One Community is based on a 40-hour community contribution model dedicated to achieving global transformation goals and delivering a fulfilled living experience. This 40-hour community contribution week will include everything needed to maintain One Community as a positive and permanently expanding global transformation engine. It will also include completing shared domestic duties and evolving an extensive culture of personal growth and socialization. This is accomplished while simultaneously providing significantly more free time for using all the community benefits.
Starting with a minimum of 40 Community Pioneers, we will create an available weekly time-bank of 1,600 hours. This page is meant to be our best assessment of how those hours will be allocated for at least the first 6 months to a year. The details of who will do what, what we focus on within each of the categories, etc. will be decided during the consensus roll-out process in the first few weeks of moving onto the property.
If we had exactly 40 Pioneers, 35 hours per person (1,400 total weekly hours) are allocated to community needs including building of infrastructure, everything necessary to keep One Community functioning, our open source goals, and domestic duties like cooking, cleaning, laundry, and child care. 5 additional hours per person (200 total weekly hours) are allocated to the Highest Good society model and fulfilled living practices.
Here is a best-guess summary of how this available time input of 1,600 hours will be allocated for accomplishing the operational and construction needs of One Community:
Voluntary consensus meetings, off-hours childcare, personal care, non-organized planning, etc. are not considered community contribution.
Five hours per person (200 total weekly hours or 28 hours a day) are allocated to the Highest Good society model and fulfilled living practices. This includes all the things that make One Community a unique place to live, visit, and share through our open source strategy including a culture of personal growth and socialization that offers: live music, art, reading groups, dance and other exercise, mindfulness practices, yoga, tai chi, qi gong, spirituality, game nights, movie nights, nature education, writing, and anything else people want to share that 5% of the community (or its visitors) want to participate in. How these hours are organized is described on the Highest Good society page.
One Community will demonstrate a model for living that provides more free time and more things to do with that free time than most traditional approaches. This is accomplished through sharing responsibility for domestic duties and operational needs, an economic model that provides for 100% of residents’ needs, and a community design that provides and places a huge diversity of social, recreational, and educational activities all within walking distance.
Through collaboration, cooperation, and the initial time allocation outlined above, we will be able to successfully meet our construction and expansion goals while also providing a fun and enriching environment with a diversity of activities comparable (and in many cases superior) to large metropolitan areas. Expansion and recreational and social options will continue to follow a similar time allocation model and increase as we grow One Community to 100s of residents capable of accomplishing, sharing, and leading our global transformation mission. For more details, visit our Contribution page.
"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model.
You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called."
~ Buckminster Fuller ~
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