One Community is purposed to create a utopian society founded on living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, and open source project-launch blueprinting everything people need to duplicate One Community as self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration eco communities, villages, and cities all over the world. As One Global Community, we believe this is the next step for humanity because we feel more and more people are becoming aware that we are both non-sustainable right now and ready and capable of doing something different. Commitment to a few basic ecological principles that create an environment where people have the choice to live in integrity in every moment is our simple solution and the bridge we are building between abundant fulfillment of our physical needs (food, energy and shelter) AND simultaneous meeting of our psychological/emotional needs (connection, acceptance, personal growth, etc.). We are simultaneously addressing these things because we see them as interconnected and essential to combine if a permanent and positive global solution is to be achieved.
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We believe the ability and resources exist to create a better world through a duplicable model demonstrating what is possible. With this in mind, One Community is a non-profit organization of forward-thinking people creating global transformation for The Highest Good of All. Our approach is starting and leading a movement of self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities purposed to forward the necessary knowledge base and global consciousness capable of positively and permanently improving life for everyone and everything on this planet.
Our comprehensive city and village models are more affordable, last longer, artistic, beautiful, and designed to provide a more fulfilling way of living. All aspects, including the fulfilled living components, are duplicable either modularly or as complete villages. They include Highest Good food, energy, housing, Highest Good for-profit and non-profit economics models, an education model, a Highest Good society model, resource based economy implementation, and more. Most importantly, the way One Community is combining and open source sharing all of these things is purposed to create global and transformational change by helping others to duplicate them.
We are creating blueprints for everything that is needed to build a comprehensive society, so our website is huge. Here is our sitemap. To simplify navigation of our website, we’ve included below a brief list of the main categories we cover including descriptions. We recommend starting with the One Community overview pages to get a holistic picture of what One Community is. Then use the other lists below to help you more easily navigate to the sections we are building that most appeal or relate to you. While navigating, also keep in mind that we want One Community to demonstrate the best possible versions of every aspect of living so feedback, suggestions, comments, likes, +1s, and shares really help us grow.
Here are the descriptions for each of the above pages:
![]() | At One Community our vision is leading the creation of a New Golden Age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, peace, and increased happiness for the entire human species by building a self-replicating bridge between idealism and pragmatism. |
![]() | Our Global Strategy Page outlines our 4-phase model for global transformation: Phase I: Demonstrating a Better Way, Phase II: Open Source Project-Launch Blueprinting, Phase III: Inviting the World to Participate, Phase IV: Universal Appeal and Global Expansion. |
![]() | Thinking and creating for The Highest Good of All is our #1 value and our guide for every decision One Community makes. We define this approach as non-dogmatic and specifically good for people, business, and the planet simultaneously. |
![]() | One Community is open source project-launch blueprinting and free-sharing everything needed to create comprehensive sustainability and build 7 different sustainable village prototypes. See the Open Source section below for more details. |
![]() | It IS possible to create a completely sustainable civilization. Our Sustainable Sustainability Page discusses the essential foundations of sustainability and our approach for going beyond these essentials to include emotional sustainability and other elements. |
![]() | The Solution-creating Solutions Page covers how One Community is creating models for solutions that create solutions through demonstration, inspiring people, designing and creating for The Highest Good of All, and by open source sharing everything needed for replication. |
![]() | Our Blog is where you will find our latest on-going announcements and updates. This is also where we post articles and a weekly video and written summary of our accomplishments. |
![]() | Our Progress Page is where you will find general information about where we are in development, our accomplishments, and what we are currently seeking to move forward even faster. |
![]() | Our Helping Overview Page is where you will find information on how to get involved with One Community and the areas where we are specifically seeking help. |
![]() | Our duplicable food infrastructure is designed to produce food that is produced on-site so it is fresh, grown without chemicals so it is organic, and more diverse than what people find in the grocery store because it is grown as part of our open source botanical garden model. |
![]() | Our duplicable energy infrastructure is designed to eliminate power bills, be a source of revenue for those still connected to the grid, and built to evolve and grow with the evolution and expansion of new technologies too. |
![]() | Our duplicable housing infrastructure is designed to be do-it-yourself construction with the help of our blueprints and open source resources, more affordable because of the sustainable materials we use and the partnerships we are building, and longer lasting than traditional homes. |
![]() | Our duplicable education model is designed for all ages, built to exceed traditional educational standards, and modifiable for application in a homeschooling environment, a traditional schooling environment, or for use as a complete community-based private schooling program. |
![]() | Our duplicable for-profit and non-profit business infrastructure is designed to function for The Highest Good of All, help make the communities, villages, and cities profitable for their inhabitants and/or investors, and to further share and spread the teacher/demonstration model globally. |
![]() | Our duplicable social architecture and recreation model is designed to provide on-site activity diversity that is superior to most metropolitan areas, more time to enjoy these activities, and built-in structures for maintaining and evolving it all. |
![]() | Our duplicable stewardship practices are good for people, the planet, and financial viability. They include everything from lifestyle considerations, to earth regenerative practices, resource based economy implementation, and more. |
One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living for all by designing holistic, environmentally regenerative, self-sustaining, adaptable solutions for food, energy, housing, education, economics, and society. We will model these within a comprehensive “village/city” which will be built in the southwestern U.S. This teacher/demonstration hub will be a place people can experience and then duplicate with our open source blueprints; creating a model solution that creates additional solution creating models.
Q: What sets One Community apart from similar projects?
One Community’s open source project-launch blueprinting strategy and the fact that we are open sourcing and addressing ALL elements of society simultaneously are a combination unique to our organization. Together these will help others duplicate what we do and create self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities capable of positively impacting every single person on this planet within one generation.
Q: What sets One Community’s open source goals apart from similar projects?
We are already “walking our talk” through the comprehensive nature and detail of everything we are open source project-launch blueprinting, We also offer free use of our business plan, all website content, our back office structure, and the continuing development of two additional websites:
Q: What is the specific One Community short-term goal?
Q: What is the ultimate One Community long-term goal?
To provide what is necessary for the next wave of teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built all over the world as our open source project-launch blueprinting partners and fellow leaders of the open source, Highest Good of All, and sustainable planet movement leading to a New Golden Age of cooperation, collaboration, innovation, creativity, sustainable living, and increased happiness for the entire human organism.
Q: How is One Community funded?
We are still seeking funding. Please see our Funding Related Details Page.
Q: Where will One Community be located and why?
Click HERE for property details that include why we have chosen the location we have.
Q: How far is One Community in the creation process?
Visit our progress page for a regularly updated list of our accomplishments and progress. Visit our blog for our on-going mini-updates and weekly summaries of accomplishments and progress.
Q: If you are giving everything away through open source, how do you intend to make money?
Our model is designed to prosper specifically because we are giving everything away through open source project-launch blueprinting. We accomplish this through eco-toursim marketed with the open source infrastructure we have already created and other supported revenue streams outlined on our revenue streams page. All of this further promotes our model of spreading sustainability and actively promoting and distributing even more open source blueprints for duplication by as many people as possible.