Supporters of Global Change

One Community is happy to announce three new consultants to our global change team:

Doug Pratt –  Solar Expert and Solar Systems Design Engineer: Progressively focused from a young age, when the Arab Oil Embargo occurred it ignited in Doug a lifelong interest specifically in renewable energy and conservation. He has lived in passive solar homes both on and off-grid since 1980, worked in the renewable energy industry as an installer, engineer, teacher, and author since 1985, and now works for the largest solar provider in the United States. He has engineered, designed, and consulted for the solar electric industry at all levels from single huts in developing countries to large corporate mega-watt solar arrays and is now volunteering his vast experience and knowledge to the design for the One Community sustainable energy infrastructure for our Phase I build including: Pod 1, the SEGO Center City Hub, and aquaponics and greenhouses.

L’iv   (eL’eve) – Architect, Engineer, and Building Expert – Beginning at an age of 18 years, in the mid 1960’s, L’iv formally joined construction trades to finance his degree work in Architecture and Construction Engineering Management. With 40 years experience L’iv has sat in every seat around the real estate-design-development-construction-finance tables, in the office and in the field. He has worked as a Laborer, Carpenter, Superintendent, Construction/Development Manager, Planner, Architect, Engineer, Builder, Developer, Real Estate Broker, Financial Planner and Mortgage Officer and more. L’iv brings a life of experience and exploring cutting edge science, philosophy, and the more esoteric sciences of manifestation, sacred geometry, and more to assisting One Community and further sharing his passion through writing Guides (see his Land Resource Guide) and consulting on various aspects of Unconditioned Love (see his website for Mother Earth and all living creatures.

sacred geometry expert, teacher, One Community ConsultantSamuel Kiwasz – Teacher and Sacred Geometry Specialist: Samuel spent 22 years as a school teacher with the L.A. Unified School District where he incorporated his passion for sacred geometry into math through a class called “Geometric Drawing. The Math/Art Connection.” Leaving that career, he is now a social entrepreneur and community synergist sharing his passion for assisting people to arrive at their next level of spiritual development. Samuel operates a website called, teaches seminars, maintains an extensive and daily email list dedicated to forward thinking and empowering information sharing, and has contributed his sacred geometry knowledge and lesson plans to the developing education model of One Community.


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