Compressed Earth Block Village Overview Image, Earth Block Construction, eco-living, green living, earth block architecture, earth brick building, earth brick construction, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

Earth Block Village – One Community Pod 4

The Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) will demonstrate a new level of artistic and functional creation for the eco-construction world. Built from compressed earth bricks/blocks, this village will demonstrate the durability, affordability, and creative potential that is possible with this ultra-sustainable building method. Being planned as a beautiful and creative education and health and wellness retreat village, the Compressed Earth Block Village incorporates a 2-story half-moon design with 10 treatment rooms, 4 classrooms, 2 meeting halls, kitchen and dining for regularly feeding 200+ people, laundry for 300+ and a diversity of rooftop and outdoor recreation and relaxation areas.

It will be the 4th of the 7 villages planned and open source and free-shared in complete detail. This page contains the following sections related to the Compressed Earth Block Village:


ALL VILLAGES (Click icons for complete pages)

Earthbag Village Icon, building with earthbags, earthbag architecture, earthbag construction, earthbag homes, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageStraw Bale Village Icon, straw bale construction, straw bale architecture, straw bale eco-living, global ecology, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageCob Village Icon, building with cob, cob home, cob living, cob architecture, cob construction, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageEarth Block Village Icon, building with earth blocks, earth block construction, earth block architecture, open source earth block, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageShipping Container Village Icon, shipping container architecture, shipping container construction, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageRecycled Materials Village Icon, recycled materials construction, recycled materials building, Earthship inspired construction, building with tires, building with recycled materials, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageTree House Village icon, living in trees, forest living, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageduplicable city center, open source city hub, laundry, dining, swimming pool, hot tub, kitchen, library, game room, zicons

Here is a book overview about the entire One Community project also:

If the above plugin doesn't allow fullscreen, try a different browser. If that or anything else still isn't working for you, you can download a copy of the above book here: Book PDF download (128 MB)




Earth Block Village Icon, building with earth blocks, earth block construction, earth block architecture, open source earth block, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageCompressed earth blocks (CEBs) or pressed earth blocks are damp soil compressed at high pressure to form blocks. If the blocks are stabilized with a chemical binder such as Portland Cement they are called compressed stabilized earth blocks (CSEBs) or stabilized earth blocks (SEBs). The Compressed Earth Block Village will be an example of creativity and beauty that is possible with this building method by demonstrating a health, wellness, and education-centered village with a 2-story half-moon design providing 50 living/rental spaces, with 10 treatment rooms, 4 classrooms, 2 meeting halls, a commercial kitchen and dining capable of feeding and seating 1,000 people, laundry for 300+ people, and a diversity of rooftop and outdoor recreation and relaxation areas. Indigo accents and earth block decorative arches, pillars, outdoor earth block benches and relaxation spaces will further distinguish this village design.

Compressed Earth Block Village Overview Image, Earth Block Construction, eco-living, green living, earth block architecture, earth brick building, earth brick construction, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Concept Render – Click to enlarge

To put into perspective what is possible with earth blocks, here are some examples of the types of blocks that can be made with an earth block press.

Compressed Earth Blocks from the Auram 3000

Compressed Earth Block Diversity Possible with the Auram 3000 – click for info PDF

Here are the proposed floor plans:

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village Floor Plan

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village Floor Plan – Click to enlarge

Here is the landscaping plan:

One Community Earth Block Village Landscaping Plan Final, 640

One Community Earth Block Village Landscaping Plan Development – Click to enlarge

Total cost is estimated at 4.2 million (click for details).



Earth Block Village Icon, building with earth blocks, earth block construction, earth block architecture, open source earth block, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageOur goal with the Earth Block Village is to add the health and wellness components of this village to our open source and global transformation process. We will use as many different earth block options as we can (see above) to create pillars, arches, and other beautiful designs both inside and outside of this village. These will further beautify the treatment rooms and large-scale indoor and outdoor classroom spaces for health and wellness related enrichment of One Community.

In addition to this, the Earth Block Village is expected to house our first full-time health and wellness-provider community members. Living in these residences, there should be sufficient need that a full-time Dentist, General Practitioner, Optometrist, Nurse, Yogi, Massage Therapist, and/or other health related members of One Community (if they so desire) will be able to contribute 100% of their community contribution time to applying and sharing their health and wellness skills. Wherever possible, they will also help contribute open source classes and other learning opportunities we’ll offer as part of our positive global transformation goals and Highest Good Education program.

We will open source share this village with all the same details, and level of detail, used in the Earthbag Village and Duplicable City Center to provide another self-sufficient and self-replicating teacher/demonstration community, village, and city option for community living, eco-tourism establishment, and global propagation and education.

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village, Front View, Final-with-People-Dan-b253

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Front of Village Render – Click to enlarge

Compressed Earth Block Village Front View Final render, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Front of Village Render Looking NE – Click to enlarge





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The advantages of earth block construction are many:

  1. A local material (Materials to make earth blocks are plentiful and can often be found locally reducing transportation costs and environmental impact. Earth blocks can often be made at the construction site which eliminates the need to transport the materials required to build the walls.)
  2. A bio-degradable material
  3. Helps with management of resources and limits deforestation
  4. Energy efficiency and eco friendliness
  5. Cost efficiency
  6. An adapted material
  7. A transferable technology
  8. Market opportunity
  9. Long lasting (Earthen homes have been around for thousands of years. Earth Blocks will last for centuries. Average life of a wood frame building is 70 years.)
  10. Reducing imports
  11. Flexible production scale
  12. Social acceptance
  13. Earth buildings provide better noise control
  14. Earth construction is economically beneficial
  15. Earth construction is environmentally sustainable
  16. Earth construction is regarded as a job creation opportunity
  17. Earth construction promotes local culture, heritage, and material
  18. Earth is available in large quantities in most regions
  19. Earth is very good in fire resistance
  20. Earth walls (loam) absorb pollutants
  21. Easy to design with and high aesthetic value
  22. It balances and improves indoor air humidity and temperature
  23. It encourages self-help construction
  24. It requires simple tools and less skilled labor
  25. Loam preserves timber and other organic materials
  26. Provide a nice place to live and work (Earth Block structures are warm, solid, and quiet. It has been described as having a warm comfortable blanket wrapped around you)
  27. Environmentally sound (Earth Block structures can use up to 20 to 30% less energy to heat and cool than concrete block or wood frame structures. Dirt is a renewable resource that is plentiful. Earth Blocks take very little energy to make compared to the extreme heat necessary to make cement, the firing process required to make bricks, and the deforestation required to build with wood. Earth Block walls are sound proof, fire proof, bullet proof, bug proof, and mold proof)
  28. Non-Toxic (Since the blocks are made from natural material they do not out-gas any toxic chemicals)



Compressed earth block construction also has some limitations:

  1. Proper soil needs: improper soil can’t be used to make earth blocks because each material used for the earth block has to be well proportioned to make the blocks work. Untrained teams or lack of proper material will produce low-quality bricks
  2. Foundation needs: A compressed earth block wall requires at least 25 cm (10″) thick and 33% wider than the wall width
  3. Structural limitations: Wide spans, high & long building are difficult to do (Due to the weight of the Compressed Earth Block structures are mostly limited to two stories unless a reinforced concrete skeleton is used and Earth Blocks are used as infill)
  4. Low technical performances compared to concrete
  5. Over-stabilization through fear or ignorance about this building method can lead to poor designs
  6. Under-stabilization resulting in low quality products
  7. Bad quality or un-adapted production equipment
  8. Low social acceptance due to failed examples (due to unskilled people, bad soil and/or equipment)
  9. Earth construction is labor intensive
  10. CEB houses behave poorly in the event of earthquakes
  11. Special skills needed for plastering
  12. Creating earth blocks onsite is very economical and sustainable, transporting them decreases this
  13. Suitable for small structures but larger spaces will require additional construction to be achievable



Compressed Earth Block Village Overview Image, Earth Block Construction, eco-living, green living, earth block architecture, earth brick building, earth brick construction, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

Compressed Earth Block Village Overview ” Click to open a full-size PDF (11 MB) in a new window

All aspects of the Compressed Earth Block Village will be open sourced for replication as either individual components or as part of the complete village. Just as we are doing with the Duplicable City Center and Earthbag Village (Pod 1). Once those are complete, we will produce for this village and the other 5 villages the same level of detail for the materials lists, build-time and labor details, construction plans and process, permitting needs and strategies, etc. for all components.

Click the links below for additional images and descriptions to help you learn more about the key features planned for this village:



The Compressed Earth Block Village consists of 50 living/rental spaces with 4 primary floor plans: South-wing Single, South-wing ADA (American Disabilities Act) Compliant, North-wing Single, and North-wing Double. All rooms are a short walk to the Kitchen and Dining hall, adjacent to the Central Kids’ Play Area and Relaxation Space, and with easy rooftop and North-garden access.

Compressed earth block village room layouts

Room Layouts: #1 – South-wing Single | #2 ADA Compliant | #3 North-wing Double | #4 North-wing Single

Here is a concept render of a South-wing Single unit. There will be 30 of these living and visitor units (#1 in the image above) featuring large and open floor plans, spacious closets, a full bathroom, and beautiful views with and lots of natural light from the south-facing sliding glass doors.

One Community Earth Block Village living South Wing Single Final Render, Dan Alleck, blog 278

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village| Living Space South Wing Single – Click to enlarge

Here is a concept render of the South-wing ADA-Compliant living unit. There will be 4 of these wheelchair-optimized units (#2 in the image above) with the same features as the South-wing Singles: large and open floor plans, spacious closets, a full bathroom, and beautiful views with lots of natural light from the south-facing sliding glass doors. These units are also the closest to the main entries and with easy access to the elevator, Dining HallGame Room, and other recreation spaces.

Dan Alleck, Earth Block Village, render of the ADA Handicap-compliant Room looking South, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Living Space South Wing ADA – Click to enlarge

In addition to the South-wing rooms, there will also be 8 North-wing Double units and 8 South-wing single units. All these units have full bathrooms, large closets, separate living rooms, and south-facing views of the beautiful central landscaped kids’ play area and relaxation space. Double units have an additional North-facing room with space for a small in-room office area with a desk, windows with views of the extensive North landscaping and recreation/relaxation spaces, and a North-facing patio with these views too.



The Earth Block Village kitchen and dining areas are purposed to regularly feed 200+ people, with capabilities for many more in the case of events. The commercial kitchen will offer self-service dining with seating for over 130 people. Additional upstair seating can be set up to accommodate up to 200 more. Outdoor seating is available for 300 and the rooftop area could additionally seat hundreds more. All-in-all, the kitchen and dining area for this village when at maximum capacity are intended to host as many as 1000 people at a time.

This is important because events with groups of this size are intended for One Community once we have completed this 4th of the 7 villages planned. The North labyrinth is large enough to host and seat groups for concerts or other large outdoor events and the Entrance Hall, 2nd Floor Meeting/Public Events space, and rooftop spaces are also all large enough for groups and events of 100-300+ people. Each of the areas described could also be segregated to host a diversity of different events with food produced in the centrally-located kitchen to provide catered and self-serve dining for each event/group.

Here are concept renders of the kitchen food service area:

One Community Earth Block Village Kitchen Looking Northeast with people Final Render, Hamilton Mateca, 640

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village| Kitchen Render Looking Northeast – Click to enlarge

This render shows the cooking areas and some of the self-service food areas:

One Community Earth Block Village Kitchen Looking West Final Render with people, Dan Alleck (Designer and Illustrator), blog 238

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Kitchen Render Looking West – Click to enlarge

Here is a view from the back of the kitchen and looking North towards the indoor and outdoor dining areas with views of the Meditation Labyrinth and Concert/Class AmphitheaterNorth Playground and Exercise Space, etc.

Kitchen Render looking North, One Community, Compressed Earth Block Village, Dan Alleck, blog 238

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village| Kitchen Render Looking North – Click to enlarge



There will be 8 multi-purpose massage/treatment rooms and 2 multi-purpose medical offices in the East wing of this village. Each room will feature large sliding-glass doors providing natural light and beautiful views of either the North or South landscaping. The North and South landscaping by these areas is also designed for use as massage space, meeting space, or other wellness activities. Wellness and educational classroom spaces are also located just down the hall for maximum convenience and accessibility for related events or classes.

Here is a concept render of one of the multi-purpose medical offices featuring open floor plans, ample natural light, and desks large enough for two people plus patients.

One Community Earth Block Village Office Final Render with people Dan, blog 269

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | East Wing Office Spaces – Click to enlarge

Here are two renders of the multi-purpose treatment rooms. These rooms also include a desk, treatment table, and enough space and chairs for multiple people to comfortably be in this room at once. Sliding glass doors also provide easy access to outdoor areas designed for use as massage and/or treatment spaces also, when desired.

Compressed Earth Block Village Massage Room Looking south with People, Dan Alleck, One Community, blog 265

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Multi-Purpose Massage/Treatment Room Looking South – Click to enlarge

Compressed Earth Block Village Massage Room Looking Northeast with People, Dan Alleck, One Community blog 242

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Multi-purpose Massage/Treatment Room Looking Northeast – Click to enlarge



Compressed Earth Block Village Open Source Components Image, Earth Block Construction, eco-living, green living, earth block architecture, earth brick building, earth brick construction, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

Compressed Earth Block Village Overview Spread 2 ” Click to open a full-size PDF (5 MB) in a new window

The Earth Block Village is designed with a variety of indoor recreation and social spaces capable of hosting 100s of people. These areas include:



The Earth Block Village Entrance Hall has been designed as a large and open space for reading, study, and relaxation. It can also be used for large events or as an extended dining hall.

And Guy Grossfeld (Graphic Designer) created this Final Compressed Earth Block Village Front Area Looking Southeast render.

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Entrance Hall Looking Southeast



The Game Room and Events Space will function daily as a social and recreation space for residents and visitors. It will also be available by reservation for events like weddings, birthdays, etc. It features sweeping views of the entire North landscaping area and Meditation Labyrinth and Concert/Class Amphitheater, easy access to the Kitchen and Dining Hall, and an adjacent chair storage room that can also be used for larger events. It is also adjacent to the main Meeting/Public Events space and can be used if needed as an additional room for events being held there.

One Community Earth Block Village Game Room, Final Render, Hamilton Mateca, blog 232

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | 2nd Floor Game and Recreation Room – Click to enlarge



The 2nd floor Meeting/Public Events Hall is large enough to host 200-400 people depending on use. It has South-facing windows for natural light and to help with passive heating. Couches and chairs line the perimeter so this space can be used for relaxation, recreation, socialization, or semi-private dining when not used for an event. Storage for 100s of chairs and other event-related needs is conveniently located just off the North end of this room. Its location next to the Game Room and Event Space also supports multi-room functions if needed.

Earth Block Village-2nd Floor Event and Meeting Space Southwest, Final with people, One Community,640

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | 2nd Floor Event and Meeting Space Southwest – Click to enlarge



In the East wing of the Compressed Earth Block Village there are 4 classrooms. Each classroom can be used for education or wellness classes like yoga, Tai Chi, Gi Gong, etc. For educational use, the West-most classroom is designed with storage for enough chairs to supply all four classrooms. All these rooms feature South-facing sliding glass doors for natural light and passive heating. The outdoor areas are also designed so that classes can also be hosted directly outside of each indoor class area. Rooftop space is additionally available and easily accessible directly above for these activities. Like the Dining Hall and Labyrinth, the classrooms, outdoor, and rooftop spaces are designed to collectively host hundreds if needed or desired.

Here is a concept render of the multi-purpose classroom space in the West featuring chair storage in the back and enough room for a class of 50+ in chairs or around 30 using floor mats and participating in any form of exercise class.

Compressed Earth Block Village Classroom Looking West Final with People, Dan Alleck, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Classroom Looking West – Click to enlarge



Between the classrooms and the wellness treatment rooms is the main waiting area. This area features ample seating for relaxation or recreation while waiting.

Compressed Earth Block Village Waiting Area with People, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Waiting Area – Click to enlarge

The centrally located public bathrooms are positioned for easy access from the Entrance Hallkitchenclassrooms, and outdoor recreation and social spaces. They are large enough to handle events hosting 100s of people and will feature water and energy-saving designs with sustainable waste processing.

One Community Earth Block Village Men's Bathroom with people Final Render, 640

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Men’s Bathroom – Click to enlarge



Compressed Earth Block Village Overview Image, Earth Block Construction, eco-living, green living, earth block architecture, earth brick building, earth brick construction, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

Compressed Earth Block Village Landscaping Overview ” Click to open a full-size PDF (5 MB) in a new window

One of the primary offerings of the Earth Block Village will be open sourcing the extensive landscaping designs we have planned. These designs will all be constructed sustainably and with as much use of compressed earth blocks as possible. The designs incorporate water-wise landscaping, rainwater collection and storage with seasonal ponds and water features, plus food forest design and a diversity of food producing and medically beneficial plants.

The details of the following outdoor recreation and social spaces we intend to open source are included here:

Here is an overview of all of these spaces.

One Community Earth Block Village Landscaping Plan Final, 640

One Community Earth Block Village Landscaping Plan Development – Click to enlarge



The entire rooftop of the Compressed Earth Block Village is designed as usable space with beautiful views of the surrounding eco-landscaping, recreation spaces, and food forests. Here is a render of the West rooftop that is designed for smaller/private events and features seating for around 30 people with barbecues and small tables. A similar area is also available on the West end of the 2nd floor.

Earth Block Village

One Community Earth Block Village | 2nd Floor Outdoors Looking East – Click to enlarge

The central rooftop area is designed for outdoor dining, events and relaxation and can be seen in this render from the West end looking East.

Compressed Earth Block Village, Rooftop View Looking East, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Earth Block Village | Rooftop View Looking East – Click to enlarge

Here is a render of the rooftop area closest to the elevator and most easily accessible from the dining room and kitchen. Outdoor tables and chairs in this area will provide additional outdoor seating options with beautiful views for those interested in rooftop dining.

Compressed Earth Block roof view looking West, highest good housing, green living, eco-community, sustainable living, green homes, green hotel, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Earth Block Village | 3rd Floor Rooftop View Looking West – Click to enlarge

The East rooftop is designed for hosting outdoor events and/or classes like Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, etc.

Earth Block Village, One Community Pod 4, 2nd floor rooftop looking West, Dan Alleck

One Community Earth Block Village | 2nd Floor Rooftop Looking West – Click to enlarge



The Central Kids’ Play Area and Relaxation Space (Zone 17) is located between the North and South residential wings of the Earth Block Village. This area features water-wise landscaping and planting, seating for relaxation and socialization, water fountains, a trickling stream, and beautiful ponds. The fountains are designs so kids can play in them and they drain into the trickling stream (2″ deep) that feeds and is fed by the ponds (12″ deep), all also shallow enough for children to play in them when the weather is warm enough.

Compressed Earth Block Village, Zone 17, Final Render with people, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Earth Block Village | Zone 17 Central Play and Recreation Area – Click to enlarge

Compressed Earth Block Village, Zone 17, Final Render with people, One Community, Dan Alleck

One Community Earth Block Village | Zone 17 Central Play and Recreation Area – Click to enlarge

One Community Earth Block Village ZONE 17, Detail-without-Text, Final Render, 640

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 17 | Click to enlarge with Additional Details

One Community Earth Block Village ZONE 17 Complete Final Render, 640

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 17 Details – Click to enlarge



The North Sunken Plaza, Yoga Zone, and Outdoor Gym areas (Zones 8 & 9) are located North of the Earth Block Village and just South of the Labyrinth and Zone 2 Japanese rock gardens. These areas feature a variety of walking paths and seating, water-wise landscaping and planting, an outdoor gym, space for outdoor yoga classes, and a variety of variable-height features that make this area interesting a usable for a diversity of different recreation, relaxation, and/or exercise activities. The gym and various exercise spaces also integrate with the extensive Kids’ Playground and Exercise Space directly East.

The One Community Compressed Earth Block Village

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 8-9 – Click to enlarge

The One Community Compressed Earth Block Village

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 8-9 Details – Click to enlarge



The North Playground and Exercise Space (Zone 11) is located just North of the outdoor dining area, South of the Labyrinth and Zone 2 Japanese rock gardens, and directly East of the central walkway access to the Labyrinth. This area is first and foremost an extensive kids’ playground area. As such, it features tunnels and climbing areas, off-ground walkways, large open spaces for running and play, and ample seating for parents to relax and watch while the kids play. The Yoga Zone and Outdoor Gym are also just West of this area if parents or kids want to use those areas in conjunction with this one.

Compressed Earth Block Village Zone 11, Earth Block Playground, sustainable community, green living, DIY playground, earthblock playground, Pod 4, eco-village, eco-community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 11- Click to enlarge

Compressed Earth Block Village Zone 11, Earth Block Playground, sustainable community, green living, DIY playground, earthblock playground, Pod 4, eco-village, eco-community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 11 Details – Click to enlarge



The Northeast Relaxation Space with Seasonal Ponds (Zone 7) is located Southeast of the Labyrinth and Zone 2 Japanese rock gardens. This space is for anyone wanting a beautiful place to relax while enjoying the views and/or any activities happening in the Labyrinth, while remaining far enough away to not fully participate. Features for this area include a hiking trail around the entire area, bridges over rock gardens that seasonally fill with water, and a diversity of sitting options provided through benches and all the artistic elevation differences throughout this zone.

Aparna Tandon (Architect) continued her work on the Compressed Earth Block Village external elements. What you see here is her 36th week of work, focusing on the final presentation shown here and live on the site for the Zone 7, the Northwest Relaxation Space with Seasonal Ponds.

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 7 Details – Click to enlarge



The North Japanese Rock Gardens provide the entryway to the Meditation Labyrinth and Concert/Class Amphitheater. They surround the entire South side of the labyrinth area and include the (Zone 4) covered trellis pathway entries that frame each side of a seasonal floating rock garden. To the East and West of this are (Zone 2) tall-rock and statue gardens and then a combination of low-profile artistic green zones and sand and stone gardens with bridge walkways over them.

The One Community Compressed Earth Block Village

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 2 & 4 – Click to enlarge

Earthblock Village ZONE 2&4, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 2 & 4 Details – Click to enlarge



The West Food Forest with Walking Trails (Zone 13) is located on the West end of the residential wings of the Earth Block Village. This area features two raised play mounds (smaller green areas shown below) and a sunken court (larger green area shown below). Surrounding these areas are a food forest, walking paths, and seating. The food forest is for food production and aesthetics and the raised play mounds and sunken court are kids play areas and seating for recreation and relaxation. Three summer houses are also included to provide covered social and/or dining areas.

Zone 13, Earth Block Village, Aparna Tandon, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 13 ENLARGED – Click to enlarge

Earthblock Village ZONE 13, Aparna Tandon, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 13 Details- Click to enlarge



The East Food Forests with Seating (Zones 12 & 18) are located on the East end of the Earth Block Village. Zone 12 features a lily pond surrounded by pergolas and seating, and walking paths and other seating options surrounded by food forest. Zone 18 will be a large food forest with informal walking paths and double-sided benches constructed out of compressed earth blocks.

East Food Forests, CEB food forest, Compressed Earth Block food forest, One Community, One Community Global, eco-living, green living

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | Zone 12 & 18 ENLARGED – Click to enlarge

Earth Block Village Zone 12 and 18, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 12 and 18 Details – Click to enlarge



The Labyrinth and Concert/Class Amphitheater includes Zones 1-5 and is designed to be one of the highlights of the Earth Block Village. The entire area will be constructed using earth blocks and will offer space for relaxation, reflection, events, and socialization.

For those who aren’t familiar, a meditation labyrinth is a patterned path used as a walking meditation or spiritual practice. A labyrinth’s walkway is arranged in such a way that the participant moves back and forth across the circular form through a series of curves, ending at the labyrinths’s heart or center. Labyrinth “walls” are only a few inches high, so it is easy to step over them if a faster route to the center is desired. The center of this labyrinth will feature seating and a tree that will eventually grow to huge proportions

Around the central tree is also enough open space to host musical or other events and the six-foot wide paths will make it so that pathways can double as seating areas. This width also means two people can easily pass each other without disturbance when meditatively walking in opposite directions. Surrounding all of this are additional terraced seating areas in the North and beautiful rock gardens in the South. An ADA compliant walkway surrounds the entire area for easy access and/or use as a walking or exercise path. Pergolas adjacent to this walkway will provide covered areas for shaded relaxation, picnics, etc. In total, this space will allow for comfortable seating of 400-500 people for any event hosted here.

Compressed Earth Block Village, Zone 1-5 detail, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 1-5 Details – Click to enlarge

Aparna Tandon (Architect) continued her work on the Compressed Earth Block Village external elements. What you see here is her 43rd week of work that created this presentation for the Mediation Labyrinth and Amphitheater that make up Zones 1-5. These images are now on the website too.

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 1-5 Details – Click to enlarge



The East Outdoor Dining and Spa Zones (Zones 14, 15, and 16) are located adjacent and North of the entire East end of the Earth Block Village. Zone 14 features outdoor lounging and spa areas directly outside the massage and treatment rooms. Spa areas will offer enough outdoor privacy for single or couples’ massages and the lounging area offers a quiet place for reading or relaxing with easy access to the dining hall. Zones 15 and 16 are the outdoor dining areas and surrounding driveway made with earth bricks.

Aparna Tandon, Compressed Earth Block Village, final presentation for zones 14, 15, and 16.

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 14, 15, and 16 Details – Click to enlarge



The Southeast Classroom and Gathering Space (Zones 6 and 19) encompass the main entry and all the areas South and East of the building. Zone 6 is the main entry featuring a roundabout for dropping off visitors, bike racks, and a large central tree. Zone 19 covers the entire area in front of the East classrooms and features earth block covered areas big enough to allow for classes to be moved outside, pergolas for shade, and benches and planters with built in seating for relaxation.

Compressed Earth Block Village, Zone 6 and 19, Aparna, Final-640, One Community

One Community Compressed Earth Block Village | ZONE 6 and 19 Details – Click to enlarge



The Future of Buildings - 2014 Knox College Bioneers Conference Keynote Address



Earth Block Village Icon, building with earth blocks, earth block construction, earth block architecture, open source earth block, open source architecture, Highest Good Housing, One Community, Sustainable Community Construction, Eco-living, Green Living, Community Living, Self-sufficiency, Highest Good for All, One Community Global, Earthbag Village, Straw Bale Village, Cob Village, Compressed Earth Block Village, Recycled Materials Village, Shipping Container Village, Tree House Village, DCC, open source architecture, open source construction, sustainable housing, eco-tourism, global transformation, green construction, LEED Platinum, sustainable village, green village LEED Platinum Village, Eco-living villageThe Earth Block Village will add a village dedicated to the health and wellness to One Community’s open source offerings. We will use a diversity of the available earth block options to create and open source pillars, arches, and other beautiful designs both inside and outside of this village. In addition to this, the Earth Block Village is expected to house our first full-time health and wellness-provider community members. Living in these residences, there should be sufficient need that a full-time Dentist, General Practitioner, Optometrist, Nurse, Yogi, Massage Therapist, and/or other health related members of One Community (if they so desire) will be able to contribute 100% of their community contribution time to just applying and sharing their health and wellness skills. Wherever possible, they will also help contribute open source classes and other learning opportunities we’ll offer as part of our positive global transformation goals and Highest Good Education program.



Q: Where can I get more information about your philosophies for world change?

Please take a look at each of these additional pages: (click icons)

living and creating for The Highest Good of All, global transformation, making a difference, good for people, good for the planet, good for the economy, good for everyone, the solution to everythingglobal cooperation, solutions that create solutions, global collaborationa new way to life, living fulfilled, an enriching life, enriched life, fulfilled life, ascension, evolving consciousness, loving lifetransforming the global environment, transformational change, evolving living, One Community, One Community Global, creating a new world, the solution to everything, the solution to everything, the solution to anything, creating world change, open source future, for The Highest Good of All, a world that works for everyone, world change, transforming the planet, difference makers, sustainability non-profit, solution based thinking, being the change we want to see in the world, making a difference, sustainable planet, global cooperative, 501c3 sustainability, creating our future, architects of the future, engineers of the future, sustainable civilization, a new civilization, a new way to live, ecological world, people working together, Highest Good food, Highest Good energy, Highest Good housing, Highest Good education, Highest Good society

Q: What were the initial inspirations for these designs?

With 7 villages to be designed, and a desire for artistic and unique appearances that also had a deeper relationship to the purpose/intent of each village, we drew inspiration from the 7-chakra system from Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism and the Japanese 5-elements philosophy.

Note: One Community does not endorse or subscribe to any one spiritual philosophy. You can read more about our philosophy on spirituality and religion on our Spirituality Page

The Earth Block Village was designed thinking of and researching the 3rd Eye (6th) Chakra from Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism and the element of Sky-Void-Heaven (“kÃ…«Ã¢â’¬ & “sora”) from the Japanese 5-elements philosophy. The associated color of “indigo” helped develop the color palette for this village and we further aligned, diversified, and distinguished the purpose and intent of the village by looking at One Community’s core values and focusing on the values of ContributionPersonal Growth, and Honesty & Integrity.

Compressed Earth Block Village Color Palette | Click for High-Resolution PDF

To further share the design process for this village, here are some of the initial renders and design drawings:

First designs were pyramid designs drawn by Nelli Levental, MFA of Graphic Design and College Professor for Classes in Sustainable Design. These designs were ultimately abandoned due to compressed earth block limitations for structure height and the inefficiency of space use in pyramid designs.

Earthblock, One Community

Initial Earth Block Pyramid Designs

Erika Yumi TamashiroPedro Borba, and Victor Oliveira, three Architecture and Urban Planning interns, then worked with our team to create the foundations for version 2.0.

Erika, Pedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team started designing the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4). For this, they researched fabrication, construction techniques, and structural behavior of earth blocks. Then, they determined some initial concepts for this village based on a central theme and created preliminary sketches.

Initial Brainstorming for the Earth Block Village Redesign

Erika, Pedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team improved their preliminary designs of the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) to include the best solar orientation during the Winter Solstice and began designing the village in Revit. They also updated the final lighting design reports for both the Duplicable City Center and the Earthbag Village.

The Earth Block Village Initial 3-D Render

Erika, Pedro, and Victor from the Architecture and Planning Intern Team brought the architecture design for the Compressed Earth Block Village (Pod 4) to 80% completion, which included adding the layouts for the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and public restroom. They also started creating images of the exterior facade.

The Earth Block Village further evolving in 3-D and the first AutoCAD Designs

This led to this concept render that was then finished by the core team working with Guy Grossfeld.

Compressed Earth Block Village Header, Earthbrick Village, Earth Brick Village

Earth Block Village Original Floor Plan and Concept Render – Click to enlarge

Shilcy Augustine further developed the East wing floor plan and then Hamilton Mateca helped to evolve the rest of the designs in AutoCAD and Revit, developing this village into the plan and renders featured above. Here are some of the initial images from this process.

Compressed Earth Block Village, renders in progress, One Community, Hamilton Mateca

Earth Block Village Floor Plan Design Evolving with the work of Hamilton Mateca

Aparna Tandon helped to design the complete landscaping details. Here are some of the initial images from this process.

Aparna Tandon (Architect) continued her work on the Compressed Earth Block Village external elements. What you see here is her 28th week of work, focusing on more development of Zone 8 and the pergolas needed for around the labyrinth, as shown here.

Earth Block Village Landscaping Plan Design Evolving with the work of Aparna Tandon



Aparna TandonArchitect – Creator of the complete landscape design for this village
Dan AlleckDesigner and Illustrator
Erika Yumi TamashiroArchitecture and Urban Design Student
Guy Grossfeld: Graphic Designer
Hamilton MatecaAutoCAD and Revit Drafter and Designer
Jagannathan Shankar MahadevanMechanical Engineer
Nelli LeventalMFA of Graphic Design and College Professor
Pedro Borba: Architecture and Urban Planning Student
Sarah Felippe: Architect and Masters of Urban Design Student
Sayonara Batista4th-year Architecture and Urban Planning Student
Shilcy AugustineArchitect
Victor Oliveira: Architecture and Urban Planning Student