One Community Welcomes Irfan Saeed to the Legal Team!

One Community welcomes Irfan Saeed to the Legal Team:

Lawyer, LL.M in International Law from India, Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Laws, Diploma in Cyber Laws, One community consultantShaikh Irfan Ahmed Saeed – Lawyer:  Irfan holds an LL.M in International Law from India and is a practicing lawyer in Mumbai with over 5 years of experience. He also holds a Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights Laws and a Diploma in Cyber Laws, covering courses in information technology used in corporate environments. Irfan has worked with cases dealing with criminal, economic, corporate, pharmaceutical, sports and entertainment, and related international and local legal matters. Irfan also commits pro bono time to his passion for protecting animal rights and human rights like women’s emancipation and protection of child rights. As a One Community consultant and partner, Irfan is helping with legal issues revolving around our shared desire to help society and the world at large.


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