New-paradigm living and organizational practices founded on honesty and integrity are essential to demonstrating Highest Good society and creating global change. Honesty and Integrity is a part of One Community’s pledge for global transformation and we are bringing together the forward thinkers and solution-focused people of the world to participate, contribute, adapt, and evolve a new way of living that exemplifies this. In so doing, we will provide an open source model so people who desire it can choose to live every moment, and to make every decision, with honesty and in integrity for The Highest Good of each other and all life on earth.
This page discusses Honesty and Integrity with the following sections:
For One Community, living in honesty and integrity means choosing 100% responsibility for our current experience and our future. We may or may not be creating all the things we experience, but we can always choose how we respond and how our existence influences everything around us. Building on this understanding of our responses to life as a choice, we proactively take action towards creating the future we want through open source sharing everything we do, transparent and forward-thinking business practices, and vigilance in monitoring all aspects of One Community so that they are consistently in alignment with all of our values.
In decision making* at One Community, the core value of “Honesty and Integrity” is applied by asking ourselves the following two key questions:
* To ensure we are always aligned with our purpose, values, and mission, One Community uses the values as defined by our organization as the compass for all our decision making; we then factor in the diversity of individual perspectives and experiences. We highly recommend this approach because it saves us hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of collaborative decision making time. If you are considering our model as a template for your own creation, we especially recommend you apply this approach too and use, adapt, or completely change the values we’ve presented so you too can create a clear guidance system that aligns with your own organizational/group/individual needs.
If everyone lived in Honesty and Integrity with themselves and all life on this planet… poverty, starvation, crime, homelessness, social injustice, and most all other challenges of our species would not even exist. One Community believes that eliminating these things is the desire of most people and we are maintaining Honesty and Integrity as one of our core values because we see “being the change we wish to see in the world” as integral to building a viable path to self-replicating environments where others can live in complete Honesty and Integrity with themselves and all other life too. This is foundational to One Community’s approach to Highest Good society, our Highest Good of All philosophy, and our world-change methodology.
One Community does not endorse any one belief system or faith over another – click this image for our Spiritual Philosophy page
One Community has also created an Honesty and Integrity Lesson Plan as part of the open source Highest Good Education component. This lesson plan is purposed to teach all subjects, to any learning level, in any environment using the central theme of “Honesty and Integrity.” Here is the mind map for the lesson plan:
Perhaps for the first time in history, we have the ability to create and spread environments that adhere with care and forethought to a life founded on win-win relationships between everyone and everything. For those already traveling in this direction, the logic and benefits of this path are obvious. One Community calls this living a life of Honesty and Integrity and creating for The Highest Good. We take 100% responsibility for our current experience and our future and we are demonstrating and promoting the benefits of this value through transparency, only forming win-win-win-win relationships, and collectively creating and living our Purpose, Values, and Mission.
Q: Where can I learn more about your other values and how you use each of them in your organization?
Click the icons below to be taken to a complete page for each value:
Q: Where can I get more information about your philosophies for world change?
Please take a look at each of these additional pages: (click icons)
Q: Can you explain more about choosing 100% responsibility for our current experience?
How we perceive things is based on personal experience and therefore different for different people. While we may not be able to control the events in our life and the world, we can control how we respond to them. By choosing to be 100% responsible for our current experience, we recognize that how we choose to perceive things affects our experience of those things and we then have the opportunity to consciously choose the most empowering and positive perspective possible. As a collaborative group dedicated to each other’s growth, we consider remembering and reminding each other of this as helpful to remaining in integrity with each other and ourself because it means we maintain an awareness that we’ve always got a choice in how we perceive things.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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