SEGO Center Natural Pool and CAD Updated Images from This Week

The SEGO Center City Hub continues to move forward with huge help from our partners Andrew Sadera (Architect Drafter and Designer), Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of, Karl Harris (Architect Drafter, Designer, and founder of Harris Design & Technology Services), and Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design).

Here is the newest designs from Meg for the natural pool and eco hot tub:

Eco Hot Tub, Natural Pool, open source natural pool design, sustainable living, eco excellence, The Center of Peace

Click to Visit the SEGO Center Details Page

Here are all 4 floors of the SEGO Center  in CAD. We’re now working on adding the eco-hot tub and natural swimming pool shown above.

The Center of Peace, Open Source Architecture, Free-shared Architecture Plans

Most Recent CAD Export 1/22/2013 – Click to Enlarge

To simplify our details page we’ve also moved all the older images to a newly created page outlining this building from its very first sketches to where it is now:


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