This page is a free-shared lesson plan archive for teaching all educational subjects within the context and theme of “Relative and Dimensional Space.” It is purposed for use in community education environments, homeschool environments, traditional schooling environments, or as a supplemental and fun addition to any education program. As part of the complete Education for Life Program, this lesson plan is specifically designed to work in conjunction with the other primary education program components: Foundations of Teaching, Curriculum, Teaching Strategies, Learning Tools and Toys, Evaluation Model, and The Ultimate Classroom. If you’d like to learn how all these components work together, click here.
NOTE: The colors are provided as a possible linear progression (red/easiest to violet/most challenging) for people that might prefer a more linear structure. Our core philosophy is that through creativity every color can be made easy or challenging for any learning level.
Learning about perspective in painting and drawing. Learning about landscape design and proper building arrangement, marching band movements, how to use space in dance. Exploring 2-D art vs 3-D art and design across all mediums.
Draw your favorite place and learn about how this drawing is 2 dimensional space
Draw your favorite place from a top-down perspective, as 2 dimensional space
Draw or paint your favorite place in 3 dimensions using shading, light, and depth
Draw a complete real or imagined landscape in 3-D
Design a landscape on a new planet and create a 3-D model of it
Design a real or imagined landscape and create a 4-D model (moving parts)
Design a landscape of a new planet for performance art and including a play or song
Exploring graphic arts spacial relationships with magazine clippings, photography, etc.
Exploring spatial relationships with photoshop and other 2-D computer programs
Learning and working with space and dimensional terms (length, width, height, depth, breadth, etc.). Learning about “lects”, styles of speaking specific for particular social settings, spaces, and environments. Exploring how length and breadth of writing and literature changes them.
Learning words for different direction/size/location related concepts
Reading & writing with words for direction/size/location related concepts
Exploring how words start with roots and expand their meaning as their lengths expand
Exploring & creating different types of literature in relation to their LENGTHS
Create original work by changing length of literary forms (haiku into story & vice versa)
Exploring the complete history of and writings about dimensional space words
Write a paper on the description & history of dimensional words without using any of them
Learning about personal space (hygiene, arrangement, managing) and learning about the human body as your inner space (personal hygiene, healthy diet, exercises, etc.). Learning about the scientific connections between emotions (internal space) and health (external space).
Learn about your body and the body of others as yours and their personal space
Exploration of diet, exercise, and meditation to internal and external “space” care
“Feeling” space: run in different shapes (circles, line, zig zag etc), tracing shapes, etc.
Controlling your energy & emotional internal space regardless of the external situation
Exploring how changing your external situation affects your internal needs & vice versa
Exploring studies relating emotional (internal) space and health (external) space
Design your own tests for health correlations between internal & external environments
Create your ultimate idea of a complete environment (internal and external) that maximizes health and vibrance
Calculating space and dimensions, exploring geometric figures, etc. Calculating distances to planets, ratios to and of planets to each other, time to reach the sun, distances of states, cities, countries, planets, stars, galaxies etc. Graphing in 2 and 3-D, angles, understanding metric and non-metric units of measure, etc.
Identifying and understanding basic shapes in 2-D and then 3-D
Understand mathematical properties of different shapes (angles, proportions etc)
Understand and using 2-D measurements and equations plus graphing in 2-D
Measure the volume of symmetrical objects and graphing in 3-D
Graph, understand, & be able to calculate the volume of polytopes in three dimensions
Apply geometric concepts, conic sections, & spherical trigonometry in Euclidian space
How species change over time, life cycles , and time periods of alive and extinct plants, animals, and humans, defining the age of rocks, plants, trees, etc, time zones, weather and climate changes in different periods (summer, fall, winter, spring), the lifespan of stars and planets, radioactive decay, relativity, etc, the history of science and how science has changed over time (computers, physical science, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, etc.).
Exploring the amount of space different things take up as they grow
Learning about and understanding basic cell division & duplication
Exploring space & migratory needs of adult animal & insects
Create a visual representation/map of 1 creature’s space needs throughout its life
Exploring how changing environmental space affects the lives of various species
Create a map/diagram of overlapping space needs for creatures and their resources
Create a map/diagram so show the spread of a population, virus, seeding patterns, and/or disease
Exploring the space occupied by different types of geographic features
Exploring the basics of astronomy and distances within our solar system
Exploring changes in the space/sizes of earth’s geological features over time
Exploring the different sizes and densities of elements & molecules
Exploring the physics of motion, action/reaction, gravitational pull, etc.
Exploring microclimates and weather in secluded spaces
Exploring the effects and reasons for weather changes in key climate zones
Learning about the history of early formations (first settlements, their location; first influential cities and states). Exploring the social organization of cultures including the following spacial designations: community, region, area, state, country. Learning about different types of dwelling spaces for different cultures (who shares how much space – who lives in one building/room etc). Learning how different cultures describe space and spacial concepts.
Organization of your bedroom and household layout
Organization of your classroom/school layout
Organization/development of your community’s layout
Organization/development of the county’s human structures and communities
Organization/development/legal structure of the state’s human structures & communities
Organization/development of the country’s human structures and communities
Organization/development of the world’s structures, communities, and boundary laws
Comparing # of people in your house to classmates and other families worldwide
Measure space each type of room takes up in your house & compare to other cultures
Analyze and design a plan for improving the space-use efficiency of your community
Dissect a city design from another culture and examine space use and efficiency
Analyze space usage of global cultures & determine what elements maximize efficiency
Design a maximally space efficient village for 500 people
Design a maximally space efficient community/city for 10,000 people
Exploring words in other languages for direction/size/location related concepts
Write stories using words in other languages for direction/size/location related concepts
Exploring how other cultures and languages use, perceive, & describe relative space
Comparing cultural word choices for directions/size/location
Exploring the complete history of and writings about dimensional space words
Psychological & historical reasons & effects of cultures having more/less dimensional words
Socio-linguistic study of how different dimensional words adapted from different languages
Exploring foreign-language words for different social settings and related concepts
Exploring how other language use different words depending on the social setting
Exploring how other cultures and languages use, perceive, and describe society
Exploring cultural word choices in different personal and professional situations
Exploring the complete history of, and writings about, ‘lects’
Exploring the psychology & history of reasons & effects of having ‘lects’
Socio-linguistic exploration of how different ‘lects’ adapted from what languages
Sharing space with others, learning about interconnectedness, and learning strategies for positively and proactively affecting the internal and external environments of others.
Learning personal boundaries and space needs & how to communicate them effectively
Belief systems & their effects on relationships & how you interact with your environment
How others’ belief systems affect relationships & how people interact with their environment