Urban Permaculture for Communities: Re-patterning the Grid

urban permaculture, mark lakeman, city repair, portland oregon architectsVisionary and eco-architect Mark Lakeman is founder of City Repair, Communitecture Architects, and the Planet Repair Institute. Mark goes against the traditional architecture teachings that humanity and nature are separate. Instead he brings these two concepts together, expressing them in beautiful artform. Modeling the plazas of Mexico and South America, Mark is teaching people the foundations of community by showing them the value of building open spaces to sit and gather, gardens, and places to read and drink tea. The end result is creative and beautiful.

Unlike modern architecture designed with a T-square and triangle, Mark designs in relation to the natural landscapes and natural curves and spaces in the community. He also designs according to the wants and needs of the people in the community.

One unique example in this video of designing for the specific wants and needs of the community is the first solar cat palace featuring a built in aquarium for the cats to paw and look at through the glass, passive solar allowing the sun to shine deep inside providing warmth during the colder months, and a solar skylight. End result: the cats and community love it!

urban permaculture, mark lakeman, cat palace, community permaculture

Urban Permaculture utilizes the following building concepts:

┏ Designs according to the natural landscapes of the neighborhood
┏ Designed with open spaces to gather, sit, read and socialize
┏ Designed for the wants and needs of the community
┏ Designed with gardens and art expressing the beauty of the community
┏ Designed to bring people together rather than to separate and seclude

urban permaculture, mark lakeman, oregon architects, city repair

Urban Permaculture and eco architecture is taking us back in time where communities shared and built together. Back to when neighbors knew each other, helped each other out, and could trust that their children were safe. Mark Lakeman’s city repairing and eco architecture designs are what modern society neighborhoods have been missing for far too long and the results of his work are tearing down the walls of isolationism and bringing people together.

Thank you Mark Lakeman for all you are contributing!! Great video!

Mark Lakeman on Urban Permaculture: City Repair, Re-patterning the Grid, Solar Cat Palace

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