People Changing the World: One Community Welcomes New Partners Ziggy Tolnay and the RBE10K Project to our Team

One Community is always seeking other organizations and people changing the world so we can work together and create what we know is possible even faster. Our most recent partners Ziggy Tolnay and his organization RBE10K are great examples of the kind of people and organizations we seek to work with. Welcome to the team Ziggy and RBE10K!



Ziggy Tolnay, RBE10K, world change person, One Community Partner, One Community ConsultantZiggy Tolnay – Software Developer and Database and Systems Designer and Administrator: Ziggy has over two decades of experience as a Software Developer and Database and Systems Designer and Administrator.  In 2010 he began his journey with social activism and has since participated in the design of city systems with The Venus Project, coordinated the Sydney Chapter of The Zeitgeist Movement, and was also one of the pioneers of Occupy Sydney. Now, Ziggy is the founder and currently one of the coordinators of The RBE10K Project, an experimental non-commercial self-sufficient community of 10,000 volunteers planned to settle in 2015, and who’s goal is erradicating worldwide poverty, war, and unsustainability within an adult lifetime. Sharing One Community’s values of sustainably thinking and creating for The Highest Good of All, Ziggy is part of the team working and collaborating with One Community on our evolving infrastructure including  foodenergy, and housing.

RBE10K (Ziggy)

RBE10K is an international community effort for designing and planning, by the end of 2014, a social arrangement engineered to satisfy premises of full sustainability, self-sufficiency, equality, freedom, health, and access to the necessities of life without using money, trade, or authority or privilege systems. It plans testing the design, based on minimalism/simple living and the Resource-Based Economic Model (RBEM), in a two-year-long trial beginning in 2015, conducted and fully financed by 10,000 volunteer inhabitants. It’s ultimate goal is producing an attractive and proven design, easy to replicate, in the hopes it will be increasingly adopted until becomes available to every person on Earth without a price tag, and thus eliminating poverty and significantly reducing worldwide cruelty, environmental degradation, and the stresses that lead to war. Both the project itself and its design are based on the principles of voluntarism, horizontality and openness, and are coordinated and supported by several open source tools such as Mediawiki, Libreplan, and Bettermeans. RBE10K and One Community are partnered together because we share our foundations of Highest Good of All thinking, open source creation, sustainability, resource based economy implementation, and the belief that we as a species have the ability within one human lifetime to create a world where every person has access to the food, clean water, energy, and housing they need. Working together we intend to create this world faster for everyone.


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