One Community is happy to welcome Green New World as our newest member of the Highest Good Collaborator and open source team!
Green New World assists in the transition of society by providing services in holistic sustainable living designs and solutions that focus on holistic water systems, renewable energy systems, holistic food production, holistic residential designs and ecological zero waste solutions. Currently Green New World is working on the House of Peace also known as the HOPE Project which aspires to create a model for holistic sustainable housing. HOPE represents the convergence of integrated holistic design into a single model home to bring together earth architecture, holistic water treatment and conservation, alternative energy integration, natural and ecological climate regulation, ecological sewage processing and the wellbeing of its inhabitants. Every material and system used in this home is evaluated to minimize the ecological impact as well as promote the health and wellbeing of its inhabitants. One Community is collaborating with Green New World on water systems and sewage systems design and the components of the earthbag village.
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