This page is about supporting the collaborative and ongoing growth of all participants in the Learning for Life program. It includes open source strategies and resources for supporting and collaboratively growing with Pre-K, Elementary, Intermediate, Secondary, and Post Secondary participants. We discuss this with the following sections:
The recommended strategies for everyone’s ongoing growth within each age group are specific strategies for helping improve the growth experience within all aspects of the learning and teaching process. The focus is on developing a Growth Mindset (for everyone), a philosophy and attitude of “do your best/enjoy the journey,” and there being “no failure, only feedback.” This applies to both Learners and Educators within the Learning for Life program and emphasizes that the How and Why a Learner used to come up with an answer is more important than the right answer. Life-planning skills combined with how to give and receive feedback are also emphasized.
One Community is about creating positive and permanent global transformation through open source and self-replicating teacher/demonstration hubs. In support of these, we developed tools and structures for assessing, maintaining, and improving the educational process and experience for both new and veteran members of our team. We then developed them for use in any environment where there are Teachers and Learners, Facilitators and Staff, Managers and Teams, etc.
Our hope in open sourcing these tools is to provide usable information for replication that also demonstrates and teaches the benefits of collaborative learning and work-environment development. In our opinion, doing this provides a path for improving educational and working relationships within both learning and work environments while also improving the learning and growth process for all participants.
Sharing and helping to support and spread ideas like this is directly in alignment with our Purpose and Mission, our Global-transformation Pledge, and Highest Good philosophy for open source creation, sharing, and making a difference in the world.
Ellen Ross Kaspi: Progressive Educator and Mind/Body Modality Specialist
Jessica Wienke: Organizational and Leadership Development Consultant
Sangam Stancza: Ph.D. and P.E.
Stephanie VanderKallen: Mental Health Professional and Teacher
The purpose of the growth strategies is to engage all participants in their own learner-guided life coaching and human evolution process by helping all involved develop and maintain a Growth Mindset. A growth mindset is a philosophy and attitude of “do your best/enjoy the journey,” where there is no failure, only feedback. These strategies are part of the complete Evaluation and Evolution component and also work well in conjunction with the Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators component.
This section shares resources and discusses specific strategies with the following sections:
If applied properly, the growth strategies presented here should make it easier for the Educator to provide supportive guidance and feedback in a way that helps all participants continue to learn and grow even more. The process should be fun, led by the Teacher/Facilitator but guided by the Learner, and a positive growth experience for everyone.
The first and foremost growth strategy goal for all ages and learning levels is developing and maintaining a growth mindset. With it:
Whoever you are, wherever you are, you can learn ANYTHING! ~ Khan Academy
This 90-second video finishes with the above quote and shares why it is true:
This 2-minute video shows the differences between a fixed versus growth mindset:
This 5-minute video also introduces the differences between the mindsets and then adds illustrating how they can produce radically different approaches throughout everyday life:
Our foundations for developing and maintain a growth mindset can be summarized with these bullet points:
These are further developed and supported by the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
For Pre-kindergarten Learners, consider adding the suggestions and resources below to those shared in the Growth Mindset resources shared in the Overall Growth Strategies Goals section of this page and the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
Advanced learning ideas for hands-on educators:
Other Resources:
For Elementary-level Learners, consider adding the suggestions and resources below to those shared in the Growth Mindset discussed in the Overall Growth Strategies Goals section of this page and the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
Advanced learning ideas for hands-on educators:
For Intermediate-level Learners, consider adding the suggestions and resources below to those shared in the Growth Mindset discussed in the Overall Growth Strategies Goals section of this page and the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
Advanced learning ideas for hands-on educators:
Other Resources:
For Secondary-level Learners, consider adding the suggestions and resources below to those shared in the Growth Mindset discussed in the Overall Growth Strategies Goals section of this page and the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
Advanced learning ideas for hands-on educators:
Other Resources:
For Post-secondary Learners, consider adding the suggestions and resources below to those shared in the Growth Mindset discussed in the Overall Growth Strategies Goals section of this page and the strategies, mindsets, and philosophies detailed in our Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page.
Advanced learning ideas for hands-on educators:
Other Resources:
The growth strategies are designed to engage all participants in their own life coaching and human evolution process by helping in developing a Growth Mindset. A growth mindset is a philosophy and attitude of “do your best/enjoy the journey” and understanding that there is no failure, only feedback. This page working in conjunction with the rest of the Evaluation and Evolution Structure, Foundations of Outstanding Leaders, Teachers, and Communicators page, Technology and Innovation Molecule, and other resources on this site are designed to support this.
Q: Are all aspects of this Evaluation and Evolution component necessary?
We consider all aspects listed above as important but how a person or organization chooses to use them is up to that individual or group. To maximize the flexibility and application options, all components are designed to be usable in combinations, as part of the complete model, or as a stand-alone components.
Q: Above you say, “if you are doing it right, it is fun for everyone.” How do you make it fun when it seems disciplinary action is in order?
People’s and organizational approaches to discipline are diverse. If disciplinary action is something you or your organization has decided is necessary, our suggestion is to still maintain a positive and Learner-focused approach. This would mean focusing on the Learner’s goals, how their behavior could be changed to help them better achieve their goals, and then guiding the Learner to come up with the best approach for moving forward and any consequences associated with not living up to this self-created path for progress.
Q: What if I have my own evaluation system that I like better, can I use that instead?
Of course! All aspects of the Education for Life program are designed for use in any educational environment and with or without inclusion of any other aspect of the program.
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