Jae Sabol

Jae Sabol – One Community Executive Director and Founder, Certified Permaculture Designer, and Holistic Health Professional: Jae is the lead Project Manager for One Community and an entrepreneur with over 25 years experience. His vision of sustainability and… Read More

Straw Bale Village – One Community Pod 2

The straw bale architecture village (Pod 2) is the second of seven different sustainable village models. The Straw Bale Village was chosen as the second village to be built because it demonstrates modularly expandable sustainable housing and a focus on family-based… Read More

Earthbag Village – One Community Pod 1

Earthbag village, earthbag construction, sustainable living, green living, eco-village, One Community Global,

The earthbag architecture village (Pod 1) is the first of seven different sustainable village models to be built. The Earthbag Village was chosen as the first village to be built because we believe it will be the most… Read More

Sitemap :: One Community

One Community Sitemap

THIS SITEMAP IS DIVIDED INTO THREE SECTIONS A breakdown of important pages organized by topic (click to jump directly to that section) The 6 One Community overview/summary videos (click to jump directly to that section) Alphabetical listing of… Read More


The following are the questions we receive most commonly via email. Questions we receive about specific components of our project are on their related pages. FREQUENTLY ANSWERED/ASKED QUESTIONS Q: I want to help, how do I get involved?… Read More

Moving Toward The Venus Project

Creating The Venus Project, The Zeitgeist Movement Header

One Community considers itself a stepping stone to the visionary Venus Project, “a bold, new direction for humanity that entails nothing less than the total redesign of our culture” (www.thevenusproject.com).  Requiring a fraction of the funding, but with… Read More


Pet Header, Pets at One Community, One Community Pets

One Community will not have our first consensus meeting to discuss pets until after we have been on the property for at least 120 days. At that point we will have more of the necessary information to make an educated… Read More

Revenue Streams

abundance, little squares, building blocks of the future, sovereignty, sovereignism

The One Community revenue stream model is part of our Highest Good business contribution developed for open source duplication like all other aspects of One Community. This revenue stream model and our marketing engine are also designed to help promote and support others… Read More

Highest Good Food Infrastructure

Highest Good food, sustainable food, eco food, DIY food, food security, One Community food, green living, food self-sufficiency

People producing their own high-quality and diverse food is a path to increasing health, biodiversity, and individual and global food security. As part of One Community’s self-replicating and self-sufficient teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities and open source botanical garden models, we also see this… Read More

Highest Good Energy: Conservation & Infrastructure

Energy infrastructure and conservation methods are foundational to the creation of self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities to be built around the world. This page is an open source and free-shared guide to the setup and expansion of net-zero (100% sustainable) energy… Read More