Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Open Source Energy Infrastructure Update

sustainable energy, energy efficiency and sustainability, our efficient energy, One Community, ecological energy, energy ecology, solar energy, solar panel energy, new energyEnergy efficiency and sustainability go hand in hand and we have spent extensive time exploring the various energy options available with the following criteria in mind:

1.  Sustainability (effective, durable, ethical)
2. Duplicability (can be shipped globally, affordable)
3. Sufficient to provide the foundation we need to explore a diversity of other options for expansion and in support of our open source goals

After months of research, we are happy to announce that we have completed the details of our initial energy infrastructure plans that will supply the SEGO Center City HubPod 1, and our aquaponics sustainable food infrastructure.

283 kWh Solar Array Cost Analysis

ItemDescriptionQty.Unit PriceExt. Amount
PV-based power system designed to deliver approximately 283 kWh/day under average December sun conditions at the One Community property
110-0053Suniva, 250W PV Module, TE F-M0 PV Wire, 46mm Clear
Frame, 60 Cell Mono, 15A Fuse, 223.2W PTC,
*** Wire PV array as 32 series strings of 12 modules each.
2 strings per SB6000US inverter.
*** ProSolar ground racking for 96 columns of 4 modules each
detailed below. 1.5″ steel pipe to be supplied locally.
210-0600ProSolar, Support Rail, 3″
Extra Deep support rail, 164″, Qty. 1, R-164XD
192 35.03 6,725.76
240-0178ProSolar, U-Bolt Assembly,
Clear, Qty. 1, A-UAS-1S
384 6.22 2,388.48
211-0200ProSolar, End Cap, 3″,
Clear Anodized, XDeep Channel, Qty. 1, A-EZECAPXD-1
384 1.62 622.08
260-0029ProSolar, End Clamp 1.810″
(45.9mm-46.4mm), Clear, Qty. 1, C1810EC-1
390 2.01 783.90
260-0046ProSolar, Mid Clamp 2.50″
(42mm-48mm), Clear, Qty. 1, C250IMC-1
580 2.011,165.80
590-0011Wiley Electronics, WEEB Grounding Lug
with 1/4″ mounting hardware, WEEB-LUG-6.7
195 4.34 846.30
590-0012Wiley Electronics, WEEB Grounding clip
for ProSolar, WEEB-PMC
490 0.80392.00
550-0009Die Co, Cable Clips, Galvanized, Qty. 100, DCS-897-M565 Clip12 26.07 312.84
550-0036USE-2 Cable, 10AWG,
7-strand 600VDC, black, 3000′ spool, 10-7-3000-sgl
1 875.64875.64
550-0126TE Connectivity, SolarLok Plug with Machined Pin, 4.5-6mm
OD,10AWG, USE-2, Female Negative (Blue), 6-1394462-4
502.04 102.00
550-0127TE Connectivity, SolarLok Plug with Machined Pin, 4.5-6mm
OD,10AWG, USE-2, Male Neutral, 7-1394461-5
50 2.04 102.00
550-0363Rennsteig, Crimping Pliers, TE (TE Solarlok),
with Dies & Locator, Solar AWG 14/12/10, R624 817 3 1
1 323.90 323.90
310-0393SMA, Sunny Boy 6000TLUS 1-Ph Grid Tied Inverter, 6000W,
208/240VAC, 60Hz, DC Discon, 6 Dual Fused Input Combiner,
1 MPPT, 10 Yr Warr, Ungrounded, Arc-Fault Protection,
16 2,796.07 44,737.12
570-0028SMA, Communication Card, RS-485 Module, SB RS 485-N16 104.50 1,672.00
500-0114SMA, Multicluster Box, 3-Ph for 12 x 120V, 60 Hz,
SI5048U, add MC-PB, UL listed off-grid only, MCB-12U
114,294.09 14,294.09
500-0116SMA, Multicluster Communications (Piggy-Back) Card,
One for each SI Cluster Master, MC-PB
4 230.20 920.80
311-0040SMA, Sunny Island 6048 battery inverter, 5750W, 120VAC,
60Hz, 56A Transfer, 48VDC, Sinewave, 100A Charger,
5 Yr Warranty, with BTS, SI6048-US-10
12 4,101.54 49,218.48
500-0020Outback, FlexWare 500 DC Enclosure with Ground & Pos Bus,
500A DC Shunt, FW-BBUS, for 1 to 2 Inverters, FW500-DC
4 223.62 894.48
530-0026Midnite Solar, Circuit Breaker, Panel Mount,
175A, 125VDC, 1-Pole, 1.5″ Wide, 3/8″ Studs, MNEDC175
12 77.12 925.44
430-0023Cobra, Battery Cable, 2/0 AWG, Black, 600V,
THW, by the foot, Code Approved, 2/0-X-FLEX-B
100 5.21521.00
440-0025Quick Cable, Magna Lug,
2/0 Straight Lug, 3/8″, Qty. 1, 6420-F
440-0066Power Panel Component, Quick Cable Heat Shrink,
4-2/0AWG, Red, Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5614-001R
440-0067Power Panel Component, Quick Cable Heat Shrink,
4-2/0AWG, Black, Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5613-051B
430-0025Cobra, Battery Cable, 4/0 AWG, Black,
600V, THW, by the foot, Code Approved, 4/0-X-FLEX-B
440-0026Quick Cable, Magna Lug, 4/0 Straight Lug, 3/8″,
Qty, 1, 6440-F
440-0083Quick Cable, Heat Shrink, 1/0-250MCM, Black,
Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5615-051B
440-0084Quick Cable, Heat Shrink, 1/0-250MCM, Red,
Qty. 1, UL Listed, 5616-051R
440-0178MK Battery, Unigy II, 4V, 2 Cell Module, 2424Ah @ 24hr, Interlock, 2AVR125-33 IL
*** Sealed battery pack above to be configured w/ two 48v
strings per cluster (there’s 4 clusters). Will deliver approx.
2.5 days of power use. Life expectancy is 15-20 years.
Estimated Shipping Cost10,987.23
Tax Total37,357.62





Our next step will be establishing the necessary relationships to make ordering and building a system like this (as part of our self-sufficient and self-propagating teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities strategy) as easy as possible including:

  1. Establishing relationships with companies willing to A) offer discounts to consumers for new-business direct referrals through us and B) affordably drop-ship these orders anywhere in the world
  2. Open source sharing videos and tutorials for the building and setup process
  3. Streamlining the process as much as possible for people by expanding existing sustainability networks to create complete package ordering options wherever they don’t already exist

For complete details on our energy infrastructure and open source sustainability plans including additional research and cost analysis visit our Energy Infrastructure Page.

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