For The Highest Good of All

For The Highest Good of All

We believe even a small group of people cooperating, collaborating, and committing to holding each other accountable to planning and acting on what is in the best interest of everyone has the potential to transform the world. Everything humanity does can be approached with this stewardship mindset and moving forward with what will have the most positive and proactive impact for each other, all people, and the planet. One Community calls this living and creating for The Highest Good of All® and it is our highest value and foundation of our operations and decision making process.

Highest Good Stewardship, replication, prototypes, leadership, redifinition

Highest Good Stewardship – Click To Enlarge

This page contains the following sections:



Highest Good Hub



living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingWe believe the idea of leveraging our diversity and diverse skill sets to work towards positive transformation of all life on Earth should be seen as non-controversial, non-political, and simply being common sense. More specifically, when One Community uses the term ‘Highest Good of All’ we mean:

  • Non-dogmatic
  • Good for people
  • Good for economy
  • Good for the planet

We practice a non-dogmatic approach because we understand and appreciate that people have different views and philosophies and we know our way may not be the best way for everyone. Understanding this, we humbly follow our current approach because that seems to best support the happiness and wellness of humanity, and creates prosperity for everyone in all demographics, as well as harmoniously being regenerative and sustainable for the planet.


In decision making at One Community, the idea of “Highest Good of All” is applied by asking ourselves the following three key questions:

Using Highest Good of all, alignment, best align this decision with all of our values, impact, win-win, alignment

Using Highest Good Of All In Decision-Making – Click To Enlarge

* To ensure we are always aligned with our purpose, values, and mission, One Community uses the values as defined by our organization as the compass for all our decision making; we then factor in the diversity of individual perspectives and experiences. We highly recommend this approach because it saves us hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of collaborative decision making time. If you are considering our model as a template for your own creation, we highly recommend you apply this approach too and use, adapt, or completely change the values we’ve presented so you too can create a clear guidance system that aligns with your own organizational/group/individual needs.

create our own future quote



living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingWe believe The Highest Good of All approach creates a win for us and for humanity no matter what. In a best-case scenario, we believe that enough people doing their best to demonstrate The Highest Good of All approach has the potential to help us reach the global “tipping point” necessary to achieve a new Golden Age of unity for humanity. In a worst-case scenario, we believe that even with just the members and partners of One Community doing our best to lead and demonstrate a clear intent of creating and living for The Highest Good of All, we will contribute positively to the forward movement of individuals we impact, and to the planet in all ways.

Applying this with our vision and values, our solution-based thinking model, and our open source model we are here to accomplish:






One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr



project management software, open source software, teacher/demonstration village, objective fulfilled living, data gathering for The Highest Good, transforming the planet, global collaboration, working together, tangible time, One Community, ACE Application Open Source Hub, Open Source ACE, ACE Application

As we continue open source project-launch blueprinting One Community, build it, and problem solve and evolve all its different aspects, we are specifically focusing on open source and free-sharing The Highest Good of All stewardship approach as part of our foundation. Our goal is to develop ideas related to these philosophies and help people incorporate as many of them as they desire into their own self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities so we can all work together on advanced research, development, collaboration, and data gathering. Here are our initial areas of focus:

open source, open source sustainability, open source worldOpen source
spacersustainable food, best practice food, sustainable food systems, aquaponics, walipini, aquapini, zen aquapini, One Community, open source food, free-shared architecture, sustainable living, green living, eco living, living ecologically, for The Highest Good of All, transforming the world, grow your own food, build your own greenhouse in the ground, ground greenhouse, open source architecture, architects of the future, sustainability non-profit, 501c3 organization, sustainable life, water catchment, organic food, food anywhere, maximum food diversity, build your own farmers market, sustainability cooperative, sustainable living group, open source, sustainability nonprofit, free-shared plans, teacher/demonstration village, open source project-launch blueprinting, One Community UpdateHighest Good Food
Highest Good energy, green energy, off the grid living, eco-living, going green, sustainable energyHighest Good Energy
Highest Good housing, cob construction, earthbag construction, straw bale construction, earthship construction, subterranean construction, sustainable homes, eco-homesHighest Good Housing
One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Study Technology, Study Tech, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livingHighest Good Education
Highest Good for-profit business, Highest Good non-profit business, open source business, One Community entrepreneurial model, making money at One Community, sustainable businessHighest Good Business Creation
a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeHighest Good Society and Recreation
duplicable city center, solution based thinking, One Community, SEGO Center, city hub, recreation center, eco center, sustainable living, ecological living, green living, eco-recreation, group laundry center, for The Highest Good of AllDuplicable sustainable city/village hub
food forest, growing food, great food, natural food, open source food, One Community food, Canopy, Understory, Vines, Shrubs, Herbs, Groundcover, Root Crops, Edge Plantings, organic food, delicious food, botanical garden, grow your own foodOpen source food forest development
botanical garden, open source botanical garden, preserving bio-diversity, regenerative living, earth-regenerative, species diversity, Highest Good for plants, One Community, open source plant model, preserving plant diversity, saving plants, loving plants, global plant collaborative, indoor garden, walipini, aquapini, non-profit support for agriculture, food research, plant researchOpen source botanical garden creation
Highest Good Innovation and Technology, Solutions-based, sustainable, creative and forward thinking approaches to, packaging, efficient appliances, bulk purchasing and distributing, recycling, reusing, recreating, computers, software/applications, machines, ecology, green world, one community globalHighest Good Innovation and Technology
transforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good societyDuplicable and self-replicating Highest Good
Highest Good Lifestyle Considerations Page: Materials | Cleaning Supplies | Lifestyle Practices | Toiletries | Technology | HardwareHighest Good living and lifestyle considerations
paper recycling, paper reuse, paper repurposing, make your own paper, community paper recycling, sustainable paper waste management, eco-living, sustainable lifestyles, mail recycling, recycling cardboard, vermiculture paper recycling, green living, highest good living, One Community global, sustainable planet, sustainable world, recycling newspaper, paper moop, community paper waste management, how to deal with extra paper, keeping paper out of landfills, Highest Good housingBest Paper Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
Best Small and Large-scale Community Glass Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing OptionsBest Glass Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
plastic recycling, plastic reuse, plastic repurposing, community plastic recycling, sustainable plastic waste management, eco-living, sustainable lifestyles, green living, highest good living, One Community global, sustainable planet, sustainable world, community plastic waste management, how to deal with extra plastic, keeping plastic out of landfills, Highest Good housing, reusing plastic, how to recycle plastic, green plastic solutions, solutions for plastic waste, good uses for plastic waste, turning plastic waste into products, sustainable plasticBest Plastic Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
clothing recycling, clothing reuse, clothing repurposing, community clothing recycling, sustainable clothing waste management, eco-living, sustainable lifestyles, green living, highest good living, One Community global, sustainable planet, sustainable world, community clothing waste management, how to deal with extra clothing, keeping clothing out of landfills, Highest Good housing, reusing clothing, how to recycle clothing, green clothing solutions, solutions for clothing waste, good uses for clothing waste, turning clothing waste into products, sustainable clothingBest Clothing Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
styrofoam recycling, styrofoam reuse, styrofoam repurposing, community styrofoam recycling, sustainable styrofoam waste management, eco-living, sustainable lifestyles, green living, highest good living, One Community global, sustainable planet, sustainable world, community styrofoam waste management, how to deal with extra styrofoam, keeping styrofoam out of landfills, Highest Good housing, reusing styrofoam, how to recycle styrofoam, green styrofoam solutions, solutions for styrofoam waste, good uses for styrofoam waste, turning styrofoam waste into products, sustainable styrofoam, polystyrene recycling, polystyrene reuse, polystyrene repurposing, community polystyrene recycling, sustainable polystyrene waste management, community polystyrene waste management, how to deal with extra polystyrene, keeping polystyrene out of landfills, reusing polystyrene, how to recycle polystyrene, green polystyrene solutions, solutions for polystyrene waste, good uses for polystyrene waste, turning polystyrene waste into products, sustainable polystyreneBest Styrofoam/Polystyrene Recycling, Reuse, and Repurposing Options
non-recyclables recycling, non-recyclables reuse, non-recyclables repurposing, community non-recyclables recycling, sustainable non-recyclables waste management, eco-living, sustainable lifestyles, green living, highest good living, One Community global, sustainable planet, sustainable world, community non-recyclables waste management, how to deal with extra non-recyclables, keeping non-recyclables out of landfills, Highest Good housing, reusing non-recyclables, how to recycle non-recyclables, green non-recyclables solutions, solutions for non-recyclables waste, good uses for non-recyclables waste, turning non-recyclables waste into products, sustainable non-recyclables, turning non-recyclables into energyBest Strategies for Processing, Reuse, and Repurposing Non-recyclables
consensus governing, conscious governing, enlightened governing, consensus for groups, achieving consensus, operating consensusLarge-scale consensus decision making process
water conservation methods, advantages of rainwater harvesting, rainwater harvesting techniques, open source water systems, methods of rainwater harvesting, smart water, intelligent water use, swails, One Community, solution based thinking, conserve water, water conservation, water wise, saving water, best land for water, mulch, water catchment, water collection, swails, water collecting, vermiculture, conserving waterWater conservation and soil-building practices
evolving sustainability, negative-waste livingEvolving sustainability and regenerative living
social equality and justice, celebrating diversity, diversity as a value, celebrating diversitySocial equality and diversity as an engine of global change
Developing True Community, True Community, how to build community, facilitating global community, community building, for The Highest Good of All, One Community, a new way to live, a new way of living, open source world, creating world change, One Community, 40+ tips for community making, One CommunityA model for building, maintaining, and evolving True Community
rbe, resource based economy, asset based economy, sharing makes sense, RBE One Community, One Community resource based economy, open source future, sustainable world, eco-future, the future of economicsEstablishing and maintenance of a resource/sharing-based economy
global cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationCreation of a global teacher/demonstration village, community, and city network
Highest Good Network icon, ACE Application, improving city efficiency, creating the world we want, global collaboration, eco livingObjective data on Highest Good society time utilization and allocation by individuals
Highest Good society, fulfilled living, enriched life, enriching life, living to live, how to live an enriched life, keeping it all running, sustainable living, social architecture, fulfilled living, thriving, thrivability, emotional sustainability, the good life, a new way to liveComplete details for how each of the above elements is organized and maintained



Highest Good society, fulfilled living, enriched life, enriching life, living to live, how to live an enriched life, keeping it all running, sustainable living, social architecture, fulfilled living, thriving, thrivability, emotional sustainability, the good life, a new way to liveWe recognize and appreciate that opinions on what might be for The Highest Good Of All will be diverse. We share here the guidelines in addition to the ones above that we have established for the One Community property. We consider these as additional Highest Good details specific to One Community and we share them here so that those considering Community Pioneer Membership can join with confidence if they agree with these guidelines and added areas of focus for our organization. They are:

One Community Highest Good Food SummaryOne Community Highest Good Housing and Energy Poster One Community Highest Good Society Summary

Note: The above approaches are not the way, but rather our approach and just one way that we are defining so that we can work with like-minded individuals to demonstrate and inspire with an example of what is possible. We are creating the open source blueprints so more and more diverse groups of individuals, interpretations, and approaches can spring forth from this first example.



One Community has also created a Highest Good for All Lesson Plan as part of the open source Highest Good Education component. This lesson plan is purposed to teach all subjects, to any learning level, in any environment using the central theme of “Highest Good of All.” Here is the mind map for the lesson plan:

Highest Good Mindmap, One Community

Lesson Plan Mindmap for Highest Good – Click to visit the complete lesson plan page

Here’s a song that we feel embodies the Highest Good philosophy too. Colby Jeffers contacted us to share his music for possible inclusion in our Conscious Music Project and we were moved (to tears) by it.

“This song goes out to every single member of the human race. Each action you take has an impact on the rest of humanity. So make your life about something positive, and do some good to make a change. The world needs you.”

Right on Colby, we agree whole heartedly!

Colby Jeffers and AWU - CHANGE THE WORLD (Official Music Video)


living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingOne Community is based on a Highest Good of All approach. For us this means all choices are made by using our values with a solution/love-based mindset and moving forward with what we feel is a clear win for each other, all people, and the planet. We are applying this approach to the creation of blueprints and working models for all aspects of a duplicatable mini-society. We recognize our approach is only one way, not the way, and are designing everything to make adaptation easy to unique/varying needs. We believe our Highest Good of All mindset and approach combined with the blueprints we are creating will help to pave the way to a new age of happiness and collaborative co-existence for all of humanity.


living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingopen source, open source sustainability, open source worldevolving sustainability, negative-waste living, emotional sustainability, economical sustainability, food sustainability, housing sustainability, social sustainability, green living, sustainable communities, eco-communities, sustainability, Highest Good living, sustainable education, sustainable food, sustainable energy, sustainable energyHighest Good Communication, Communication, communicating, Highest Good societyTrue Community, how to build community, facilitating global community, community building, for The Highest Good of All, One Community, a new way to live, a new way of living, open source world, creating world change, One Community, 40+ tips for community making, One Communityconsensus governing, conscious governing, enlightened governing, consensus for groups, achieving consensus, operating consensuscommunity contribution, a new way of living, time as your only currency, transforming life as we know it, Highest Good Society, One Community, sustainable community, Highest Good living, giving back, making a difference
embracing diversity, social equality and justice, celebrating diversity, diversity as a value, celebrating diversity, Highest Good Society, Highest Good SocietyFreedomfulfilled living model, Highest Good Society, a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving life, One Community, sustainable living, emotional sustainability, enriched living, living the good life, community living, Highest Good Society, a new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifeteaching honesty, teaching integrity, teaching ethics, ethical teaching, honest teaching, One Community school, One Community education, teaching strategies for life, curriculum for life, One Community, transformational education, open source education, free-shared education, eco-education, curriculum for life, strategies of leadership, the ultimate classroom, teaching tools for life, for the highest good of all, Waldorf, Montessori, Reggio, 8 Intelligences, Bloom's Taxonomy, Orff, our children are our future, the future of kids, One Community kids, One Community families, education for life, transformational livinglove, compassion, empathy, caringPersonal Growth, One Community value, self-development, conscious evolution, creating a better you, Highest Good society, self-betterment, evolving you, being a better person, self-growth, One CommunityConflict Resolution, making peace, loving one another, helping one another, seeing eye-to-eye, diverse perspectives, negotiation, getting along, One Community, Highest Good society

Highest Good society, all for one and one for all, people making a difference, living for the Highest Good, creating for the Highest Good, One Community, a new way of living, sustainable civilization building, green living, helping others by helping ourselves, evolving philanthropy, evolving humanitarianism, making a difference, helping the world, helping humanity, Highest Good education, Highest Good business, Highest Good government, Highest Good self-governing, consensus governing, recreation for the greater good, helping each other, culture of personal growth, culture of contribution, contributing positively, making an impact, cooperative living, cooperative creating, abundance, thriving, One Community Global



Q: I thought you were 100% open source, why is “For the Highest Good of All” a registered trademark?

To understand this, please read our Copyrights, Trademarks, Patents and Using them to Support Open Source and Free-sharing page.

Q: Do you think your version of The Highest Good of All is the “best” way?

Definitely not, it’s just the way we are choosing to demonstrate it based on what we have learned up to this point, and we are always open to adjustments based on new technologies and information.

Q: Why is “The Highest Good of All” capitalized?

We’d like to believe any approach focused on what is best for everyone is worthy of proper-noun status and have thus designated this as such.

Q: How can any decision truly be for The Highest Good of All?

We believe the foundations of operating and making decisions for The Highest Good of All comes from a combination of really thinking globally to consider what is best for everyone, being careful not to become ideological in one’s approach, and a commitment to honesty and transparency so that all the components of the One Community approach and philosophy are engaged and participated in by those who agree with this approach and philosophy.

Q: Is this a religious or spiritual philosophy?

Living for The Highest Good of All seems to make more sense as a non-ideological approach and we take this into consideration when describing the spiritual philosophy of One Community as embracing a desire to operate from a consciousness of what is for The Highest Good for All while not being defined by this consciousness.

Q: I want to join One Community but I don’t agree with one of your approaches (no pets, no drugs, etc.) so how is that for my highest good?

We understand that for The Highest Good of All approaches will differ and we believe that joining any organization or group that has values different from your own is not for your highest good or for the highest good of the organization that you are considering joining. With this in mind, we strive for transparency in any policies and/or procedures that we believe may affect a person’s decision to join One Community so that only people who truly feel One Community is a good fit for them will choose to join us.

Consider joining us as a Satellite Member (click here for the Invitation Form), consultant or partner (click here for the Consultant’s/Partner’s Page), and/or just follow our progress. We expect other communities will follow (we’re open source, you could start one!) with different views on these issues and we will happily be promoting their success also if they are part of the open source and free-sharing network of teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that we are helping to create. Here are the best ways to follow our progress: (click icons for pages)

One Community, YoutubeOne Community, LinkedInOne Community, TwitterOne Community, Facebook, UpdatesOne Community, Facebook, GroupsOne Community, Facebook, FansInstagram, Instagram icon, Instagram posts, One Community's Instagram Page, One Community Global images, Highest Good Living, green living, eco-livingOne Community, PinterestOne Community, Weekly, Progress, Updates, BlogOne Community. Tumblr


Also, the point of One Community is to build living blueprints open source so everyone can then use them for duplication. If you feel like you’d like to see a different version of One Community, we invite you to embrace the task of working with us and using everything we’ve already created to form another iteration of this idea, with a new set of rules, and attract to this idea the people who share your values and thus like your rule sets. In so doing, providing another for The Highest Good of All option with potentially a totally different approach.

Q: Your interview and invitation process is pretty extensive. How does this process of screening people fit with your Highest Good for All philosophy?

We feel clearly identifying what it is that One Community is creating and specifically how we are creating it is necessary. We also feel that building our team with only people who really want to create the same thing in the same way is in the best interest of the happiness of individual applicants, the harmony with all current members of the team, and ensures the success of our project and its ability to impact the planet positively for all people. We understand that this means that this first prototype will only be a perfect fit for some people. This is one reason why we are open source project-launch blueprinting everything we are creating so other groups can use the information in their own way to create teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities too. Our expectation is that these future iterations will be as diverse as humanity is. Our Highest Good of All perspective on this is that A) that diversity is essential and B) for any forming group, we would recommend a similar process of clearly identifying to the absolute best of your ability what it is you are choosing to create, and how you are creating it, so that only people who want to create the same thing, in the same way, will join you.

Q: What sets One Community apart from similar projects?

One Community's open source project-launch blueprinting strategy and the fact that we are open sourcing and addressing ALL elements of society simultaneously are a combination unique to our organization. Together, these will help others duplicate what we do and create self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of positively impacting every single person on this planet within one generation.

Q: What sets One Community's open source goals apart from similar projects?

To our knowledge, no other project exists that is providing the comprehensive nature and detail of everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting.

Q: What is the specific One Community short-term goal?

  1. Become a world leader in global-solution information content within 6 months of moving onto the property as detailed in our open source project-launch blueprinting page.
  2. Expand within 5 years to a community of 200 full-time residents producing ongoing tools, resources, and tutorials while hosting thousands of annual visitors as outlined in our long-term vision page.
  3. Define the global-solution industry itself as an open source industry, expanding mainstream awareness, appeal, and desire for comprehensive sustainability by demonstrating and sharing a more attractive and fulfilling way of living that people can have if they desire to create it also.
  4. Teach as many people as possible to duplicate and/or evolve our global transformation model.

Q: What is the ultimate One Community long-term goal?

To transform our world into a sustainable and happier one through teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world. We will work with these hubs as our open source partners and fellow leaders of the open source, Highest Good of All, and sustainable planet movement leading to a New Golden Age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainable living, and increased happiness for the entire human organism.

Q: How are you funding One Community?

We are still seeking funding. Please see our Funding Related Details Page.

Q: Where will One Community be located and why?

Click HERE for property details that include why we have chosen the location we have.

Q: How far is One Community in the creation process?

Visit our progress page for a regularly updated list of our accomplishments and progress. Visit our blog for our on-going mini-updates and weekly summaries of accomplishments and progress.

Q: Why not just build a small-scale prototype home or community that includes a minimum-scale revenue-generating demonstration/operation? Wouldn't this get things going faster?

This small-scale operation already exists as Airbnb. What we see as missing is a complete model for self-sufficiency that is open source and reasonably replicable. Even complete models for self-sufficiency already exist in the form of the many eco-villages out there. What none of those offer though is any sort of understanding and/or path for how average people can replicate them. We also think there isn't enough of a compelling reason for most people to bother with changing how they live now to engage such a path/project, so our project is purposed to provide and demonstrate that too.

From a total global-change perspective though, we think it is even more important to create a permanent example:

This is why the intended propertyvillage models, social architecture and economic focuses are all big. To support faster and broader implementation, we are also developing everything so it is modular and implementable as individual components. This will allow for anyone who doesn't desire the full teacher/demonstration hub approach to have options too, but our primary goal is to demonstrate the complete teacher/demonstration hub as easy enough, affordable enough, and attractive enough for average people with average means to want to replicate it and/or use what we provide to build their own version.

Q: If you are giving everything away through open source, how do you intend to make money?

Our model is designed to prosper specifically because we are giving everything away through open source project-launch blueprinting. We accomplish this through eco-tourism marketed with the open source infrastructure we have already created and other supported revenue streams outlined on our revenue streams page. All of this further promotes our model of spreading sustainability and actively promoting and distributing even more open source blueprints for duplication by as many people as possible.

Q: How will this help people in Third World countries and other areas that need resources most?

Using the four-phase strategy above, we wish to demonstrate building a teacher/demonstration community, village, and/or city as profitable for large investors and/or a way for small groups of people to pool what resources they have and get out of debt. We see this spreading and bringing resources to the areas that need them most because building these villages in these areas will be more affordable and easier to do with less building restrictions.

Q: How do you stop the model from being totally capitalized without the positive intent of the original model? 

We are not focused on putting limitations on the use of everything we are creating because of our open source commitment. We will, however, directly support any organization contributing specifically to open source project-launch blueprinting and operating for The Highest Good of All.

Q: Where would I find a more detailed description of how this works?

Please visit our About Us pageMethodology page, and Site Map for more comprehensive descriptions and links to complete details for every aspect of One Community.

Q: What about safety?

We consider a community of 500 people with shared goals and vision more safe than current living models. We think even a group of 50 people working together can handle any reasonable challenge.