One Community freedom, freedom for The Highest Good of All, Highest Good Society, living for the good of all, evolving freedom, a new way of living, a new way of socializing, for The Highest Good of All, freedom people, community freedom, freedom and teacher/demonstration village, freedom and One Community, valuing freedom, open source freedom, evolving freedom, freedom non profit, eco living, ecological values, transformational living, caring about everything, celebrating the human experience, celebrating life, expansive living, open source project-launch blueprinting, emotional freedom, conscious and conscientious, our freedom, sharing freedom, unbiased freedom, freedom, freedom without limits


One Community is founded on principles of freedom, love, and acceptance. Our purpose is to create a place where people feel free to be themselves while living specifically focused on what is for The Highest Good of All and positively and permanently transforming the world for everyone. Key focuses we feel embody this at One Community include creating a place of loving connection, spiritual diversity, proactive communication, and celebrating the diversity that is humanity.

This page explores these concepts further with the following sections:


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Freedom IconFor One Community, Freedom is a foundational value founded on celebrating people’s differences and encouraging people to be themselves. We do this by recognizing that our experiences and perceptions create our personal viewpoints and opinions, and acknowledging and respecting that the thoughts and actions of others are based on their own unique perceptions. This idea of celebrating freedom and differences specifically includes (but is not limited to):

  • Age
  • Race
  • Gender
  • Religion
  • Political Views
  • Sexual Preference
  • Religion/Cultural Practices
  • Lifestyle Practices (nudity, polyamory, appearance, etc.)
  • Anything that does not cause harm or injury to another

In practice this means:

  • People focus on inquiring, accepting, and embracing each other’s differences
  • People hold each other accountable to identify true affront versus judgment or fear
  • People recognize and release the negativity that comes with preconceived notions and generalizations
  • People use the consensus process to then integrate all of the above in a way that works for everyone

teaching freedom, learning freedom, celebrating diversity skills, learning to celebrate differences, learning about differences, freedom curriculum, One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational living


In decision making* at One Community, the core value of “Freedom” is applied by asking ourselves the following four key questions:

Using freedom in decision-making, transcendence, respect, empowerment, freedom

Using Freedom In Decision-Making – Click to Enlarge

To ensure we are always aligned with our purpose, values, and mission, One Community uses the values as defined by our organization as the compass for all our decision making; we then factor in the diversity of individual perspectives and experiences. We highly recommend this approach because it saves us hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of collaborative decision making time. If you are considering our model as a template for your own creation, we especially recommend you apply this approach too and use, adapt, or completely change the values we’ve presented so you too can create a clear guidance system that aligns with your own organizational/group/individual needs.



Freedom IconFrom One Community’s point of view, by celebrating people being themselves and specifically asking how our decisions can also be made to respect people’s rights not to participate, we maintain a focus that transcends ideology and helps us to constantly think and act for The Highest Good of All. As an organization we recognize we are all really ONE, so we choose to see any judgment or discrimination of another as truly just judgment or discrimination upon ourselves. This appreciation of all perspectives supports our open source approach and is a mindset we see as essential to helping us create positive global transformation.

It also celebrates diversitylove, and inclusion and, in our opinion, just makes sense:

Love Has No Labels | Diversity & Inclusion | Ad Council



One Community has also created a Freedom Lesson Plan as part of the open source Highest Good Education component. This lesson plan is purposed to teach all subjects, to any learning level, in any environment using the central theme of “Freedom.” Here is the mind map for the lesson plan:

Freedom Mindmap, Freedom Lesson Plan, Freedom and Education

Lesson Plan Mind Map for Freedom ” Click to visit the complete lesson plan page



From a world-change perspective, we see celebrating people’s differences and releasing the human patterns of judgment against others as helping to transform the world positively for everyone. We are creating a for The Highest Good of All environment focused on this to help us help each other take even more ownership of our feelings as a foundation of celebrating different world views and lifestyles.



Q: Where can I learn more about your other values and how you use each of them in your organization?

Click the icons below to be taken to a complete page for each value:

living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingopen source, open source sustainability, open source worldevolving sustainability, negative-waste living, emotional sustainability, economical sustainability, food sustainability, housing sustainability, social sustainability, green living, sustainable communities, eco-communities, sustainability, Highest Good living, sustainable education, sustainable food, sustainable energy, sustainable energyHighest Good Communication, Communication, communicating, Highest Good societyTrue Community, how to build community, facilitating global community, community building, for The Highest Good of All, One Community, a new way to live, a new way of living, open source world, creating world change, One Community, 40+ tips for community making, One Communityconsensus governing, conscious governing, enlightened governing, consensus for groups, achieving consensus, operating consensuscommunity contribution, a new way of living, time as your only currency, transforming life as we know it, Highest Good Society, One Community, sustainable community, Highest Good living, giving back, making a difference
embracing diversity, social equality and justice, celebrating diversity, diversity as a value, celebrating diversity, Highest Good Society, Highest Good SocietyFreedomfulfilled living model, Highest Good Society, a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving life, One Community, sustainable living, emotional sustainability, enriched living, living the good life, community living, Highest Good Society, a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeteaching honesty, teaching integrity, teaching ethics, ethical teaching, honest teaching, One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livinglove, compassion, empathy, caringPersonal Growth, One Community value, self-development, conscious evolution, creating a better you, Highest Good society, self-betterment, evolving you, being a better person, self-growth, One CommunityConflict Resolution, making peace, loving one another, helping one another, seeing eye-to-eye, diverse perspectives, negotiation, getting along, One Community, Highest Good society

Q: Where can I get more information about your philosophies for world change?

Please take a look at each of these additional pages: (click icons)

living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingglobal cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationa new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifetransforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good society

Q: Does this mean someone can do whatever they want, no matter how it makes others feel?

No, it means we as a conscious and conscientious group are focused on living and creating for The Highest Good of All, and are first and foremost focused on an awareness that how we feel about the actions of others that don’t specifically cause harm to us is OUR choice. Maintaining this understanding as our foundation for operations, we are also sensitive to the feelings of each other and are committed to clear, honest, and open communication so that our choices and the choices of others are always open for discussion and exploration of mutually honoring options whenever they are needed.

Q: What if someone feels someone else’s idea of freedom specifically impinges upon their own?

This is addressed by these three questions One Community asks in our decision making process:

  • How can this decision be made to also respect people’s rights not to participate?
  • Is allowing this freedom impairing any significant group’s ability to thrive/succeed/create change?
  • Does this decision respect the freedom of an individual to choose while also supporting the Purpose, Mission, Vision, and other values of One Community?

The first question seeks to create solutions that allow behaviors/decisions where participation is optional. If for some reason non-participation is not an option like a personal lifestyle choice, the second two questions are used as guidelines for identifying the path that is for The Highest Good of All. The first specifically checks to see if the “freedom” being chosen is or isn’t hurting anyone. The second reaffirms that importance of highly valuing a person’s right to “choose” and “be themselves” while also double checking for synergy with One Community’s other core values that include love, diversity, open source sharing all we do, communication, and consensus.

Q: What would be an example of global freedom differences?

Nudity would be a common example of something frequently discriminated against in Western society. In Europe openly breastfeeding is considered normal and beautiful. At freedom celebratory festivals people of all shapes, sizes, and ages walk around totally naked while other people dress in elaborate costumes. And in naturalist communities nudity is not associated with sexuality; the “dirtiness” and “taboo” does not exist along with all the other commonly associated body image issues. Yet in American society, just a woman breastfeeding or going topless is grounds for someone getting offended. In other societies still, it is forbidden for women to show even their arms or legs in public.