The Importance of Financial Stability for One Community Pioneers and Our Global Goals

One Community Sustainability, One Community, A New Way to Live, global change, creating the shift, eco conscious, eco conscientious, the Pioneer Team, financial fortitude

While it doesn’t cost anything to join or be a part of the One Community Pioneer Team, individual financial stability is important to our global goals and our desire to form a team thinking, creating, and living for… Read More

One Community Pioneer Health Requirements

Vibran Health, eco-building for health, health needs of One Community, One Community Pioneer Health, above average health, One Community healthy people, health conscious, vibrant health

We are building a teacher/demonstration village from the ground up. Because our purpose is to demonstrate a do-it-yourself approach to building 7 different self-sustainable village models and open source and free-sharing all the details of the building process, how to do it yourself,… Read More

One Community’s Healthy Living Policy

healthy living, sustainable living, a new world for our children, setting an example, green living, holistic living, ecological living, total health

One Community is purposed to demonstrate the most comprehensively-sustainable living models we can imagine. Holistically-healthy lifestyles and living environments are a part of this. They will include: A 100% smoke-free environment Pesticide, herbicide, and hormone-free food A diversity… Read More

International One Community Pioneer Applicants

global collaboration, one people, one vision, one world, One Community, we are one, oneness, working together, humanity's vision, group think, helping humanity, helping each other, our planet, it all belongs to us

One Community is a global collaborative purposed to build the open source blueprint for a sustainable civilization. In our opinion cultural diversity is a foundation of sustainability and our model for strategic global change is working to represent this. With this in mind,… Read More

Aquapini and Walipini Open Source Hub

sustainable food, aquaponics, aquapini, walipini, zen aquapini, eco food, organic food, green living, open source food production, ecological living, for The Highest Good of All, open source walipini, open source aquapini, sustainable eating, One Community Food, free-shared food plans, greenhouse building, eco-greenhouses, food forest, permaculture, solution based thinking, sustainable lives, eco-eatin', sustainability non-profit

As part of One Community’s four-phase strategy and global change methodology, our Phase II Highest Good food infrastructure is an open source project-launch blueprinting of 6 structures that will represent 3 different in-ground, enclosed designs for food production. These 6 structures will… Read More

One Community Now

One Community Purpose, One Community Values, One Community Mission, For The Highest Good of All, One Community Purpose Values and Mission

One Community is creating everything necessary to lead transformational change through open source project-launch blueprinting a global network of self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities. The phase of creation we are in right now is completing all the necessary details for permitting… Read More

Getting Done What Needs To Be Done

One Community is an elite team of dedicated, organized, and unpaid volunteer professionals contributing weekly to an ever-evolving action list. The current creation phase of the One Community project is the most important developmental aspect of the entire project…. Read More

One Community’s Path to Consensus

One Community: Saving the earth - reduce, reuse, recycle

One Community is a long ways along the path to full consensus decision making and committed to a 100% consensus-trained team and the 90-day consensus phase-in process outlined on the Consensus page. We are, however, waiting until we are on the… Read More

Creating Transformational Change Overview

everyone can help change the world, highest good food, highest good energy, highest good society, for The Highest Good of All, One Community, global transformation, open source, free-shared, making a difference, eco-living, eco-transformation, creating The Golden Age

One Community sees the issues of the world as interdependent and interconnected. To address them simultaneously, we are open-source blueprinting a more advanced standard of living. Our model for this is combining holistic, environmentally-regenerative, self-sustaining, and adaptable solutions for… Read More

Sara Sabol

Human Resources Manager, BA Organizational Communication Studies, Amateur Web Designer and Video Editor, and Licensed Massage Therapist: Sara received her BA in Organizational Communication Studies from Winona State University in 1997, has been a member of One Community since its… Read More