The One Community Phase II Collaborative Friends list is a list of people that have gone through the invitation process for Community Pioneers and are a part of the initial stages of helping create One Community but cannot join us as Community Pioneers on day one. For these people we are holding an invitation to join us through the Sponsorship Program as part of the second group of 40 when our infrastructure is sufficient and consensus decides to move forward with Phase II.
Attilio Cesar Guadagno Permaculture Designer and retired Logistics Professional
Bansi Buckley Community Development and Group Dynamics Expert, Healer, Singer and Musician
Bishop Patrick Lang Programmer and Computer and Automotive Repair Specialist
Christine Wilcox Scientist, Educator, Swing Dance Instructor, and Grant Writing Specialist
David Stenhouse Master Sculptor, Musician, and Handyman
Jessica Smith Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, and Artist
Joseph Goldman Designer, Film Director/Producer, Innovator, Digital Artist and Technology Wizard
Judson Frost Community Expert, Yoga Expert, Expert Masseuse, and Holistic Health Professional
Kari Nelson Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, Holistic Healer and Preparer of Sacred Food
Marilyn Newborn Transformative Educator, Writer, Religion and Philosophy Scholar
Pete Egan Food Preparation and Organization, Video Editor, and Community Veteran
Rob Egan Community Veteran, Therapist/Healer, Academic, and Entrepreneur
Thessa Egan Nutritionist, Herbalist, Intuitive and Consciousness Researcher