Team

One Community is happy to welcome Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now as our most recent partner! Build Hybrid Communities and Towns Now is a group working on bridging to a RBE (Resource Based Economy) from the current system. In the Hybrid… Read More

People Changing the World: One Community Welcomes New Partners Ziggy Tolnay and the RBE10K Project to our Team

One Community is always seeking other organizations and people changing the world so we can work together and create what we know is possible even faster. Our most recent partners Ziggy Tolnay and his organization RBE10K are great examples of… Read More

One Community Welcomes Stephanie VanderKallen to Our Team of World-change People!

One Community is happy to welcome Stephanie VanderKallen to the One Community team of Consultants and Volunteers helping with the development of the the Education for Life Program. Stephanie is a teacher and a mental health professional who graduated… Read More

One Community featured on PonderTalkRadio

One Community was featured this week on PonderTalkRadio with Aaron Moritz and Jim Hamell from “The Bridge.” Here is the video of the 1.5 hr interview discussing open source project-launch blueprinting and what’s possible for this planet and all its… Read More

One Community Welcomes Yulia Nakonechna to the One Community Pioneer Team

One Community is excited to welcome Yulia Nakonechna to the Pioneer Team. Yulia is a PhD Professor of Linguistics, Private Language Tutor, Children’s Supervisor, Facilitator, and Teacher joining the team working on our transformational education program. Yulia has spent… Read More

One Community Welcomes <> to the Design Team!

One Community welcomes Anvita Kumari Pandey to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant! Anvita received her Bachelors in Civil Engineering from the University of Pune in India. After graduation she worked for 2+ years as a Cost Analysis… Read More