One Community is seeking help to finish/finalize our designs for the best possible open source natural swimming pool that will be part of the SEGO Center Duplicable City Center. Benefits for the person helping us will be in the form of promotion, referrals, and contributing to something globally transformational. Our goal with this pool creation is to increase public interest and awareness of the benefits of a natural pool while proving its efficacy and safety so counties everywhere can more easily adopt and endorse similar chemical-free systems.
The person choosing to help us will be working most closely with One Community partners and designers of the system to this point: Meg West (Landscape Architect, Permaculturalist, and founder of Meg West Design) and Jennifer Engelmeier (Eco-pool and Spa Specialist and founder of Here is Meg’s initial rendering of what we will be building:
Initial Artistic Rendering of the SEGO Center Natural Pool and Regeneration Zone
Here is the narration of the workings of the proposed system:
The system consists of two separate water bodies: a pond/regeneration zone and a swim zone. These two bodies of water are linked by a circular pumping system that cleans the water without any synthetic chemicals. This is accomplished through an Ozone + UV Sanitation System combined with oxygenation. Water exits the swim zone (swimming pool) through skimmers and is pumped underground through the Ozone + UV Sanitation System which kills viruses, bacteria, breaks down oils and other organics, help prevent TDS buildup, and keeps algae growth down. The water then enters the regeneration pond through a flow form, which oxygenates that water and increases healthy biological activity. In the regeneration zone, which is only 18″ deep, water plants biologically filter the water, which is then pumped through a sand and gravel filter and returned to the swim zone via another oxygenating flow form.
Here is what this now looks like in CAD:
If you or someone you know would like to help us create this, please complete our short General Application Form.