One Community on KBPK 95.5 FM Los Angeles

One Community founder Jae Sabol was recently featured on “Environmental Directions,” an international, award-winning interview radio series hosted by Nancy Pearlman. The discussion focused predominantly on sharing One Community as a path to creating increased mainstream involvement. More specifically, the years… Read More

Birth of the SEGO Center City Hub

The “Center of Peace” has evolved into the SEGO Center City Hub to represent the importance and function of this building in relation to our global change strategy, its relation to the 7 different sustainable village prototypes, and its intended purpose as a… Read More

One Community Welcomes Yulia Nakonechna to the One Community Pioneer Team

One Community is excited to welcome Yulia Nakonechna to the Pioneer Team. Yulia is a PhD Professor of Linguistics, Private Language Tutor, Children’s Supervisor, Facilitator, and Teacher joining the team working on our transformational education program. Yulia has spent… Read More

One Community Featured on The Bridge with Jim Hamell to Discuss Open Source Sustainability

The Bridge – Jae Sabol & Lee Camp from Jim Hamell on Vimeo. Open Source Sustainability Jae Sabol, the Executive Director of the One Community Non-profit Organization, was interviewed by Jim Hamell for The Bridge last week to… Read More

One Community Welcomes Amber Berg to the Pioneer Team

One Community is excited to welcome our newest Pioneer, Amber Berg, to the team. Amber has dedicated her life to healthy living and the environment and has had a similar vision to One Community for over 10 years. Her… Read More

One Community Welcomes New Pioneer Bear Stauss to the Pioneer Team

One Community is happy to welcome Bear Stauss to the One Community Pioneer Team! Bear has a BS in Agricultural Production specializing in Ornamental Horticulture & Landscape Design/Recreation Area Management and brings years of experience as an Experienced Wildland… Read More

One Community Radio Show Interview!

One Community founder Jae just booked a radio show interview for the week after next. We’ll record it next Tuesday and it will air on three ecologically conscious programs on three different radio stations in either February or… Read More

One Community Welcomes 1Stop Energies as Our Newest Renewable Alternative Energy Partner

We are happy to announce that One Community is now partnered with 1Stop Energies, the makers of the new renewable alternative energy Unification Coil. Invented and created by Daniel & Erica Nunez, the Unification Coil is a product of… Read More

New International Pioneer Page Creation Including and FAQ Section

Due to feedback that people thought One Community was not open to international participation in the Pioneer Program, we just finished this page for clarification:

Welcome Aravind, James, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consultants Team!

One Community is happy to announce that addition of Aravind Batra, James Del Monaco, and P2S Engineering to the One Community Consulting Team working on the SEGO Center City Hub. More specifically we are happy to have them taking the… Read More