Engineering our own green future is possible and beneficial for all people and life on our planet. For the first time in the history of humanity, open source sustainability components can be developed and globally shared and produced. Putting these… Read More
Building an eco-bridge between idealism and pragmatism is possible through open source sustainability components. The path to accomplishing this is to inspire people with a working model. This model should be designed for widespread appeal by being affordable, applicable across a diversity… Read More
Making sustainability mainstream is a process of making it easy enough, affordable enough, and demonstrating it as having enough value for sustainability ideas to spread on their own. This can be accomplished through an open source approach that combines physical sustainability (food, energy, housing)… Read More
Active ecological reinvention of our world is possible and happening. Through an open source approach to combining physical sustainability (food, energy, housing) with emotional sustainability (education, recreation, business creation, and Earth stewardship) we can create and involve people in a better quality of living that… Read More
A better quality of living for all people, everywhere, is possible. It can be sustainable, environmentally regenerative, provide more free time, more things to do with that time and help others to live a higher quality of life… Read More
Creating objective and measurable global transformation through open source sustainability will positively affect us all. Open source solutions are affordable solutions, and adding the foundations of making these easy enough and demonstrating them as attractive enough will predictably spread these solutions. Approaching this… Read More
Creating a sustainable global education blueprint that will teach people how to live sustainably anywhere in the world can be accomplished. To truly meet the goals of all people, everywhere, this model will combine physical sustainability (food, energy, housing, etc.)… Read More
Strategic Sustainable lifestyle creation makes sense to include both physical sustainability (food, energy, housing, etc.) and emotional sustainability (education, economics, recreation, etc.). Combining and open source and free-sharing these as a complete model can make this lifestyle an… Read More
Taking a systemic approach to total sustainability means a progressive approach to sustainability that includes all aspects of life: food, energy, housing, education, economics, recreation, and more. Open source and free-sharing these as a complete model can create a more comprehensive and sustainable option… Read More
Creating whole-life green-living models means evolving sustainability to include all aspects of life, not just food, energy, and housing. Open source and free-sharing these plus education, recreation, economics, and earth stewardship can create an even more comprehensive and sustainable option… Read More