Dome-home Furniture: Murphy Bed Construction and Assembly

Dome Home Furniture Header for the One Community Crowdfunding Campaign

Complete page coming… This page will teach the specifics for constructing the custom Murphy bed furniture for the 200-square-foot earthbag construction dome homes with lofts. This is also one of the two primary furniture designs planned for the complete open source sustainable Earthbag Construction Village. The… Read More

Bathroom/Kitchen Dome Appliances, Shower, Cabinets, and Shelving

Bathroom/Kitchen Dome Appliances, Shower, Cabinets, and Shelving header, One Community crowdfunding

Complete page coming… This page will teach the specifics for installing the 200-square-foot aircrete bathroom/kitchen-dome appliances, shower, cabinets, and shelving. This dome is currently not part of the complete open source complete Earthbag Construction Village because there are separate designs for larger shower and toilet domes as well as… Read More

Dome-home-trio Patio, Benches, and Water Collection

Water Catchment Header for the One Community Crowdfunding Campaign

Complete page coming… This page will teach details for construction of the dome-home-trio patio, benches, and water collection components. Open sourcing these details for both aircrete and earthbag construction domes will help us decide which building method is truly best for us to build what… Read More

Aircrete 200-Square-foot Dome & Loft Construction

Aircete Open Source Header for the One Community Crowdfunding Campaign

This page is about building details for aircrete construction domes and lofts. It is meant to be the most complete, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow guide available. One Community will be using the Aircrete and Earthbag Crowdfunding Campaign to make it even better. This guide… Read More

Earthbag Guest/Studio Dome Construction

150 dome home open source Header for the One Community Crowdfunding Campaign

Complete page coming… This page will teach the specifics for constructing a 150-square-foot earthbag dome that will function as a bathroom and kitchen dome. This will complete our goal to open source at least one 150-square-foot dome small enough to be built in… Read More

Earthbag 200-Square-foot Dome and Loft Construction

Dome Home Open Source Header for the One Community Crowdfunding Campaign

This page is about building details for earthbag construction domes and lofts. It is meant to be the most complete, comprehensive, and easy-to-follow guide available. One Community will be using the Earthbag Crowdfunding Campaign and construction of the Earthbag Village to make it even… Read More

One Community Welcomes ReInhabiting the Village to the Highest Good Collaborator’s Team

One Community is happy to welcome ReInhabiting The Village to our Highest Good Collaborators team! ReInhabiting The Village is a Multi-Media Community Resource Hub which includes a graphically rich printed Soft Cover Book, E-book, Functional Workbook, and an Online Resource… Read More

How to Effectively Open Source a Build

How to Effectively Open Source a Build

Complete page coming… This page will be the page that teaches others that are interested how to comprehensively open source share their constructions too. It will detail everything necessary to create replicable tools, tutorials, and educational resources supporting open source building… Read More

One Community Welcomes Scott Thomas and the Shadow Ridge Signature Architecture Program to the Design Team!

One Community is happy to welcome Scott Thomas and the Shadow Ridge Signature Architecture Program to the Design Team: Scott Thomas – Instructor of Architectural Design Drafting and Author: Scott has been a secondary and postsecondary educator for over 22 years. He… Read More

WordPress 4.0 Broken Header Navigation Fix

Wordpress 4 Navigation Fix Header

WordPress 4.0 broke our website header navigation menus and we found a very simple fix navigation menu not working problem. Our theme is the Organic-NonProfit them (version 3.0.2) by Organic Themes. After about 2 hours of CSS code searching, forum reading, etc., we… Read More