Kim Braman – Apiary/Beekeeping Expert: Kim is a 5th generation beekeeper. At it’s peak, Kim and her father ran a 400-hive bee business emphasizing honey and beeswax production and sales for local food co-ops. Kim and her father also transported hives to local apple orchards and cranberry bogs. One of Kim’s favorite quotes by John Muir is, “when we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.” Today, Kim’s main focus is sustainable beekeeping practices on a smaller scale (10 hives) with an emphasis on queen rearing, helping to reestablish the honeybee population so humanity doesn’t “unhitch” this essential foundation of our food supply. In addition to beekeeping, Kim also has a passion for growing native plants, aquaponics, and writing children’s poetry and short stories about things in Nature. As a One Community Partner, Kim helps answer any questions One Community has about our beekeeping and apiary setup.