One Community Welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team!

One Community welcomes Nelli Levental to the Design and Development Team!

Nelli Levental, MFA Graphic Design, College ProfessorNelli Levental – MFA of Graphic Design and College Professor: Nelli is an Artist, Functional Designer, Educator and a proud mom of two mature individuals. She has a diverse background, growing up in the Former Soviet Union, getting an extensive education in Fine Art, continuing into Book Design and, after immigrating to the US, becoming a Graphic Designer specializing in Functional Design. She has experience in teaching Art to both adults and children and Graphic and Architectural Design to College students. Nelli has also enjoyed exploring the world and learning about different cultures, living in Moldova, Russia, and the US and having traveled to France, Spain, Canada and Uganda. She is practicing Sivananda Yoga and likes creatively solving problems. As a One Community Consultant, Nelli is helping oversee the development of both the Shipping Container Village (Village #5) and the Earthship Village (Village #6).


Nelli Levental Facebook

Click this image for Nelli’s website: Mystic Russian Art

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