One Community is partnered with Hestia Home Biogas to help forward home biogas plant design and promote the advantages of biogas over fossil fuels. For those who don’t already know, biogas is virtually identical to fossil natural gas, only instead of taking 65 million years to make, it can be made every day in our own backyard using a simple biodigester that requires no moving parts, special equipment, or chemicals. As amazing as this natural energy source is, it has been greatly under-utilized in the United States with less than 100 homes benefiting from it here. Meanwhile, in China over 50 million households are presently using biogas and towns in countries like Sweden operate complete bus fleets on biogas.
Warren Weismann operates Hestia Home Biogas (located in Eugene, Oregon) and is one of only a handful of biogas and anaerobic digestion experts in the United States. He has over 20 years experience as a builder, heavy equipment mechanic, and power plant operator and, together with his business partner David Rasmussen, is on a mission to popularize biogas technology by offering simple, low-cost home biogas plant design classes and plans for biodigesters that are easy to build and operate to produce home cooking fuel, fuel electric generators, pumps, and water heaters. One Community has partnered with Warren and Hestia Home Biogas to demonstrate bio digester technology as part of Pod 1, open source share our building process, and to work with Warren and Hestia Home Biogas to play as large a role as possible in promoting small-scale domestic biogas as one path to energy independence.
Warren and Hestia Home Biogas are doing everything they can to support making biogas plant designs and the advantages of biogas accessible and usable to as many people in America as possible. They teach classes, offer biogas supplies and learning kits, and now they are also operating a crowd funding campaign to develop a biogas stovetop that is UL approved for indoor domestic use in North America.
Contributions to this campaign will help pay for the cost of development, materials, and prototyping for a double burner biogas stovetop that is presently being engineered by Oregon State University’s engineering department. This UL approved stovetop is the final barrier to really allow widespread US implementation because it will allow biogas to comply with US building, safety, and fire codes.
Any proceeds over and above the target amount will go towards an aggressive marketing campaign to make more homeowners aware of biogas as a 100% natural clean burning option for home cooking and electric energy. Please help us make biogas a part of America’s energy future and be sure to share this link!
As One Community builds our own home biogas plant we will be posting videos and links to our open source information here so please contribute now to Warren’s crowd funding campaign and bookmark this page for future reference.