Snatam Kaur: Long Time Sun – Thank You!

Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun, Grace AlbumEvery once in a while something comes along that touches a place deep inside you. For me, Snatam Kaur’s song “Long Time Sun” off the album “Grace” had this effect on me and I raised my son singing the song to him from the time he was born; but this blog isn’t about that. This blog is just to say “thank you” to Snatam Kaur and Sopurkh Singh (her husband) for allowing us to use their music on the homepage of the original One Community website long before this website ever existed.

As a big believer in the philosophy of sharing and open source collaboration to create the future we all know is possible, it has been an absolute joy to have Snatam’s music as a part of what we are creating and I firmly believe the pure energy and beauty of this song in particular captures the simple essence of what One Community is doing with its lyrics:

Snatam Kaur - Long Time Sun

Ultimately what we believe we are creating is a model and guide for a new future and vision for happiness and abundance to help shine the light of human compassion, cooperation, and goodness from within each of us, for all of us. In so doing we purpose ourselves to be leaders and pioneers as we guide the global movement on towards the future we all know is possible.

Thank you Snatam and Sopurkh Singh again for what you have created and shared with One Community. I believe we would not be where we are without the infusion of love, energy and magic that your song provided to our original website and to me specifically in my journey to build this vision and blueprint for a better future for us all.

“LONG TIME SUN” played (again) with permission by SNATAM KAUR

May the Long Time Sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on

May the Long Time Sun
Shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light
within you
Guide your way on
Guide your way on

These are beautiful people doing beautiful things!


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