

This page is an open source resource guide for potatoes. It is for growing and maintaining the most bio-diverse, delicious, and broadly applicable potato selection possible. It contains cultural considerations, planting guidelines, descriptions, and the best places we’ve found for purchasing the species we’ve listed. As part of the One Community Highest Good food component of global transformation, this page will continue to evolve indefinitely to contain maintenance and care tips, accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model, and even recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property.


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potatoes collage, One Community


(Click here for potato purchase details)

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum and Solanum spp.)
Potatoes, One CommunityThe potato (a starchy, tuberous vegetable) is the world’s fourth largest food crop, following rice, wheat, and maize. Generally fall harvested and root cellared, potatoes can overwinter in the ground, dug up as needed although the texture of the tubers deteriorates as spring approaches. They are cooked in a variety of ways, pickled, canned, or dried and ground to flour.
  • Potatoes like fertile soil, but avoid excess nitrogen
  • Potatoes are planted from tuber pieces called seed potatoes
  • Growing in thick mulch encourages tubers to form at soil surface
  • “New” potatoes (immature tubers) can be removed during the growing season
  • Potatoes can be left in the ground through the winter and harvested as needed

Seed potatoes should be planted in spring to well worked soil that has been amended with organic matter and in sunny well drained soil to avoid fungal diseases. Mulch heavily, as potatoes can form above the soil in the mulch layer itself. Irrigate sparingly, only enough to keep the soil from drying completely.

DIY Video half, ways to help One Community, open source sustainability, One Community globalDo-it-yourself video coming, helping through crowdfunding, crowdfunding sustainability

VIDEO COMING: Planting tutorial followed by timelapse growth videos



Wikipedia ” Potatoes

 Desiree Potato
GPo#1 :: Desiree Potato

Desiree is a mid-season, waxy, firm, red-skinned potato introduced in the United States from Holland in 1962. It has a long oval shape, deep golden flesh with a moist creamy texture, and a delicate flavor. This variety is disease resistant, easy to grow, and quite reliable. It is a great choice for frying, roasting, mashing, in a sauce, or as an all around cooking potato. Desiree matures in eighty to one hundred days.

German Butterball Potato
GPo#2 :: German Butterball Potato

German Butterball is an heirloom quality potato with russeted slightly flaky skin, irresistible flavor, and buttery yellow flesh. It is named for its buttery taste and is a favorite oval shaped, all-purpose potato with very good yields. This variety is versatile enough for every kind of preparation; the larger plants have high tuber set and exhibit disease resistance. German Butterball matures within one hundred twenty days.

La Ratte Potato
GPo#3 :: La Ratte Potato

La Ratte was discovered in the Swiss Alps by French farmer Jean Pierre Clot. It has been longed prized as a top quality fingerling with long uniform tubers, yellow flesh, a rich chestnutty flavor, and firm waxy texture. This variety is great for potato salad or as a boiled potato, and chefs suggest it can be used for mashing, in salads or casseroles, and is wonderfully smooth when pureed. La Ratte is an expensive potato at restaurants and markets; it matures in about one hundred and twenty days.

Nicola Potato
GPo#4 :: Nicola Potato

Nicola is a German potato with a low glycemic level, great for diabetics. It is a uniform, medium large, oblong tuber with smooth yellow skin and pale yellow flesh. This variety has a firm and waxy texture and is great boiled, steamed, roasted, and in salads. It is eelworm resistant and grows long if there is plenty of space. Nicola matures in around one hundred ten days and has a high yield potential.

Purple Viking Potato
GPo#5 :: Purple Viking Potato

Purple Viking potato has all the same features as its parent Viking Red, but with a truly purple skin with pink/red splashes and snow white flesh. It has a smooth texture and unique taste; a slightly sweet flavor that intensifies with storage. This variety is great for mashing or any way you choose to prepare it. It has average tubers around 3 to 4 inches in diameter with great potential for larger tubers. Purple Viking stores well, is drought resistant, and matures in about one hundred days.

Sangre Potato
GPo#6 :: Sangre Potato

Sangre is an oval potato with oblong tubers and shallow eyes. It is a medium- sized plant that emerges slowly but has a potentially high yield. It’s deep red, waxy skin is thick and smooth with brilliant white flesh. This sweet, full flavored potato is good for baking and boiling. Sangre is resistant to second growth, and rarely exhibits hollow heart, internal discoloration, or black spots. This variety retains its red color and shape well during long storage, and matures in one hundred days.

Yellow Finn Potato
GPo#7 :: Yellow Finn Potato

Yellow Finn is a classic European potato with an extra buttery flavor. It has a moist mashable texture and is also great for boiling, scallops, gratins, frying, or baking. The tubers are sometimes flat, round, or even pear shaped, with a 3 inch diameter. This variety performs best in a lush, long growing season and produces enormous yields; holding up well for long periods without sprouting. Yellow Finn matures in close to one hundred days.

Yukon Gold Potato
GPo#8 :: Yukon Gold Potato

Yukon Gold was bred and selected by AGCanada and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food in 1966. It’s a favorite among consumers, chefs and gardeners, with spuds that range from 4 to 10 ounces. The tubers are blocky, rounded and thin skinned. The yellow flesh appears as if already buttered though it’s drier than most varieties. This variety is perfect for soups, salads, mashing, and baking. Yukon Gold harvests early, close to seventy or ninety days.

Russet Katahdin Potato
GPo#9 :: Russet Katahdin Potato

Katahdin was bred in 1923 by the USDA from a cross between USDA 24642 and USDA 40568 in Presque Isle Maine. Considered a standard since 1932, this potato is popular in the Eastern United States. This variety has russeted skin, a moist texture, and is good for boiling, mashing, baking, frying, and chips. Katahdin matures in eighty days.

Russet Burbank Potato
GPo#10 :: Russet Burbank Potato

Russet Burbank was bred by Massachusetts farmer, Luther Burbank, from a seed ball on an Early Rose plant in 1874. It is the standard potato for french fries and is considered one of the most studied potato cultivars in North America. This variety has an oblong shape, shallow eyes, light russet netting, white flesh, and bakes fluffier than most potatoes. It is great mashed, baked, or roasted as well as other preparations. The vines are large and it’s a vigorous spreader with maturation occurring within one hundred and thirty days.

We will also be growing the following additional potatoes:
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum and Solanum spp.) :: GPo#11 -GPo#17

11. Alaska Red Eye 12. Alby’s Gold 13. All Red 14. Anna Cheeka’s Ozette 15. Bintje 16. Black Russian 17. Green Mountain

Potato Plant Material/Seed Providers:
Potato Purchase Details
GPo#2PotatoGerman ButterballSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#3PotatoLa RatteSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#5PotatoPurple VikingSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#7PotatoYellow FinnSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#8PotatoYukon GoldSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#9PotatoRusset KatahdinSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#10PotatoRusset BurbankHMS100 lbs$238.8$238.8
GPo#11PotatoAlaska Red EyeSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#12PotatoAlby’s GoldSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#13PotatoAll RedSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#14PotatoAnna Cheeka’s OzetteSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#16PotatoBlack RussianSSE3pkt.$5$15
GPo#17PotatoGreen MountainSSE3pkt.$5$15



We are seeking awesome potato resources. If you know of one, please click here to share it with us so we can make this page better.



This section will evolve to include accessioning and plant breeding and sharing information as part of the One Community open source botanical garden model.



This section will evolve to include testimonials, recipe’s, preparations, and preservation methods used on the property first, and then later with additional information from other Highest Good collaborators and teacher/demonstration hubs.

Potato Croquettes, Potato Recipes, One Community

Potato Croquettes
(Crispy Deep-Fried Mashed Potatoes)

Recipe courtesy of: Christina’s Cucina

Total Time: 15 min
Prep: 15 min
Cook: Chill
Yield: 4 Servings
Level: Easy



  • 1 1/4 lb (about 2 1/2 cups) mashed potatoes, preferably Russets from Idaho (for US residents)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
  • Salt and pepper


  •  1/2 cup (about 4 oz) flour
  • 1 or 2 eggs, beaten with a little salt and pepper
  • 1/2 to 1 cup (4 to 8 oz) dry breadcrumbs
  • Oil for frying (such as Grapeseed oil)



  1. Mix the mashed potatoes, egg, parsley, salt, and pepper until well combined.
  2. Place the flour, beaten egg, and breadcrumbs in three separate trays or bowls.
  3. Take a handful of potato mixture, shape into a log shape or ball, and dip into flour, then egg and then breadcrumbs; repeat (Yes, do it twice, it’s worth it!)
  4. Place on a plate or tray (dusted with cornmeal or breadcrumbs) and refrigerate for about an hour.
  5. When ready to cook/eat, heat some grapeseed or peanut oil in a small pot, over medium high heat, so that the croquettes may be deep fried.
  6. Fry two or three at a time, depending on how many fit, carefully turning (with tongs) once, until evenly browned.
  7. Remove, and place on towel-lined plate to cool a little.
  8. Continue with the rest of the potato mixture until it is all finished. You can keep the first ones hot in the oven, until the rest are done.

Serve hot, on their own with HP Sauce, or as a side.

Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Potato Recipes. One Community

Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Recipe courtesy of: W Network

Total Time: 60 min
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 40 min
Yield: 18-20 Croquettes
Level: Easy



  • 6 baking potatoes
  • Whipping cream
  • 1/4 cup butter, unsalted
  • 3 cloves garlic


  1. Peel and boil potatoes with garlic cloves until potatoes are tender.
  2. Drain potatoes & add butter.
  3. Mash and add whipping cream until desired consistency is reached. Season with salt and pepper.

Grilled Potatoes with Chive Sauce, Chive Recipes, Allium Recipes, One Community

Grilled Potatoes with Chive Sauce

Recipe courtesy of: Life Ambrosia

Total Time: 20 min
Prep: 10 min
Cook: 10 min
Yield: 2-4 Servings
Level: Easy



  • 5 medium red potatoes, sliced into 1/4 inch slices
  • 1/3 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/3 cup sour cream
  • 2 tablespoons minced chives, plus more for garnish
  • 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt, plus a pinch more
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder


  1. Place sliced potatoes in pot and cover with water.
  2. Bring to a boil and cook just until fork tender, 3 – 4 minutes.
  3. Drain.
  4. In a bowl combine mayonnaise, sour cream, chives, salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Mix well.
  5. Preheat grill.
  6. Reserve 1/4 cup of chive sauce.
  7. Dip boiled potatoes into remaining chive sauce, coat completely.
  8. Repeat until all potatoes are coated.
  9. Place potatoes on the grill and cook until browned and tender.
  10. Transfer to a plate.
  11. Sprinkle with kosher salt.
  12. Place a dollop of remaining chive sauce on each of the potatoes.
  13. Garnish with chopped chives. Serve.

Chorizo Potato Bites, Potato Recipes, One Community

Chorizo Potato Bites

Recipe courtesy of: Food Republic

Total Time: 65 min
Prep: 20 min
Cook: 45 min
Yield: 4-6 Servings
Level: Intermediate



  • 2 chorizo links, removed from casing
  • 1/2 small red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 pound small golf ball-sized potatoes, washed and halved
  • 6 ounces sour cream
  • Several dashes, Mexican hot sauce (we love Cholula)
  • 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
  • 2 scallions, white and green parts thinly sliced
  • Salt and pepperblank-transparent-50x1


  1. Heat a large heavy pan over medium heat, then cook the chorizo until fully browned, breaking up chunks with a wooden spoon.
  2. Remove chorizo to a layer of paper towels using a slotted spoon. Drain off all but a tablespoon of the remaining fat.
  3. Fry the onions and garlic in the pan over medium-low until translucent, 8-10 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Remove and allow to cool to room temperature.
  4. Place potatoes in a large stockpot, cover with water and add a couple of tablespoons of salt. Bring to a boil and cook until just fork-tender.
  5. Drain potatoes and transfer to a baking sheet using tongs (they’ll be extremely hot).
  6. Allow to cool to room temperature, then hollow out about halfway using a teaspoon. Transfer the potato innards to a medium mixing bowl.
  7. Mix potato innards with the chorizo, onion, and garlic mixture, sour cream, hot sauce, half the cilantro and half the scallions until combined but still slightly chunky. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  8. Preheat oven to 375° F.
  9. Fill the hollowed-out potatoes with the potato-chorizo mixture and bake for 10-15 minutes or until slightly golden brown on top.


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