One Community welcomes Vidhi Bansal to the Design Team as our newest Volunteer/Consultant!
Vidhi is a recent graduate of SCI-Arc’s M.S. in animation technology, visual graphics and environment art. She works in the confluence of creative technology and world design for architecture, film, and games, with the goal of becoming an art director someday. Over the past seven years, Vidhi has designed concepts for libraries, residential towers, private homes, school extensions, medieval bazaars in war-affected countries, and more. She has developed these concepts through construction phases, physical models, and site installations. Additionally, she has worked as a CGI and motion graphics artist and aims to ultimately venture into the film design world and continue her love for world building and storytelling. As a member of the One Community team, Vidhi is helping with the virtual flyover and tour of the 4-dome home design which is an extension of the Earthbag Village.
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