Online Project Planning Template

One Community is an endless process of creation and online project planning. This is the project planning template and flow chart we use for breaking new (and often times massive) tasks into workable smaller tasks. The purpose of this online project planning template, and the format of using online collaborative tools, is to:

  • Divide large and complex tasks into smaller and simpler tasks
  • Keep all project pieces available to everyone, anywhere in the world
  • Create all projects in a manner that is easy for new team members to engage them
  • Demonstrate and open source share an easy to use and effective template and tool
project planning flow chart, online project planning, creation flow chart, making big tasks simpler

Click this image to be taken to the open source Google Docs version with additional notes

Here is the bullet-point breakdown of the above project planning process and flowchart:

STEP 1: Create a Project Google Doc
Visit the Open Source Google Doc Project Creation Template and follow the instructions there to duplicate that document so you can complete all the following steps more easily by inputting info directly into the duplicate of the template.

STEP 2: Define the Project

  • What is it that you are creating?
    • Ex: Eco-Bathroom

STEP 3: Divide into Actionable Chunks

  • What are the components of this project that need to be created?
    • Ex: Toilet Composting Bins / Shower Design / Structure Design

STEP 4: Assess if Actionable (ready to take action on)

  • Is the component you are going to work on small enough? Will you be able to break it down into 4 hour chunks so it is actionable?

If “yes” → Create a Component Google Doc using the Component Creation Process
If “no” → Return to Step 3