global collaboration, one people, one vision, one world, One Community, we are one, oneness, working together, humanity's vision, group think, helping humanity, helping each other, our planet, it all belongs to us

International One Community Pioneer Applicants

One Community is a global collaborative purposed to build the open source blueprint for a sustainable civilization. In our opinion cultural diversity is a foundation of sustainability and our model for strategic global change is working to represent this. With this in mind, we are excited for international citizens that would like to partner or join the One Community Pioneer Team.



Here are some details and One Community requirements that we feel international applicants should be aware of before applying to become a One Community Pioneer:

Visa: We may be able to help in this area but we can’t guarantee it. Thus far, an H-3 Training Visa appears to be a viable option. What we understand about this visa thus far is that it is good for two years and should be applied for at least 6 months before its intended use. If you apply and are accepted to the Pioneer Team, exploring this option in detail and helping us open source what we learn will be one of our first priorities with you.
Availability: You will need to be available to A) join us on the property with approximately 60-90 days notice and B) be able to remain on the property like the rest of the Pioneer Team with no more than a few days interruption for the first year.
Additional Expenses: Travel expenses and all other expenses not outlined on our Community Pioneer Page are your responsibility.
Internet and Phone: Because we are currently organizing virtually to accomplish everything that needs to be done to move onto the property and start building, all Pioneer Members must have a quality and on-going internet and phone connection.
English Speaking: Having a solid command of the English language will not be as important once we are on the property but the amount of collaboration we are doing right now with Google Docs and the telephone magnify language barriers significantly. For this reason it is important that One Community Pioneer Applicants speak and read fluent English.

Q: Can One Community provide me with a work permit?

Work permits are not an option right now.

Q: Can you provide me with any information on applying for a visa, visa work permits, visa requirements, etc. 

This information is readily available on the internet and so we ask that international applicants please seek answers to your questions from specifically qualified sources to answer them.

Q: What if my visa only allows me to stay for 6 months?

We are open to the possibility of well qualified international applicants that may desire or only be able to stay with us for 6 months. Our preference, however, is applicants with the intent for at least a year of involvement in the building and fulfillment of One Community’s goals.

Q: Your One Community Pioneer Page says that I would own a home after 18 months. If I could work out my visa situation to be present sufficiently for 18 months, how would this home ownership work specifically for non-US citizens?

We don’t know the details yet but we know it is possible and you would be part of the consensus process to create a solution that worked for you.

Q: Could One Community be a path to US Citizenship for me?

One Community is not aware of any way that affiliation with our organization could increase a person’s chances of becoming a US Citizen. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist but adhering to all immigration laws are important to our desire to operate within the boundaries of all existing legal structures, essential to our global goals, and therefore absolutely non-negotiable.

Q: What if I really want to be a part of world change but I don’t want to (or can’t) leave my country?

We’d still love to work with you! Consider joining us as a Satellite Member (click here for the Invitation Form), consultant or partner (click here for the Consultant’s/Partner’s Page), and/or just follow our progress. We expect other communities will follow in different places around the world and we will happily be promoting their success also if they are part of the open source and free-sharing network of teacher/demonstration communities, villages, and cities that we are helping to create. Here are the best ways to follow our progress:

Better yet, the point of One Community is to build living blueprints open source so everyone can then use them for duplication. If you feel like you’d like to see a different version of One Community, we invite you to embrace the the task of working with us and using everything we’ve already created to form another iteration of this idea, with a new set of rules/policies/guidelines, and attract to this idea the people who share your values and thus like your rule sets. In so doing, providing another for The Highest Good of All option with a potentially totally different approach.