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Translation Tutorial

This page is a tutorial on how to translate a page for the One Community WordPress Site. If you’re not already connected to One Community and would like to help translate a page, please visit:


This video will teach you all you need to know:



Additional Resources:

If you have any specific questions on the use of wordpress, you can easily do a Google or Youtube search.

Example search terms: 

  • “Basics of using the wordpress visual editor”
  • “Basics of editing a wordpress post”
  • “How to add hyperlink using wordpress”
  • “How to add anchors using wordpress”
  • “How to edit image attributes using wordpress”

Outline of Video:

Overview of Editing a WordPress Page/Post

  • Tour of what you’ll see on the page (go all the sections briefly)
  • Kitchen Sink / Editing Toolbar
    • show/hide
  • Basic helpful tools & shortcuts
    • Copy & Paste
    • Undo & Redo
  • Refer to resources to learn more about basics of wordpress

Begin editing Page & translating

  • Translate Title
  • Translate URL
  • Translate the content
    • How to Hyperlink (Copy hyperlink over, then edit link text)
    • Anchors & hyperlink: remove URL, should only have #anchortext in the hyperlink
    • Translate link title attribute text (simplify if desired)
  • Translate SEO Yoast
  • Notes & Tips:
    • External links open in new tab
    • Internal links do not
    • Anchor Texts do not include full URL
    • Double checking links & Anchors
  • Update changes
  • How to access your edited pages
  • Submit for review & notify Jae upon completion