Free school online could be the future of education and One Community is happy to feature the Khan Academy as our newest Ethosolution Idea and Ethosolution Organization. The Khan academy free online school/curriculum is easy to use, interesting to watch, covers information as simple as 1+1=2 to college level calculus, and is helping people everywhere in the world make learning easier, free, and fun. The Khan academy free-school offers free online home school courses on mathematics, history, healthcare and medicine, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics, cosmology, organic chemistry, American civics, art history, macroeconomics, microeconomics and computer science.
At the writing of this ethosolution post, the Khan Academy had over 3,600 free courses online and had delivered 218,215,969 lessons (see an updated count at the Khan Academy website). Thank you Salman Khan and the Khan Academy for taking online home schooling and making it free online home schooling for the entire world to benefit and grow from.
For an overview of the Khan Academy, how they came to be, information on their founder, and the complete Ethosolution website please visit our Ethosolution Feature of the Khan Academy found here: